
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


AbstractAppearance() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.AbstractAppearance
AbstractRegionPoint - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
AbstractStorage<E> - Interface in
AbstractTokenizer - Class in
AbstractTokenizer() - Constructor for class
ACC - Enum constant in enum class
acceptable(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.StringAcceptance
acceptance - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup
acceptNewLocation(E, List<CommanderArea.Wrapper<E>>, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
account - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto.Pop3
Account - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model
Account() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account
Account.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model
AccountDAO - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao
AccountElement - Class in org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts
accountFormDefaultOutgoing() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormEnabled() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountForMessagesAuthorName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormHost() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormLeaveMessageOnServer() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormLogin() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormMessagesAuthorAddress() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormPasswd() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormPort() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormServerType() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormTitle() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormTrustedHosts() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormTypeSelectionPopupName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormUseSsl() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
accountFormUseTls() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
AccountObj - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.script
AccountObj(Account) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.AccountObj
Accounts - Class in org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts
Accounts(Luwrain, Strings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.Accounts
AccountSection - Class in org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts
AccountSection(Accounts, AccountElement) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountSection
accountsSection() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
AccountsSection - Class in org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts
AccountsSection(Accounts, Element) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountsSection
AccountUniRefProc - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete
AccountUniRefProc() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.AccountUniRefProc
actAddFrame() - Method in interface
actAddListItem() - Method in interface
actAddOrdered() - Method in interface
actAddUnordered() - Method in interface
actDisableIndentSpeaking() - Method in interface
actEnableIndentSpeaking() - Method in interface
actGotoLine() - Method in interface
action(String, String, LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Method in class
action(String, String, LayoutBase.ActionHandler, LayoutBase.ActionInfoCondition) - Method in class
action(String, String, InputEvent, LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Method in class
action(String, String, InputEvent, LayoutBase.ActionHandler, LayoutBase.ActionInfoCondition) - Method in class
action(String, InputEvent, Part.ActionProc) - Static method in interface
action(String, Part.ActionProc) - Static method in interface
Action - Class in org.luwrain.core
Action(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Action
Action(String, String, InputEvent) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Action
ACTION - Enum constant in enum class
actionAddAlbum() - Method in interface
actionAddNote() - Method in interface
actionDisconnect() - Method in interface
ActionEvent - Class in
ActionEvent(Action) - Constructor for class
actionHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
actionHideNotes() - Method in interface
actionHideSectionsTree() - Method in interface
actionHistoryPrev() - Method in interface
actionHistoryPrev() - Method in interface
ActionInfo(String, String, LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Constructor for class
ActionInfo(String, String, LayoutBase.ActionHandler, LayoutBase.ActionInfoCondition) - Constructor for class
ActionInfo(String, String, InputEvent, LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Constructor for class
ActionInfo(String, String, InputEvent, LayoutBase.ActionHandler, LayoutBase.ActionInfoCondition) - Constructor for class
actionJumpBackward() - Method in interface
actionJumpForward() - Method in interface
actionNextTrack() - Method in interface
actionOpenFile() - Method in interface
actionOpenUrl() - Method in interface
actionOpenUrl() - Method in interface
actionOpenUrl() - Method in interface
actionPauseResume() - Method in interface
actionPrevTrack() - Method in interface
actionRefresh() - Method in interface
actionRefresh() - Method in interface
actions - Variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
actions(LayoutBase.ActionInfo...) - Method in class
actions(LayoutBase.ActionInfo[], LayoutBase.ActionInfo...) - Method in class
actions(Part.Action...) - Static method in interface
Actions() - Constructor for class
Actions(LayoutBase.ActionInfo[]) - Constructor for class
actionShowGraphical() - Method in interface
actionShowGraphical() - Method in interface
actionShowNotes() - Method in interface
actionShowSectionsTree() - Method in interface
actionStop() - Method in interface
actionStop() - Method in interface
actionStop() - Method in interface
actionVolumeMinus() - Method in interface
actionVolumePlus() - Method in interface
activate(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Disk
activate(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Disk
activatedCorrector - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
activateEditArea(boolean) - Method in class
activateMultilineEdit(String, String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
activateMultilineEdit(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
activateMultilineEdit(String, MutableMarkedLines, MultilineEdit.Params, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
activateNextArea(Luwrain, AreaLayout, Area) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
activatePrevArea(Luwrain, AreaLayout, Area) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
ActiveCorrector() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
actReplace() - Method in interface
actSuggestCorrection() - Method in interface
ACTUAL - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.binder.Case
add(E) - Method in interface
add(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.Hunspell
add(String, Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject
add(AreaLayout) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutSwitch
add(LineMarks.Mark) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.Builder
add(Event) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.dao.EventDAO
add(Account) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.AccountDAO
add(Folder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.FolderDAO
add(MessageMetadata) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.MessageDAO
ADD - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
addAll(List<LineMarks.Mark>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.Builder
addAll(LineMarks.Mark[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.Builder
addAttachment(File) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
addChangesListener(Runnable) - Method in class
addCheckbox(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addCheckbox(String, String, boolean, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addClickable - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj.FrameObj
addClickable(String, WizardArea.WizardClickHandler) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Frame
addClickableImpl(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj.FrameObj
addCommand - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
addCommandTitle(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtension
addDirectory(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
addDirectory(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
addDirectory(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
addDownload(URL, File) - Method in class
addEdit(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Values
addEdit(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addEdit(String, String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addEdit(String, String, String, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addEmptyLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
addEmptyLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
addEmptyLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
addEntry(Registry, String, String) - Static method in interface
addHook - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
addIndent(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.IndentationCorrector
addIndent(int, int) - Method in class
addInput - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj.FrameObj
addInput(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Frame
addINput(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Frame
addInputImpl(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj.FrameObj
additionalArea - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
additionalAreaPos - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
addLang(String, Lang) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtension
addLastLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
addLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
addLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
addLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
addLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
addLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
addLine(String) - Method in interface
AddLine(MutableLines, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.AddLine
addList(String, String, Object, FormArea.ListChoosing, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addListener(Log.Listener) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Log
addListener(Listener) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
addMailAccount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
addMailFolder() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
addNotePopupName() - Method in interface
addNotePopupPrefix() - Method in interface
addParagraph() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
addParagraph(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
addPasswd(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Frame
addPasswd(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Frame
addPasswd(String, String, String, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addProgressLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ProgressArea
addProxyByClass(String, Class, String, I18nExtension) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
addProxyByClassName(String, String, String, I18nExtension) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
addr - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.AddressObj
Address - Class in
Address(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ADDRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
AddressDto - Class in
AddressDto() - Constructor for class
AddressDtoSerializer - Class in
AddressDtoSerializer() - Constructor for class
AddressObj - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.script
AddressUtils - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete
AddressUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.AddressUtils
addShortcut - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
addSpan() - Method in class
addStatic(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addStatic(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addStatic(String, String, Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addStrings(String, String, Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtension
addSubnode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
addSubnode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
addSubnodes(List<Node>) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
addSubnodes(Node[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
addText - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj.FrameObj
addText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Frame
addTextImpl(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj.FrameObj
addTextToBlock(N, B) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
addTextToBlock(Node, WebKitBlock) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
addToModel(int, Supplier<Object>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea.Model
addToModel(int, Supplier<Object>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
addUniRef(String, String, String, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
addWorker - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
adjust(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
adjustHotPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
Album - Class in
Album() - Constructor for class
Album.Type - Enum Class in
albumDeletingPopupName() - Method in interface
albumDeletingPopupText(String) - Method in interface
albumPropPath() - Method in interface
albumPropSavePosition() - Method in interface
albumPropTitle() - Method in interface
albumPropTitleCannotBeEmpty() - Method in interface
albumPropUrl() - Method in interface
albumsAreaName() - Method in interface
albumTypeDir() - Method in interface
albumTypeM3u() - Method in interface
albumTypeSection() - Method in interface
albumTypeStreaming() - Method in interface
ALERT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AnnouncementType
ALERT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
ALERT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
align() - Method in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
all - Variable in class
AllEntriesFilter() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderUtils.AllEntriesFilter
ALLOWED_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator.Flags
ALLOWED_EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator.Flags
ALLOWED_WITHOUT_REGION_POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator.Flags
ALLOWED_WITHOUT_REGION_POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator.Flags
allSubnodesSingleLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
ALT - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_ARROW_UP - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_END - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_HOME - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_PAGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
ALTERNATIVE_PAGE_UP - Enum constant in enum class
altPressed - Variable in class
AnnotationProcessor - Class in org.luwrain.core
AnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AnnotationProcessor
announce - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
announce() - Method in class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
announce(TreeArea.VisibleItem, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
announce(Luwrain, EventResponse.Speech) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.EventResponse
announce(Luwrain, EventResponse.Speech) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Hint
announce(Luwrain, EventResponse.Speech) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Letter
announce(Luwrain, EventResponse.Speech) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.ListItem
announce(Luwrain, EventResponse.Speech) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Text
announce(Luwrain, EventResponse.Speech) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
announce(Iterator, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
announce(Iterator, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Announcement
ANNOUNCE_LINE - Enum constant in enum class
announceActiveArea() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
announceBlockLine(Block, BlockLine) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.Appearance
announceChar(String, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
announceEntry(E, CommanderArea.EntryType, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Appearance
announceEntry(FileObject, CommanderArea.EntryType, boolean) - Method in class
announceEntry(File, CommanderArea.EntryType, boolean) - Method in class
announceFirstBlockLine(Block, BlockLine) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.Appearance
announceItem(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Appearance
announceItem(E, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance
announceItem(E, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultAppearance
announceItem(E, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
announceItem(E, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Appearance
announceItem(Object, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance
announceItem(Object, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Appearance
announceItem(CommanderArea.Wrapper<E>, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListAppearanceImpl
announceItem(EditListPopup.Item, Set<EditListPopup.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Appearance
announceItem(EditListPopup.Item, Set<EditListPopup.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultAppearance
announceLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
announceLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
announceLine(int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Appearance
announceLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultEditAreaAppearance
announceLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
announceLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
announceLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SpellCheckingEditArea
announceLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
announceLocation(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Appearance
announceLocation(FileObject) - Method in class
announceLocation(File) - Method in class
announcement - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
announcement - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
announcement - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
announcement(String, Luwrain.AnnouncementType, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
ANNOUNCEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
ANNOUNCEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
ANNOUNCEMENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
announceNonSection(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
announceRow() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
announceRow(TableArea.Model, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultTableAppearance
announceRow(TableArea.Model, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Appearance
announceSection(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
announceSelected() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
announceText(Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
answer - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery
answer - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery
answer - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.queries.CurrentDirQuery
answer(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.CurrentDirQuery
answer(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.RegionTextQuery
answer(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UniRefAreaQuery
answer(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UniRefHotPointQuery
answer(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UrlAreaQuery
answer(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UrlHotPointQuery
answer(BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery
answer(BeginListeningQuery.Answer) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery
Answer() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer
Answer() - Constructor for class
Answer(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer
Answer(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.Answer
Answer(BkgSounds) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer
answerTaken() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes.ExpectedType
ApiClient - Class in
ApiClient() - Constructor for class
app - Variable in class
app(String) - Method in interface
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in
App - Class in org.luwrain.interaction.javafx
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class
App() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.App
App(String) - Constructor for class
App(String) - Constructor for class
App(String) - Constructor for class
App(Throwable, Application, Area) - Constructor for class
App(JobsManager) - Constructor for class
App(TermInfo) - Constructor for class
App(TermInfo, String) - Constructor for class
APP_DOC_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
APP_DOCX_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
APP_PDF_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
APP_XLSX_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
AppBase<S> - Class in
AppBase(String, Class<S>) - Constructor for class
AppBase(String, Class<S>, String) - Constructor for class
AppBase.TaskRunnable - Interface in
appClass - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcut
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.Params
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListAppearanceImpl
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Params
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
appearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
Appearance(ControlContext) - Constructor for class
Appearance(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup.Appearance
Appearance(ControlContext, FileSystemManager) - Constructor for class
append(LogEvent) - Method in class
Application - Interface in org.luwrain.core
A general interface for objects suitable for running in LUWRAIN as an application.
APPLICATIONS - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
appName() - Method in interface
AppNoArgs - Annotation Interface in org.luwrain.core.annotations
ARCHIVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
area - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
area - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
area(String) - Method in interface
Area - Class in org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts
Area - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Area is a fundamental entity of Luwrain interface.
AREA_ANNOUNCE_SELECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Flags
AREA_CLEAR - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
AREA_LAYOUT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
AREA_LAYOUT_DOUBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
AREA_LAYOUT_TRIPLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
AREA_REGION_POINT_SET - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
areaFactory - Variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
AreaLayout - Class in org.luwrain.core
AreaLayout(Area) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
AreaLayout(AreaLayout.Type, Area[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
AreaLayout(AreaLayout.Type, Area, Area) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
AreaLayout(AreaLayout.Type, Area, Area, Area) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
AreaLayout.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
AreaLayoutHelper - Class in org.luwrain.core
AreaLayoutHelper(AreaLayoutHelper.UpdateNotification) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
AreaLayoutHelper(AreaLayoutHelper.UpdateNotification, Area) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
AreaLayoutHelper(AreaLayoutHelper.UpdateNotification, AreaLayout) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
AreaLayoutHelper.Position - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
AreaLayoutHelper.UpdateNotification - Interface in org.luwrain.core
AreaLayoutSwitch - Class in org.luwrain.core
AreaLayoutSwitch(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutSwitch
areaName - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
areaName - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
areaName - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
areaName - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
areaName() - Method in interface
AreaQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core
AreaQuery(int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
AreaScriptAttr - Interface in org.luwrain.core
AreaWrapperFactory - Interface in org.luwrain.core
AreaWrapperFactory.Disabling - Interface in org.luwrain.core
arrangeListItems() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
ArrayModel(ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel.Source<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel
ArrayModel(ListUtils.ArrayModel.Source<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ArrayModel
ARROW_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
ARROW_LEFT - Enum constant in enum class
ARROW_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class
ARROW_UP - Enum constant in enum class
Article - Class in
Article() - Constructor for class
asArray(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
asBoolean(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
asFile() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ScriptFile
asInt(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
ask(Area, AreaQuery) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
asList(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
asListOfNativeObjects(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
asNumber(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
asString(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
asStringArray(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
AsyncFunction - Interface in org.luwrain.script
AsyncUtils - Class in org.luwrain.script
AsyncUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.AsyncUtils
atRowEnd() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
attachmentCounter - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
attachments - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
ATTENTION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
Attributes - Class in
Attributes() - Constructor for class
attrMap - Variable in class
attrs - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.ExtraInfo
AUDIO - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes.ExpectedType
AudioFragment - Class in
AudioFragment(String) - Constructor for class
AudioFragment(String, long) - Constructor for class
AudioFragment(String, long, long) - Constructor for class
authorize(String) - Method in interface
authorize(String) - Method in class


backCh(char) - Method in class
backCh(char) - Method in class
BACKGROUND_SOUND - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
BACKGROUND_SOUNDS_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
BackgroundSoundQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
BackgroundSoundQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery
BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
BACKSPACE - Enum constant in enum class
BACKSPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item.Type
base - Variable in class
base - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
Base - Class in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
Base(Control, Strings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
BASE64 - Static variable in class
baseUrl - Variable in class
BashProcess - Class in org.luwrain.linux
BashProcess(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
BashProcess(String, String, Set<BashProcess.Flags>, BashProcess.Listener) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
BashProcess(String, Set<BashProcess.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
BashProcess(String, Set<BashProcess.Flags>, BashProcess.Listener) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
BashProcess.EmptyListener - Class in org.luwrain.linux
BashProcess.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.linux
BashProcess.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.linux
Basic - Class in
Basic(File, File, File) - Constructor for class
basicArea - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
basicCorrector - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
basicLayout - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
BEGIN_LISTENING - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
BEGIN_OF_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
BEGIN_OF_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
BEGIN_OF_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
BEGIN_OF_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
BEGIN_OF_TREE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
beginChildEnumeration(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModel
beginChildEnumeration(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Model
beginEditTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
beginEditTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
beginHotPointTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
beginHotPointTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
beginHotPointTrans() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPointControl
beginHotPointTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
BeginListeningQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
BeginListeningQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery
BeginListeningQuery.Answer - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
BeginListeningQuery.PositionedAnswer - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
beginPos - Variable in class
beginPosMsec() - Method in class
BELL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item.Type
between(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.RangeUtils
BinaryMessage - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete
BinaryMessage() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.BinaryMessage
BinderStoring - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.binder
Bindings - Class in org.luwrain.linux.script
Bindings - Interface in org.luwrain.script.core
Bindings(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.script.Bindings
bindWidthAndHeight(StackPane) - Method in class org.luwrain.graphical.ResizableCanvas
BIRTHDAY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
bkgColor - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
BkgSounds - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
BLACK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
Block - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.block
Block() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.BlockGeom.Block
BLOCK_DEV_ADDED - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Hooks
BLOCK_DEV_REMOVED - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Hooks
BlockArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls.block
BlockArea(BlockArea.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
BlockArea.Appearance - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.block
BlockArea.ClickHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.block
BlockArea.Params - Class in org.luwrain.controls.block
blockBounds(EditArea, int, BiPredicate<String, LineMarks>, BiConsumer<MarkedLines, Integer>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils
blockBounds(FormArea, int, BiPredicate<String, LineMarks>, BiConsumer<MarkedLines, Integer>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils
blockBounds(MarkedLines, int, BiPredicate<String, LineMarks>, BiConsumer<MarkedLines, Integer>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils
BlockDevices - Class in org.luwrain.linux
BlockDevices() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.BlockDevices
BLOCKED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
BlockGeom - Class in org.luwrain.web
BlockGeom(List<? extends BlockGeom.Block>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.BlockGeom
BlockGeom.Block - Class in org.luwrain.web
BlockIterator - Class in org.luwrain.controls.block
BlockIterator(BlockArea) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockIterator
BlockLine - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.block
blocks - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
blocks - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.BlockGeom
blocks - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocks
BlocksCollector<N,B> - Class in org.luwrain.web
BlocksCollector() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
BLUE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
body - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
bold - Variable in class
book - Variable in class
Book - Interface in
Book.Flags - Enum Class in
Book.Section - Class in
BookFactory - Class in
BookFactory() - Constructor for class
bookTreeRoot() - Method in interface
BOOLEAN - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputPos
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper.Position
BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Position
Braille - Class in
Braille - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Braille(BrailleImpl) - Constructor for class
BRAILLE - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
BRAILLE_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
BrailleImpl - Class in org.luwrain.core
BrailleImpl() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.BrailleImpl
BREAK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.HookContainer.HookResult
BRIEF - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance.Flags
BRIEF - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Appearance.Flags
BRIEF_ANNOUNCEMENT_ONLY - Static variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
BRING_FOREGROUND - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.MonoApp.Result
BrlApi - Class in org.luwrain.linux
BrlApi() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.BrlApi
BROADCAST - Enum constant in enum class
broadcastFilterAreaClassName - Variable in class
broadcastFilterUniRef - Variable in class
BUF_SIZE - Static variable in class org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils
build() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.Builder
buildDoc(File, Properties) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.DocumentBuilder
buildDoc(InputStream, Properties) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.DocumentBuilder
buildDoc(String, Properties) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.DocumentBuilder
Builder(LineMarks) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.Builder
buildMarks() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellText
buildRows(RowPart[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
buildRows(RowPart[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
busy() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ProcessGroup
button(String, Closure) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate
ButtonDelegate() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate.ButtonDelegate
ByNameComparator() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderUtils.ByNameComparator


CachedTreeModel - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CachedTreeModel(CachedTreeModelSource) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModel
CachedTreeModel.CacheItem - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CachedTreeModelSource - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
calcAbsRowNums(RowPart[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
calcAbsRowNums(RowPart[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
calcRowsPosition(Row[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
calcRowsPosition(Row[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
CalendarArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CalendarArea(ControlContext, Calendar) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
call(String[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Parted.Caller
call(String[]) - Method in interface
call(String[]) - Method in interface
call(String, String, Closure) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.WizardGroovyController
call(Callable<Object>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.graphical.FxThread
callback - Variable in class
callUiSafely(Callable) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
CAN_NOTIFY_WHEN_FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Engine.Features
CAN_SYNTH_TO_SPEAKERS - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Engine.Features
CAN_SYNTH_TO_STREAM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Engine.Features
cancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.listening.Listening
cancel() - Method in interface
cancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class
CANCEL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
cancelDownload(InputStream) - Method in interface
cancelDownload(InputStream) - Method in class
cancelled - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
cancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
CANCELLED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Status
cancelTask() - Method in class
cancelTask() - Method in class
cancelUpload(InputStream) - Method in interface
cancelUpload(InputStream) - Method in class
canHandleUrl(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.cli.YtDlpFileFetcher
canHandleUrl(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher
canMoveNext() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
canMoveNext() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
canMovePrev() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
canMovePrev() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
Case - Class in org.luwrain.pim.binder
Case() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.binder.Case
category - Variable in class
cc - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
CcEditPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups.pim
CcEditPopup(Luwrain, Strings, ContactsStoring, String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.pim.CcEditPopup
ccEditPopupName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.pim.Strings
CenteredArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CenteredArea(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
CenteredArea(ControlContext, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
ch - Variable in class
chainOfResponsibility(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
ChainOfResponsibilityHook - Class in org.luwrain.script.hooks
ChainOfResponsibilityHook(HookContainer) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ChainOfResponsibilityHook
chainOfResponsibilityNoExc(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
change(MultilineCorrector.Change) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector
change(MultilineCorrector.Change) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Model
change(MultilineCorrector.Change) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
Change(MultilineCorrector.ChangeType, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
changeListeners - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
changeListeners - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
Channel - Interface in org.luwrain.speech
Channel.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.speech
Channel.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.speech
Channel.Result - Class in org.luwrain.speech
Channel.Result.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.speech
Channel.SyncParams - Class in org.luwrain.speech
charArg - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
charOfSentenceEnd(char) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
chars - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.InsertCharsChange
chars - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
chars - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
chars - Variable in class
CHARS_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
CHARSET - Static variable in class
CHAT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AnnouncementType
CHAT_MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
chdir(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
check(String) - Method in class
check(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.SpellChecker
CHECKBOX - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
checkInterrupted() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
checkInterrupted() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Control
checkInterrupted() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.DefaultControl
checkPos(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
checkPos(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
Checks - Class in org.luwrain.core.util
Checks() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.util.Checks
chooseFormListItem(Area, String, Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.ListChoosing
chooseFormListItem(Area, String, Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormUtils.FixedListChoosing
chooseMailForContactPopupName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.pim.Strings
ChooseMailPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups.pim
ChooseMailPopup(Luwrain, Strings, ContactsStoring, ContactsFolder) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
ChooseMailPopup.Appearance - Class in org.luwrain.popups.pim
ChooseMailPopup.Model - Class in org.luwrain.popups.pim
chooseMailPopupName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.pim.Strings
Chromite - Class in org.luwrain.web.chromite
Chromite() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Chromite
classLoader - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
className - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleObjFactory
className - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
ClassPart - Class in
ClassPart(String) - Constructor for class
ClassUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
ClassUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.ClassUtils
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
clear() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
clear() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
CLEAR - Enum constant in enum class
CLEAR_INPUT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputHandler.Result
CLEAR_REGION - Enum constant in enum class
clearAreaWrappers() - Method in class
clearMarks() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
clearMarks() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.MarksInfo
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
clearRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
click(WizardArea.WizardValues) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardClickable
CLICK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
CLICKABLE_LIST_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Suggestions
clickableCount - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.Params
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
clickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Params
clickImpl(int, CommanderArea.Wrapper<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
Clipboard - Class in org.luwrain.core
Clipboard() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
CLIPBOARD - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance.Flags
CLIPBOARD_COPY - Enum constant in enum class
CLIPBOARD_COPY_ALL - Enum constant in enum class
CLIPBOARD_COPY_ALL - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
CLIPBOARD_CUT - Enum constant in enum class
CLIPBOARD_PASTE - Enum constant in enum class
clipboardSaver - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
clipboardSaver - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
clipboardSource - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.LinesClipboardProvider
clipboardTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
clipboardTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
clipboardTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
clipboardTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
clipboardTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
clipboardTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
clipboardTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
ClipboardTranslator - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ClipboardTranslator(ClipboardTranslator.Provider, AbstractRegionPoint, Set<ClipboardTranslator.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator
ClipboardTranslator.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
ClipboardTranslator.Provider - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
clone() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
clone() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator.OperationFinishing
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
close() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Extension
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ExtensionsManager
close() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
close() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction.GraphicalModeControl
close() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.ControlPanel
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Extension
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.Hunspell
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Factory
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.Extension
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.Module
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
close() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in class
close() - Method in interface
close() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Chromite
close(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
CLOSE - Enum constant in enum class
closeAdditionalArea() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in class
closeApp() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
closeApp() - Method in class
closeBrace() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
closed - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
closeDownload(String) - Method in interface
closeEditing() - Method in class
closeEditing() - Method in interface
closeTempLayout() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
closing - Variable in class
closing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
closing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
closing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
closing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
closing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
closing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
closing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
Clouds() - Constructor for class
cls - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice
CMDARG_LANG - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.util.Checks
CmdLine - Class in org.luwrain.core
CmdLine(String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.CmdLine
cmdName - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcutCommand
cod - Variable in class
code - Variable in class
COLLAPSED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem.Type
COLLAPSED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
collect(List<E>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Collector
collector(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
collectorForArrays(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
CollectorHook - Class in org.luwrain.script.hooks
CollectorHook(HookContainer) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.hooks.CollectorHook
color - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
combinePersonalAndAddr(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.AddressUtils
command(String[]) - Method in class
Command - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Context-independent action in the system.
Command() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.Command
COMMAND_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
COMMANDER_LOCATION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
CommanderArea<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea(CommanderArea.Params<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
CommanderArea.Appearance<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.ClickHandler<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.ClickHandler.Result - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.EntryType - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.Filter<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.ListAppearanceImpl<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.ListModelAdapter<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.Model<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.NativeItem<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.Params<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderArea.Wrapper<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
commanderEntrySuits(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Filter
commanderEntrySuits(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderUtils.AllEntriesFilter
commanderEntrySuits(FileObject) - Method in class
commanderEntrySuits(File) - Method in class
CommanderPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
CommanderPopup(Luwrain, String, File, CommanderArea.Filter<File>, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
CommanderUtils - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderUtils
CommanderUtils.AllEntriesFilter<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderUtils.ByNameComparator<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
CommanderUtilsFile - Class in
CommanderUtilsFile() - Constructor for class
CommanderUtilsFile.Appearance - Class in
CommanderUtilsFile.Filter - Class in
CommanderUtilsFile.Filter.Flags - Enum Class in
CommanderUtilsFile.Model - Class in
CommanderUtilsVfs - Class in
CommanderUtilsVfs() - Constructor for class
CommanderUtilsVfs.Appearance - Class in
CommanderUtilsVfs.Model - Class in
CommanderUtilsVfs.NoHiddenFilter - Class in
commands - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
comment - Variable in class
commit() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
commit() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
commit() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
CommonList - Class in
CommonList() - Constructor for class
CommonList.Type - Enum Class in
commonRange(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.RangeUtils
commonRangeByBounds(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.RangeUtils
comparator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
comparator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
compare(E, E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderUtils.ByNameComparator
compareTo(Object) - Method in class
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolder
compareTo(Object) - Method in class
compareTo(Object) - Method in class
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
compareTo(Object) - Method in class
compareTo(BlockGeom.Block) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlockGeom.Block
CompilationException - Exception Class in
CompilationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class
completed - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
completed() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Status
COMPLETED - Static variable in interface
component - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.Log.Message
confirmation - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
confirmation - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea.Params
confirmDefaultNo - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.PopupsObj
confirmDefaultNo(Luwrain, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
confirmDefaultYes - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.PopupsObj
confirmDefaultYes(Luwrain, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
confirmDeleting(EditableListArea<E>, EditableListArea.Model<E>, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea.Confirmation
connect(URI, long) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.Connections
connect(WifiNetwork, String) - Method in class
connectingTo(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
connectionEstablished() - Method in interface
connectionEstablished(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
connectionPopupName() - Method in interface
Connections - Class in org.luwrain.pim
Connections - Class in org.luwrain.util
Connections() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.Connections
Connections() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.Connections
Connections.InvalidHttpResponseCodeException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.util
consoleAppearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
ConsoleArea<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleArea(ConsoleArea.Params<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
ConsoleArea.Appearance<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleArea.ClickHandler<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleArea.InputHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleArea.InputHandler.Result - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleArea.InputPos - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleArea.Model<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleArea.Params<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
consoleClickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
consoleInputHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
consoleModel - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
consoleParams(LayoutBase.ConsoleParams<E>) - Method in class
ConsoleReader - Class in org.luwrain.linux
ConsoleReader() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
ConsoleReader.Item - Class in org.luwrain.linux
ConsoleReader.Item.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.linux
ConsoleUtils - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils
ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel.Source<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ConsoleUtils.ListModel<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
constants - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
constructDayStringForSpeech(Calendar) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
constructLineForScreen(TreeArea.VisibleItem) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
constructNode(Object, TreeArea.Node, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
Contact - Class in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
Contact() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Contact
contactDoesntHaveMail(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.pim.Strings
Contacts - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
ContactsFolder - Class in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
ContactsFolder() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolder
ContactsFolders - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
ContactsStoring - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
ContactValue - Class in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
ContactValue() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue
ContactValue.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
Container - Class in
Container() - Constructor for class
ContainerItem - Interface in
content - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
content - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
content - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
content - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
content - Variable in class
ContentTypes - Class in org.luwrain.core
ContentTypes() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
ContentTypes.ExpectedType - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultAppearance
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Params
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class
context - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
CONTEXT_MENU - Enum constant in enum class
ContextMenu - Class in
ContextMenu(Luwrain, Action[]) - Constructor for class
CONTINUE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.HookContainer.HookResult
continueEventLoop() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
control - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
control - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
control - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
control - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
Control - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class
CONTROL - Enum constant in enum class
controlAreaName() - Method in interface
controlContext - Variable in class
ControlContext - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ControlPanel - Interface in org.luwrain.cpanel
ControlPanelApp - Class in
ControlPanelApp(Factory[]) - Constructor for class
controlPressed - Variable in class
Conv - Class in
Conversations - Class in
Conversations(Luwrain) - Constructor for class
coord - Variable in class
Coord() - Constructor for class
Coordinates - Class in
Coordinates(String, String, String, double, double, double[]) - Constructor for class
CoordinatesDto - Class in
CoordinatesDto() - Constructor for class
CoordinatesDtoDeserializer - Class in
CoordinatesDtoDeserializer() - Constructor for class
COPIED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
copyAllBytes(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils
copyAllBytes(InputStream, OutputStream, StreamUtils.Progress, StreamUtils.Interrupting) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils
copyValues(NewsArticle) - Method in class
copyValues(NewsGroup) - Method in class
corrector - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
CorrectorChangeListener(MultilineEditCorrector) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
countByUriInGroup(NewsGroup, String) - Method in interface
countMarkedInGroups(NewsGroup[]) - Method in interface
countNewInGroup(NewsGroup) - Method in interface
countNewInGroups(NewsGroup[]) - Method in interface
country - Variable in class
covers(String, long) - Method in class
covers(String, long, URL) - Method in class
coversPos(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
coversPos(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
crash(Exception) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
crash(Throwable) - Method in class
crash(Throwable) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
crash(App) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
create(Context, Object, AsyncFunction) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.script.AsyncFunction
create(String, File) - Method in class
create(String, Class) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.ResourceStringsObj
create(Luwrain) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.popups.pim.Strings
create(Luwrain, String, URL, String, Class) - Static method in class org.luwrain.i18n.PropertiesProxy
create(Luwrain, String, Properties, String, Class) - Static method in class org.luwrain.i18n.PropertiesProxy
create(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Settings
create(Registry) - Static method in interface
create(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
create(Registry) - Static method in interface
create(Registry, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.RegistryProxy
createAppender(String, Filter) - Static method in class
createAreaWrapper(Area, AreaWrapperFactory.Disabling) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.AreaWrapperFactory
createAsyncFunc(Context) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.AsyncUtils
createAudioFormat(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.SoundUtils
createBackgroundSounds(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createBinderStoring() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.binder.Factory
createBlock(N) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
createBlock(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
createBraille(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createCurrentSoundScheme(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createDateTime(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createDefaultCaller() - Static method in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
createDefaultCaller() - Static method in class
createDefaultCaller() - Static method in class
createEdit(EditArea.Params) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
createEditAreaInputEventHook() - Method in class
createEditAreaInputEventHook() - Method in class
createEditParams() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
createEntry(Registry, int) - Static method in interface
createEnumSet(Set<E>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
createFileTypeAppInfo(Registry, String) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createFrame - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj
createFrameImpl(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj
createHotKey(Registry, String) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createI18n(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createInteractionParams(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createLayout() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
createLayout() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
createListItems(WebSearchResult) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
createListParams(CommanderArea.Params<E>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
createListParams(TreeListArea.Params) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
createMailFolders(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.pim.Settings
createMailServerParams(Account) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
createMainMenuSection(Registry, String) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createMultilineEditParams(ControlContext, MutableLines) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
createNetwork(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createNetwork(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings
createParams(ControlContext) - Static method in class
createParams(ControlContext) - Static method in class
createParams(Luwrain, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
createParams(Luwrain, String, WebSearchResult) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
createParams(Luwrain, String, Strings, ContactsStoring, ContactsFolder) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
createPersonalInfo(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createSection(Element) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Factory
createSection(Element) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.browser.SettingsFactory
createSection(Element) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.Factory
createSection(Element) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.StandardFactory
createSpeechParams(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createSubdirs(File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
createTempFile(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
createUserInterface(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
createWaveHeader(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.SoundUtils
createWaveHeader(AudioFormat, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.SoundUtils
createWizardArea - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
current - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
current - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
CURRENT_DIR - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
CURRENT_SOUND_SCHEME_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
CurrentDirQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
CurrentDirQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.CurrentDirQuery
currentLocation - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
CustomMessageException - Exception Class in
CustomMessageException(String[]) - Constructor for exception class
CUT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
CYAN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
CYCLED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Flags
CYRIL - Enum constant in enum class


DARK_GRAY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
DAT - Enum constant in enum class
DATA_BINARY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
DATA_DIR - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.Message
DATETIME_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
deactivate() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
deactivate(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Disk
deactivate(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Disk
deactivateCorrector() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
debug(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Log
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Log.Level
decodeText(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.BinaryMessage
DecreaseTemplateDepth() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.BinaryMessage
DEFAULT_FLAGS - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
DEFAULT_INCOMING - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.FolderProperties
DEFAULT_ITERATOR_INDEX_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
DEFAULT_ITERATOR_INDEX_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
DEFAULT_ITERATOR_INDEX_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
DEFAULT_MAILING_LISTS - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.FolderProperties
DEFAULT_MAX_LINE_LEN - Static variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
DEFAULT_MESSAGE_LINE_LEN - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Settings
DEFAULT_OUTGOING - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.FolderProperties
DEFAULT_POPUP_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
DEFAULT_SENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.FolderProperties
DEFAULT_USER_AGENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.util.Connections
defaultAnnouncement(ControlContext, UniRefInfo, Sounds, Suggestions) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
DefaultAnnouncement - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
DefaultAnnouncement(ControlContext, DefaultAnnouncement.TextPreprocessor, Strings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
DefaultAnnouncement(ControlContext, Strings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
DefaultAnnouncement.TextPreprocessor - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.reader
DefaultAppearance(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultAppearance
DefaultAppearance(ControlContext, Suggestions) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultAppearance
DefaultAppearance(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultAppearance
DefaultAppearance(Luwrain, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultAppearance
defaultClick() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
defaultClickable - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
DefaultClipboardSaver() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultClipboardSaver
DefaultControl - Class in org.luwrain.pim.workers
DefaultControl(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.workers.DefaultControl
DefaultControlContext - Class in org.luwrain.controls
DefaultControlContext(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
defaultCorrector - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
defaultDir - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup
DefaultDisksPopupFactory - Class in org.luwrain.linux
DefaultDisksPopupFactory - Class in
DefaultDisksPopupFactory() - Constructor for class
DefaultEditableModel(Class<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
DefaultEditableModel(Class<E>, E[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
DefaultEditableModel(Class<E>, List<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
DefaultEditAreaAppearance(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultEditAreaAppearance
DefaultEditAreaAppearance(ControlContext, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultEditAreaAppearance
defaultEntryAnnouncement(ControlContext, String, CommanderArea.EntryType, boolean) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderUtils
DefaultEventResponse - Class in org.luwrain.core
DefaultEventResponse() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
DefaultItem() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
DefaultItem(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
DefaultItem(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
defaultLineAnnouncement(ControlContext, int, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
DefaultLineMarks - Class in org.luwrain.controls
DefaultLineMarks.Builder - Class in org.luwrain.controls
DefaultLineMarks.MarkImpl - Class in org.luwrain.controls
DefaultMarksInfo() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
DefaultMultilineEditAppearance(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
defaultRes - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
DefaultTableAppearance - Class in org.luwrain.controls
DefaultTableAppearance(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultTableAppearance
DefaultTransition - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
DefaultTransition() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultTransition
DefaultTransition() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
defPath - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
delete(Contact) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Contacts
delete(ContactsFolder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolders
delete(MailMessage) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.MailMessages
delete(Account) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.AccountDAO
delete(MessageMetadata) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.MessageDAO
delete(NewsGroup) - Method in interface
delete(NewsGroup, NewsArticle) - Method in interface
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class
DELETE_CHAR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
DELETE_FRAGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
deleteAccount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
deleteCase(StoredCase) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.BinderStoring
deleteChar(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
deleteChar(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
deleteChar(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
deleteChar(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
deleteChar(int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
deleteChar(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
deleteChar(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
DeleteCharChange(int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.DeleteCharChange
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.MessageMetadata.State
deleteDesktopItemConfirmation(String) - Method in class
deleteDesktopItemsConfirmation(int) - Method in class
deleteDirectory(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
deleteDirectory(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
deleteDirectory(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
deleteFile - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
DeleteFragmentChange(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.DeleteFragmentChange
deleteIndent(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.IndentationCorrector
deleteIndent(int) - Method in class
deleteItemsPopup(Integer) - Method in interface
deleteItemsPopupName() - Method in interface
deleteMailFolder() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
deleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
deleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
deleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
deleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
deleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
deleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
deleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
deleteSingleItemPopup(String) - Method in interface
deleteValue(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
deleteValue(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
deleteValue(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
description - Variable in class
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class
Desktop - Class in
Desktop - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Desktop() - Constructor for class
DESKTOP_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
DESKTOP_UNIREFS_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
DesktopItem - Class in
DesktopItem() - Constructor for class
DesktopItem(String, String) - Constructor for class
DesktopItem(UniRefInfo) - Constructor for class
destFile - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
destFile - Variable in class
detectLang(CmdLine) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.util.Checks
detectUserDataDir() - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Init
DEV - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.BlockDevices
DiaryPersistence - Class in org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence
DiaryPersistence() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.DiaryPersistence
DiaryPersistence.Operation - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence
DIR - Enum constant in enum class
DIR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
DIR_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
dirAlbumPath() - Method in class
DirAlbumPropertiesLayout - Class in
DirAlbumPropertiesLayout(App, Album, LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Constructor for class
directGeocoding(String) - Method in class
DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaAttr
dirItems() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
disableAreaWrapper() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.AreaWrapperFactory.Disabling
disconnect() - Method in class
disconnectCurrentConnection(String) - Method in interface
Disk - Class in org.luwrain.linux.disks
DISK_ADDED - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Hooks
DISK_REMOVED - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Hooks
DiskClient - Interface in
disks(Luwrain, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
Disks - Class in org.luwrain.linux.disks
Disks() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Disks
disksAreaName() - Method in interface
DisksPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
DisksPopup(Luwrain, String, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
DisksPopup.Disk - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
DisksPopup.Disks - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
DisksPopup.Factory - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
DisksPopup.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.popups
DO_NOTHING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.MonoApp.Result
doAuth - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
doc - Variable in class
doc - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
doc - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
doc - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
doc - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
DOC_SECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
doCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
document - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
document - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
document - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
Document - Class in
Document - Class in org.luwrain.reader
Document(String, Node) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.Document
Document(Root, String) - Constructor for class
Document(Node) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.Document
DocumentBuilder - Interface in org.luwrain.reader
DocumentBuilderFactory - Interface in org.luwrain.reader
DocumentBuilderLoader - Class in org.luwrain.reader
DocumentBuilderLoader() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.DocumentBuilderLoader
doEditAction(TextEditAction) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
doEditAction(TextEditAction) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
doEditAction(TextEditAction) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
doEditAction(TextEditAction) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
doEditAction(TextEditAction) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditCorrector
doEditAction(TextEditAction) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
doEditAction(TextEditAction) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
DONE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
doOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
doOperation(Session) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.DiaryPersistence.Operation
doOperation(Session) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.MailPersistence.Operation
doTextEdit(MutableLines, HotPointControl) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.TextEditAction
doTextEdit(MutableLines, HotPointControl) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TextEditAction
DoubleLevelAppearance(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
DoubleLevelTransition(ListArea.Model<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelTransition
download(String) - Method in interface
download(String) - Method in class
DOWNLOAD_PATH - Static variable in interface
DownloadManager - Interface in
DownloadManager.Flags - Enum Class in
DownloadManagerFactory - Interface in
DownloadManagerFactory.Params - Class in
draftsFolder() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Strings
drawHorizontalLine(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
drawHorizontalLine(int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
drawText(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
drawText(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
drawText(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
drawText(int, int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
drawVerticalLine(int, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
drawVerticalLine(int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
driver - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice
dt - Variable in class
dup2(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
DynamicModel() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel


EACH_LINE - Enum constant in enum class
edit - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
edit - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
edit - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
edit - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
edit - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
EDIT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
EDIT_INPUT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
EditableListArea<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
EditableListArea(EditableListArea.Params<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
EditableListArea.Confirmation<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
EditableListArea.Model<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
EditableListArea.Params<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
editableListModel - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
EditableListPopup<E> - Class in org.luwrain.popups
EditableListPopup(Luwrain, EditableListArea.Params<E>, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
EditArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditArea(EditArea.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
EditArea.Appearance - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditArea.ChangeListener - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditArea.EditFactory - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditArea.EditUpdating - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditArea.InputEventListener - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditArea.Params - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditAreaObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.controls
EditAreaObj(EditArea) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
EditAreaObj(EditArea, MutableLines) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
EditAugmentationUtils - Class in
EditAugmentationUtils(MultilineEditCorrector) - Constructor for class
EditCorrectorHooks - Class in org.luwrain.script.controls
A translator of text correcting operations to hooks actions.
EditCorrectorHooks(HookContainer, MultilineEditCorrector, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
EditCorrectors - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditCorrectors() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors
EditCorrectors.IndentationCorrector - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditCorrectors.WordWrapCorrector - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
editFactory - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
Editing - Interface in
Editing session of a source files.
EditListPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopup(Luwrain, EditListPopup.Model, String, String, String, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
EditListPopup(Luwrain, EditListPopup.Model, EditListPopup.Appearance, String, String, String, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
EditListPopup.Appearance - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopup.Appearance.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopup.Item - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopup.Model - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopupUtils - Class in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopupUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils
EditListPopupUtils.DefaultAppearance - Class in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem - Class in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel - Class in org.luwrain.popups
EditListPopupUtils.FixedModel - Class in org.luwrain.popups
editParams(LayoutBase.EditParams) - Method in class
EditSpellChecking - Class in org.luwrain.controls
EditSpellChecking(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.EditSpellChecking
EditSpellChecking(Luwrain, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.EditSpellChecking
editUpdate(MutableMarkedLines, HotPointControl) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.EditUpdating
editUpdate(MutableMarkedLines, HotPointControl) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.MultilineEditUpdating
EditUtils - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils
EditUtils.ActiveCorrector - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
Implements a listener of all changes in MultilineEdit.Model.
EditUtils.DefaultEditAreaAppearance - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
EditUtils.EmptyCorrector - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
editWithHistory(Luwrain, String, String, String, Set<String>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
editWithHistory(Luwrain, String, String, String, Set<String>, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
element - Variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
Element - Class in
Element - Class in org.luwrain.web.chromite
Element - Interface in org.luwrain.cpanel
Element() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
Element(long, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class
ElementDto - Class in
ElementDto() - Constructor for class
ElementDtoDeserializer - Class in
ElementDtoDeserializer() - Constructor for class
ElementMapper - Class in
ElementMapper() - Constructor for class
Elements - Class in org.luwrain.web.chromite
Elements() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Elements
EmbeddedEdit - Class in org.luwrain.controls
EmbeddedEdit(ControlContext, EmbeddedEditLines, HotPointControl, AbstractRegionPoint, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint - Class in org.luwrain.controls
EmbeddedEditLines - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
empty - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
EMPTY_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
EMPTY_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
EMPTY_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
EMPTY_LINE_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Flags
EMPTY_LINE_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State.Type
EMPTY_LINE_TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Flags
EMPTY_LINE_TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State.Type
EMPTY_LINES - Enum constant in enum class
EmptyCorrector(MultilineEditCorrector) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
EmptyExtension - Class in org.luwrain.core
EmptyExtension() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
EmptyFileFetching - Class in org.luwrain.core
EmptyFileFetching(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
EmptyFileFetching(String, String, float, boolean) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
EmptyJob - Class in org.luwrain.core
EmptyJob(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
EmptyJob(Job.Listener, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
EmptyJobListener - Class in org.luwrain.core
EmptyJobListener() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJobListener
EmptyLine - Class in org.luwrain.reader
EmptyListener() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.EmptyListener
EmptySection - Class in org.luwrain.cpanel
EmptySection() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.cpanel.EmptySection
EN - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
enableMutationObserver() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocks
END - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
END - Enum constant in enum class
END_OF_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
END_OF_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
END_OF_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
END_OF_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
END_OF_TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
END_OF_TREE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
endChildEnumeration(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModel
endChildEnumeration(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Model
endDrawSession() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
endDrawSession() - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
endEditTrans(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
endEditTrans(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
endHotPointTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
endHotPointTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
endHotPointTrans() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPointControl
endHotPointTrans() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
endPos - Variable in class
endPosMsec() - Method in class
engine - Variable in class
engine - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
Engine - Interface in org.luwrain.speech
The interface for text-to-speech engines.
Engine.Features - Enum Class in org.luwrain.speech
engines - Variable in class
enqueue(FutureTask, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
enqueueEvent(Event) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.EventConsumer
enqueueHighPriority(FutureTask) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
enqueueLowPriority(FutureTask) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
ensure() - Static method in class org.luwrain.graphical.FxThread
ENTER - Enum constant in enum class
enteredText - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
enteringPrefix - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
enteringText - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
enterThePassword() - Method in interface
entries - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager
enumRemovableBlockDevices(Consumer<Map<String, Object>>) - Method in class
environment - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
environment - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Wrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleElement
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolder
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.model.Event
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Folder
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
equals(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountElement
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(InputEvent) - Method in class
eraseSpellingMarks(EditArea) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditSpellChecking
eraseSpellingMarks(FormArea) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormSpellChecking
error() - Method in interface
error(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate.ButtonDelegate
error(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Log
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Log.Level
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
errorAreaName() - Method in interface
errorConnecting() - Method in interface
errorDisconnecting() - Method in interface
ErrorJobInstance - Class in org.luwrain.core
ErrorJobInstance(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ErrorJobInstance
errorLoadingMailAccount(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
errorLoadingMailAccounts(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
errors - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols.Smtp.Result
escape(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
ESCAPE - Enum constant in enum class
escapeBash(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.PathUtils
escapeString - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
escapeString(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
escapeString(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.OperatingSystem
escapeString(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
escapeString(String, String) - Method in class
escapeTex(String) - Static method in class
eval(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.Module
event - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.InputEventObj
event - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.SystemEventObj
Event - Class in org.luwrain.core
Event - Class in org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.model
Event() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Event
Event() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.model.Event
EventConsumer - Interface in org.luwrain.core
EventDAO - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.dao
EventResponse - Interface in org.luwrain.core
EventResponse.Speech - Interface in org.luwrain.core
EventResponses - Class in org.luwrain.core
EventResponses() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses
EventResponses.Hint - Class in org.luwrain.core
EventResponses.Letter - Class in org.luwrain.core
EventResponses.ListItem - Class in org.luwrain.core
EventResponses.Text - Class in org.luwrain.core
EventResponses.TreeItem - Class in org.luwrain.core
EventResponses.TreeItem.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
EventResponseSpeech - Class in org.luwrain.core.speech
EventResponseSpeech(Speech, I18n, SpeakingText) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.speech.EventResponseSpeech
eventsAreaName() - Method in interface
EXCEPTION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InitResult.Type
Exclusion() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion.Exclusion
exec(FutureTask<T>, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
execFuncValue(Value) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.Module
execHighPriority(FutureTask<T>) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
execLowPriority(FutureTask<T>) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
execNewInstance(Value, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.Module
ExecQueues - Class in org.luwrain.pim
ExecQueues() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
executeBkg - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
executeBkg(Runnable) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
executeBkg(FutureTask) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
executeBkg(FutureTask) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
executeBkg(FutureTask) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
existingDir(Luwrain, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
existingDir(Luwrain, String, File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
existingFile(Luwrain, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
existingFile(Luwrain, String, File, String[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
EXIT_CODE_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
EXIT_CODE_INVALID - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
EXIT_CODE_OK - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
EXPANDABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark.Type
EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem.Type
EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
ExtData(int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto.Pop3.ExtData
Extension - Class in
Extension - Class in
Extension - Class in
Extension - Class in
Extension - Class in org.luwrain.linux
Extension - Class in org.luwrain.pim
Extension - Class in
Extension - Class in
Extension - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Extension() - Constructor for class
Extension() - Constructor for class
Extension() - Constructor for class
Extension() - Constructor for class
Extension() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.Extension
Extension() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.Extension
Extension() - Constructor for class
Extension() - Constructor for class
ExtensionException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.core
ExtensionException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.core.ExtensionException
ExtensionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.core.ExtensionException
ExtensionObject - Interface in org.luwrain.core
EXTENSIONS - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
ExtensionsManager - Class in org.luwrain.core
extName - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleObjFactory
ExtObjects - Interface in org.luwrain.core
extProps - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
extraInfo - Variable in class
extraInfo - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.Answer
extraInfo - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
extraInfo - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
extraInfo() - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
extraInfo() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
ExtraInfo - Class in org.luwrain.reader
ExtraInfo() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.ExtraInfo


F1 - Enum constant in enum class
F10 - Enum constant in enum class
F11 - Enum constant in enum class
F12 - Enum constant in enum class
F2 - Enum constant in enum class
F3 - Enum constant in enum class
F4 - Enum constant in enum class
F5 - Enum constant in enum class
F6 - Enum constant in enum class
F7 - Enum constant in enum class
F8 - Enum constant in enum class
F9 - Enum constant in enum class
Factory - Class in
Factory - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
Factory - Class in org.luwrain.linux.disks
Factory - Class in org.luwrain.pim.binder
Factory - Class in org.luwrain.pim.contacts
Factory - Class in
Factory - Class in
Factory - Class in
Factory - Class in org.luwrain.settings.mail
Factory - Interface in org.luwrain.cpanel
Factory - Interface in org.luwrain.player
Factory() - Constructor for class
Factory() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Factory
Factory() - Constructor for class
Factory() - Constructor for class
Factory(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Factory
Factory(Luwrain) - Constructor for class
Factory(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.settings.mail.Factory
Factory(Registry) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.binder.Factory
Factory.Params - Class in org.luwrain.player
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result.Type
FAILED - Static variable in interface
FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InitResult.Type
fatal(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Log
FATAL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Log.Level
FATAL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
FeedUtils - Class in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
FeedUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.FeedUtils
FEMININE - Enum constant in enum class
fetch() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.News
FETCHING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
FetchingException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
FetchingException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.FetchingException
FetchingException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.FetchingException
fetchingMailFromAccount(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
fetchPop3(String, MailConnections.Listener, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections
Fetching of messages from the server.
fetchUrl - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
fetchUrl(String, String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.cli.YtDlpFileFetcher
fetchUrl(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher
file - Variable in class
file - Variable in class
FILE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider.Flags
FILE_TYPES_APP_INFO_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
FILE_TYPES_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
FileAcceptance - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
FileAcceptance.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.popups
FileFetcher - Interface in org.luwrain.core
FileFetcher.Fetching - Interface in org.luwrain.core
FileFetcher.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
FileFetcher.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.core
FileFetcher.Status - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
FileIsTooBigException - Exception Class in
FileIsTooBigException() - Constructor for exception class
FileIsTooBigException(String) - Constructor for exception class
fileNotFound() - Method in interface
FilePopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
FilePopup(Luwrain, String, String, FileAcceptance, File, File, Set<FilePopup.Flags>, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup
FilePopup.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.popups
FilePopup.Model - Class in org.luwrain.popups
fileToUrl(File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.UrlUtils
FileType - Class in
FileType() - Constructor for class
FileType(FileType.Type) - Constructor for class
FileType.Type - Enum Class in
FileUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
FileUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
fill(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
fill(E, E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
fill(TreeListArea.Frame<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
fillChildrenForNonLeaf(TreeArea.Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
filter - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
filter - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
filter - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
filter(Predicate<LineMarks.Mark>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks
filter(Predicate<LineMarks.Mark>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LineMarks
Filter() - Constructor for class
Filter(Set<CommanderUtilsFile.Filter.Flags>) - Constructor for class
FILTER_ALL - Static variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
FILTER_NO_HIDDEN - Static variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
filterCancelled - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
find - Variable in class
find(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.TermInfo
find(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.RomanNum
find(String) - Static method in enum class
find(String) - Static method in enum class
find(String) - Static method in enum class
findAtPoint(int) - Method in class
findAtPos(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks
findAtPos(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LineMarks
findAudioForId(String) - Method in interface
findAudioForId(String) - Method in class
findDominantNode(Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
findEndOfSentence(String, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
findFetchers(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
findFileName(String, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
findFirstByProperty - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FoldersObj
findFirstByProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.FolderDAO
findItemByIndex(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
findItemByName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
findNextSentenceInString(String, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
findRun(Run) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
findSourceFiles(File, String) - Method in class
findTableCellBackward(TableCell, Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
findTableCellForward(TableCell, Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
findTextForAudio(String, long) - Method in interface
findTextForAudio(String, long) - Method in class
finish() - Method in class
finished - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.WavePlayers.Simple
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Job.Status
FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Status
finishedTask(TaskCancelling.TaskId, Runnable) - Method in class
fixedEditList(Luwrain, String, String, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
fixedItems - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.FixedModel
fixedList(Luwrain, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
fixedList(Luwrain, String, Object[], Set<Popup.Flags>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
FixedListChoosing(Luwrain, String, Object[], Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.FormUtils.FixedListChoosing
FixedModel() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FixedModel
FixedModel(E[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FixedModel
FixedModel(String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.FixedModel
FixedPlaylist - Class in org.luwrain.player
FixedPlaylist(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
FixedPlaylist(String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
FixedPlaylist(String[], ProgressListener, VolumeListener, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
FixedPlaylist(String[], VolumeListener, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
flags - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator
flags - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
flags - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
flags - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
flags - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator
flags - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Params
Flavor - Interface in
FLEXIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.packs.Pack.Type
focusSubject() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
focusTo() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
folder - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Model
Folder - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model
Folder - Class in
Folder() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Folder
Folder() - Constructor for class
FolderDAO - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao
folderFormName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
FolderObj - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.script
FolderProperties - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail
FolderProperties() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.FolderProperties
FoldersObj - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.script
FONT_SIZE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class
font2Color - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
fontColor - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
fontFamily - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
fontName - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
fontSize - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
fork() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
FormArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
The area with a set of controls.
FormArea(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
FormArea(ControlContext, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
FormArea(ControlContext, String, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
FormArea.Item - Class in org.luwrain.controls
FormArea.ListChoosing - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
FormArea.MultilineEditChangeListener - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
FormArea.MultilineEditUpdating - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
FormArea.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
FormPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
FormPopup(Luwrain, String, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
FormSpellChecking - Class in org.luwrain.controls
FormSpellChecking(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.FormSpellChecking
FormSpellChecking(Luwrain, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.FormSpellChecking
FormUtils - Class in org.luwrain.controls
FormUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.FormUtils
FormUtils.FixedListChoosing - Class in org.luwrain.controls
forward(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
fragments - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Line
frame(String, Closure) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.WizardGroovyController
Frame() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Frame
Frame(E) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Frame
FrameDelegate - Class in org.luwrain.controls.wizard
FrameDelegate(WizardGroovyController, WizardArea.Frame) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate
FrameDelegate.ButtonDelegate - Class in org.luwrain.controls.wizard
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.BinaryMessage
fromJson(Reader) - Static method in class
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
fromJson(String) - Static method in class
fromJson(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.MessageContentItem
fromJsonArray(String) - Static method in class
fromPos - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Fragment
fromString(String) - Static method in class
fromString(String) - Static method in class
fromString(String) - Static method in class
fromString(String) - Static method in class
full - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.AddressObj
func - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleObjFactory
FunctionalClipboardSaver(Function<E, Object>, Function<E, String>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FunctionalClipboardSaver
FxThread - Class in org.luwrain.graphical
FxThread() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.graphical.FxThread


GEN - Enum constant in enum class
GENERAL_PLAYER_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Result
GENERAL_TIME - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
generateAllVisibleItems() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
generateVisibleItems(TreeArea.Node, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
genNewId() - Method in class
GeomEntry - Class in org.luwrain.web
GeomItem - Class in
GeomItem() - Constructor for class
get() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
get() - Method in class
get(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.RomanNum
get(long) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MutableLinesArray
getAbsText() - Method in class
getAccountDAO() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.MailPersistence
getAccountsElements(Element) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.Accounts
getAction() - Method in class
getActionName() - Method in class
getActions() - Method in class
getActions() - Method in class
getActions() - Method in class
getActions() - Method in class
getActions() - Method in class
getActions() - Method in interface
getActions() - Method in interface
getActions() - Method in class
getActiveAreaAttr(Luwrain.AreaAttr) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getActiveAreaText(Luwrain.AreaTextType, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getActiveLang() - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getAdditionalArea() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
getAddr() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
getAddress(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.AddressUtils
getAddressPersonalName - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MailObj
getAddressWithoutPersonalName - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MailObj
getAlert(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getAll() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.RomanNum
getAll() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.dao.EventDAO
getAll() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.AccountDAO
getAll() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.FolderDAO
getAll() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.MessageDAO
getAll() - Method in interface
getAllEntries() - Method in class
getAllLangs() - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getAllMarked() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
getAllMarked() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.MarksInfo
getAllShortcutNames() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getAllTracks() - Method in class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
getAlternatives(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Model
getAlternatives(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel
getAnnouncement() - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Item
getAnnouncement() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
getAnnouncement(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.CurrentDirQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.RegionTextQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UniRefAreaQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UniRefHotPointQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UrlAreaQuery
getAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.UrlHotPointQuery
getAnswer(String, Properties, Set<InstantAnswer.Flags>) - Method in class
getAppBase() - Method in interface
getAppDataDir(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Returns a path to the directory where the application may safely store its auxiliary data.
getAppDoc() - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
getAppDocX() - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
getAppearance() - Method in class
getAppName() - Method in class
getAppName() - Method in class
getAppName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Application
getAppName() - Method in class
getAppName() - Method in class
getAppPdf() - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
getAppXlsX() - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
getAreaActions() - Method in class
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getAreaActions() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Area
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getAreaActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getAreaLayout() - Method in class
getAreaLayout() - Method in class
getAreaLayout() - Method in class
getAreaLayout() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Application
getAreaLayout() - Method in class
getAreaLayout() - Method in class
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getAreaName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Area
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getAreaName() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getAreas() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
getAreaScriptAttr() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.AreaScriptAttr
getAreaVisibleHeight(Area) - Method in class
getAreaVisibleHeight(Area) - Method in class
getAreaVisibleHeight(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getAreaVisibleHeight(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getAreaVisibleHeight(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getAreaVisibleHeight(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getAreaVisibleWidth(Area) - Method in class
getAreaVisibleWidth(Area) - Method in class
getAreaVisibleWidth(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getAreaVisibleWidth(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getAreaVisibleWidth(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getAreaVisibleWidth(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getArg() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
getArgs(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.CmdLine
getArray(Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
getArray(List<E>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
getArrayItems(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
getArticles() - Method in interface
getArticles() - Method in class
getAsciiOfButton(char) - Method in interface org.luwrain.interaction.KeyboardLayout
getAsciiOfButton(char) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.layouts.RuDefault
getAssociatedObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
getAttachmentByLineIndex(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
getAttachmentFiles() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
getAttachments() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
getAttention(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getAttr(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.ExtraInfo
getBaseName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.NativeItem
getBaseName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Wrapper
getBaseName(CommanderArea.Wrapper) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getBasicCorrector() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
getBkgColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getBkgColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getBkgColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getBkgSound() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer
getBlock() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockIterator
getBlocked(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getBlockLineTextAppearance(Block, BlockLine) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.Appearance
getBlue() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
getBody - Variable in class
getBookFlags() - Method in interface
getBookFlags() - Method in class
getBookId() - Method in interface
getBookId() - Method in class
getBookSections() - Method in interface
getBookSections() - Method in class
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
getBottom() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
getBoundingBox() - Method in class
getBoundingBox() - Method in class
getBraille() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.OperatingSystem
getBraille() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
getBraille() - Method in class
getBroadcastFilterAreaClassName() - Method in class
getBroadcastFilterUniRef() - Method in class
getByFolderId(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.MessageDAO
getById(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.AccountDAO
getCalculatedIndent(int) - Method in class
getCalendar() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
getCancel(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getCase() - Method in class
getCases() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.BinderStoring
getCc() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
getCc(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getCell(int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Model
getCell(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Table
getCellText(TableArea.Model, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultTableAppearance
getCellText(TableArea.Model, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Appearance
getCh() - Method in class
getChannelName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
getChar() - Method in class
getCharacter(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.HotKey
getCharArg() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
getChars() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.InsertCharsChange
getChars(File) - Method in class
getCharset() - Method in class
getCharsets(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.I18n
getChatMessage(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getCheckboxState(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getChild(Object, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModel
getChild(Object, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Model
getChildCount(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModel
getChildCount(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Model
getChildFolders(Folder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.FolderDAO
getChildNodes - Variable in class
getChildNodes(N) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
getChildNodes(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
getChildObjs(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModelSource
getChildParts() - Method in class
getChildParts() - Method in class
getChildParts() - Method in class
getChildParts() - Method in class
getChildParts() - Method in interface
getChildParts() - Method in class
getChildren() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
getChildren() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Elements
getClickHandler() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getClickUrl() - Method in class
getClipboard() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getClipboard() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getClipboard() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.LinesClipboardProvider.ClipboardSource
getClipboard() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getClipboard() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getClipboardObj(ListArea.Appearance<E>, E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultClipboardSaver
getClipboardObj(ListArea.Appearance<E>, E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FunctionalClipboardSaver
getClipboardString(ListArea.Appearance<E>, E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultClipboardSaver
getClipboardString(ListArea.Appearance<E>, E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FunctionalClipboardSaver
getCmdLine() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getCode() - Method in class
getCol(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Model
getColCount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Model
getColCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Table
getColIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TableCell
getCollapsed(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getColWidth(TableArea.Model, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultTableAppearance
getColWidth(TableArea.Model, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Appearance
getCommanderLocation(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getCommanderModel() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getCommanderName(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Appearance
getCommanderName(FileObject) - Method in class
getCommanderName(File) - Method in class
getCommands() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Extension
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Extension
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.Extension
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
getCommands(Luwrain) - Method in class
getCommandTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getComment() - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.SpellProblem
getCompleteText() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getCompleteText() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Paragraph
getCompletion(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Model
getCompletion(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel
getCompletion(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
getComponent() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ScriptFile
getContacts() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsStoring
getContacts() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.json.Storing
getContactsStoring(Luwrain, boolean) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.Connections
getContent() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getContent() - Method in class
getContentType() - Method in class
getControlContext() - Method in class
getControlPanelFactories(Luwrain) - Method in class
getControlPanelFactories(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
getControlPanelFactories(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Extension
getControlPanelFactories(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.Extension
getControlPanelFactories(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
getConv() - Method in class
getCopied(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getCopyright() - Method in interface org.luwrain.packs.Pack
getCoreInterface() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.ControlPanel
getCorrector() - Method in class
getCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getCurrentIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutSwitch
getCurrentLayout() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutSwitch
getCurrentRowIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getCurrentRun() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getCurrentSpan() - Method in class
getCustomKeyboardHandler(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.OperatingSystem
getCustomKeyboardHandler(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
getCustomKeyboardHandler(String) - Method in class
getCustomMessage() - Method in exception class
getCut(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getDataDir() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ScriptFile
getDataDir() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Standalone
getDataDirAsFile() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ScriptFile
getDefaultAnnouncementText(ControlContext, UniRefInfo) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
getDefaultArea() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
getDefaultCorrector() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
getDefaultDocument() - Method in interface
getDefaultDocument() - Method in class
getDefaultIncoming - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FoldersObj
getDefaultMailAddress(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.PersonalInfo
getDefaultMailingLists - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FoldersObj
getDefaultWifiNetwork(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings.Network
getDeleted(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getDescr() - Method in interface org.luwrain.packs.Pack
getDesktopContent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
getDesktopEscapeCommand(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
getDesktopItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getDesktopTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
getDestFile(String) - Method in interface
getDestFilePath(String) - Method in interface
getDestinationFile() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
getDestinationFile() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Fetching
getDeviceName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BlockDevices
getDeviceSize(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BlockDevices
getDevName() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams
getDirCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
getDirectories(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
getDirectories(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
getDirectories(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
getDirectory() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
getDisks(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Disks
getDisks(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Disks
getDisplayHeight() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Braille
getDisplayHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.BrailleImpl
getDisplayHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BrlApi
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayName() - Method in class
getDisplayUrl() - Method in class
getDisplayWidth() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Braille
getDisplayWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.BrailleImpl
getDisplayWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BrlApi
getDocSection(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getDocTitle() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getDocument() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getDocument(String) - Method in interface
getDocument(String) - Method in class
getDocUniRef() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getDocUrl() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getDominantNode(Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
getDone(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getDriver() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.BrailleImpl
getDriverName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Braille
getDriverName() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BrlApi
getEdit() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getEdit() - Method in class
getEditableListConfirmation() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
getEditAppearance() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getEditObj() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
getEditorFileName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.roles.TextEditor
getEditParams(ControlContext) - Method in interface
getElement() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.EmptySection
getElement() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Section
getElement() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
getElement() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountSection
getElement() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountsSection
getElementById(String, long) - Method in class
getElements() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Factory
getElements() - Method in class
getElements() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.browser.SettingsFactory
getElements() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.Factory
getElements() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.StandardFactory
getEmbeddedEditLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
getEmbeddedEditLine(int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEditLines
getEmbeddedEditLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
getEmbeddedEditLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getEmptyItem(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel
getEmptyItem(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.FixedModel
getEmptyItem(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
getEmptyLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Braille
getEnd() - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.SpellProblem
getEndOfLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getEngine() - Method in class
getEnteredText(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getEnteredText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getEnteringLineIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
getEntry(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitGeom
getEntryChildren(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Model
getEntryChildren(FileObject) - Method in class
getEntryChildren(File) - Method in class
getEntryParent(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Model
getEntryParent(FileObject) - Method in class
getEntryParent(File) - Method in class
getEntryText(E, CommanderArea.EntryType, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Appearance
getEntryText(FileObject, CommanderArea.EntryType, boolean) - Method in class
getEntryText(File, CommanderArea.EntryType, boolean) - Method in class
getEntryType() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.NativeItem
getEntryType() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Wrapper
getEntryType(E, E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Model
getEntryType(FileObject, FileObject) - Method in class
getEntryType(File, File) - Method in class
getEnumByArrayObj(Class, Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
getEnumItemByStr(Class, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
getError(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getErrorInfo() - Method in interface
getErrorInfo(String) - Method in interface
getErrorMessage() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.BrailleImpl
getErrors() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
getEventDAO() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.DiaryPersistence
getEventNotProcessed(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getException() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
getException() - Method in class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result
getExceptionDescr(Exception) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getExclusion() - Method in class
getExclusion() - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.SpellChecker
getExclusions() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion
getExistingItemIndexOnLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
getExistingItemIndexOnLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getExitCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
getExitCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ErrorJobInstance
getExitCode() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
getExitCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
getExpanded(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getExtObjects() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Extension
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Extension
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.Extension
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class
getExtObjects(Luwrain) - Method in class
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.cli.YtDlpFileFetcher
getExtObjName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.ExtensionObject
getExtObjName() - Method in class
getExtObjName() - Method in class
getExtObjName() - Method in class
getExtObjName() - Method in class
getExtObjName() - Method in class
getExtObjName() - Method in class
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleObjFactory
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcut
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.lib.SysJob
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.PimObjFactory
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
getExtObjName() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
getExtraInfo() - Method in class
getExtraInfo() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.Answer
getFatal(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getFeatures() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Engine
Provides the set of features what this engine cat do.
getFetching(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.BackgroundSounds
getFile() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Attachment
getFile() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ScriptFile
getFileName(String) - Method in class
getFilePopupSkipHidden(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
getFileProperty(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesBase
getFileSize(String) - Method in class
getFileSystemManager() - Method in class
getFirstArg(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.CmdLine
getFirstLaunchDelay() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Worker
getFirstLaunchDelay() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
getFirstLaunchDelay() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
getFirstLaunchDelay() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
getFirstRun() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Row
getFirstRun() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Row
getFirstRunOfRow() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getFirstRunOfRow() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getFirstUrl() - Method in class
getFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.cli.YtDlpFileFetcher
getFlags() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher
getFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams
getFlags() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
getFlavorName() - Method in interface
getFolderDAO() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.MailPersistence
getFolderNames() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections
getFolderPending(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.Settings.MailFolders
getFolders - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MailObj
getFolders() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsStoring
getFolders() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.json.Storing
getFolderSent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.Settings.MailFolders
getFont2ColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getFont2ColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getFont2ColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getFontColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getFontColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getFontColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getFontName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getFontSize() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
getFontSize() - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
getFragments() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellText
getFrom - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getFromPos() - Method in class
getFullName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.PersonalInfo
getGender() - Method in class
getGeneralTime(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getGraphicalObj(Interaction.GraphicalModeControl) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction.GraphicalMode
getGreen() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
getGroupId() - Method in class
getGroups() - Method in interface
getGroups() - Method in class
getGroups(String) - Method in interface
getHardDrives() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BlockDevices
getHeader - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getHeaders - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getHeaderupdate - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getHeading() - Method in class
getHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
getHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
getHeightInCharacters() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
getHeightInCharacters() - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
getHomePage(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
getHooks() - Method in class
getHotKey() - Method in interface
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
getHotPointX() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
getHotPointX() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit.Model
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getHotPointX() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Area
getHotPointX() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPoint
getHotPointX() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPointControl
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
getHotPointX() - Method in class
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
getHotPointY() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getHotPointY() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Area
getHotPointY() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPoint
getHotPointY() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPointControl
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
getHotPointY() - Method in class
getHrefs() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
getHtml() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Chromite
getHtmlIds() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getHttpCode() - Method in exception class org.luwrain.util.Connections.InvalidHttpResponseCodeException
getHttpProxyHost(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
getHttpProxyPassword(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
getHttpProxyPort(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
getHttpProxyUser(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
getHttpUrl() - Method in exception class org.luwrain.util.Connections.InvalidHttpResponseCodeException
getI18n() - Method in class
getI18n() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getI18n() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getI18n() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getI18nCharsets(Registry) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface org.luwrain.packs.Pack
getId() - Method in interface
getIde() - Method in class
getIds(Registry) - Static method in interface
getImportance() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getIndent(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.IndentationCorrector
getIndent(int) - Method in class
getIndent(String) - Method in class
getIndentForLine(int) - Method in class
getIndentStep() - Method in class
getIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getIndexInParagraph() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getIndexInParagraph() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getIndexInParentSubnodes() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getInfo(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
getInfo(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ErrorJobInstance
getInfo(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
getInfo(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
getInitialFontSize(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getInitialHotPointX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getInitialHotPointX(TableArea.Model) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultTableAppearance
getInitialHotPointX(TableArea.Model) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Appearance
getInitResult() - Method in exception class
getInstance() - Static method in class
getInstanceName() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
getInstanceName() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ErrorJobInstance
getInstanceName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
getInstanceName() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
getInteger(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
getInteger(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
getInteger(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
getIntroApp(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getIntroPopup(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getIntroRegular(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListModelAdapter
getItem(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Model
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ListModel
getItem(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Model
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ArrayModel
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FixedModel
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ListModel
getItem(int) - Method in class
getItem(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Model
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListModelAdapter
getItemCount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Model
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ListModel
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getItemCount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Model
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ArrayModel
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FixedModel
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ListModel
getItemCount() - Method in class
getItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Model
getItemIndexOnLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getItemNameOnLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getItemNewAutoName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getItemObj(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getItemObjByName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getItemOnLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getItems() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel.Source
getItems() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ArrayModel.Source
getItems() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
getItems() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FixedModel
getItems() - Method in class
getItems() - Method in class
getItems() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
getItems(E, TreeListArea.Collector<E>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Model
getItems(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel
getItems(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.FixedModel
getItems(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
getItemsFromHookObj(Object) - Static method in class
getItemTypeOnLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getIterator() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
getIterator() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
getIterator() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
getIterator(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
getIterator(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
getJavaScriptEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
getJobFlags() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher
getJobFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.lib.SysJob
getKeyboardLayout() - Static method in class
getKeys() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.HotKeyEntry
getKeys(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.HotKey
getLang(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getLastDirItem() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
getLastFrame() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
getLastLineLen() - Method in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
getLastLineSpaceLeft() - Method in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
getLastWord(String, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
getLat() - Method in class
getLat() - Method in class
getLat() - Method in class
getLaunchPeriod() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Worker
getLaunchPeriod() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
getLaunchPeriod() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
getLaunchPeriod() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
getLayout() - Method in class
getLayout() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
getLeft() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getLeft() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
getLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockIterator
getLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
getLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
getLine() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit.Model
getLine(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.Block
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.View
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
getLine(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Lines
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
getLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
getLine(int) - Method in class
getLineCount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.Block
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.View
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
getLineCount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Lines
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
getLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
getLineCount() - Method in class
getLineIndexByItemIndex(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getLineMarks(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
getLineMarks(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
getLineMarks(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MarkedLines
getLineNotNull(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getLines() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getLines() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
getLines() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
getLines() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
getLines() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
getLines() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
getLines() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
getLines() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
getLines() - Method in class
getLineStart(int) - Method in class
getLineText(BlockArea.Appearance) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockIterator
getLineWithPos(int) - Method in class
getListAppearance() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getListeningEngineName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getListeningEngineParams(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getListeningPitch(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getListeningRate(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getListItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getListItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getListItemIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.ListItem
getListModel() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getListModel() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getListPopupNextItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Model
getListPopupNextItem(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel
getListPopupPreviousItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Model
getListPopupPreviousItem(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DynamicModel
getListTotalItemCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.ListItem
getLoadedExtObjects(Class<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ExtensionsManager
getLocalHotPointX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getLocalHotPointY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getLon() - Method in class
getLon() - Method in class
getLon() - Method in class
getLuwrain() - Method in class
getLuwrain() - Method in class
getLuwrainObj() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
getLuwrainObj() - Method in interface
getLuwrainObject() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Popup
getLuwrainObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
getLuwrainObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
getLuwrainObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
getLuwrainObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
getLuwrainObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
getLuwrainObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getLuwrainObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getMainEngineName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getMainEngineParams(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getMainMenu(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.BackgroundSounds
getMainMenu(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getMainMenuContent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
getMainMenuEmptyLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getMainMenuItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getMainSourceFile() - Method in class
getMainSourceFile() - Method in class
getMainSourceFile() - Method in class
getMainSourceFile() - Method in class
getMainSourceFile() - Method in interface
getMajor() - Method in class org.luwrain.packs.Version
getMarginBottom(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getMarginLeft(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getMarginRight(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getMarginTop(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getMarked() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getMarkedNames() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getMarkedWrappers() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getMarkObject() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.MarkImpl
getMarkObject() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark
getMarks() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks
getMarks() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LineMarks
getMaxLineLen() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getMediaResourcePlayers() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.ExtObjects
getMediaResourcePlayers() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getMember(Object, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
getMember(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
getMember(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.HotPointObj
getMember(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject
getMemberKeys() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
getMemberKeys() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.HotPointObj
getMemberKeys() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject
getMembers() - Method in class
getMembers() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
getMessage(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getMessageDAO() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.MailPersistence
getMessageLineLen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Settings
getMessages(BiConsumer<Message, E>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.MessageProvider
getMessages(BiConsumer<Message, Pop3.ExtData>) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto.Pop3
getMinor() - Method in class org.luwrain.packs.Version
getModel() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
getModified() - Method in class
getModifiedFlag() - Method in class
getModifiedFlag() - Method in interface
getModifiers() - Method in class
getMultilineEditAppearance() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
getMultilineEditChangeListeners() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getMultilineEditContent() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getMultilineEditHotPoint() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getMultilineEditModel() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
getMultilineEditText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getMultilineEditText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getName - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
getName() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Attachment
getName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Command
getName() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcutCommand
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
getName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.WifiNetwork
getName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.packs.Pack
getName() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.ExtraInfo
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getNameImpl(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
getNameNotNull() - Method in class
getNativeObj() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.NativeItem
getNativeObj() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Wrapper
getNewHotPointX() - Method in class
getNewHotPointX(int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getNewHotPointX(int, int, int, String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getNewHotPointY() - Method in class
getNewProjectTypes() - Method in class
getNewsStoring(Luwrain, boolean) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.Connections
getNextArea(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
getNextBlockLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getNextGroupId(int) - Method in interface
getNoApplications(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getNoContent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getNode() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getNode() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getNodeHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
getNodeHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
getNodes() - Method in class
getNodes() - Method in class
getNodesByAddress(String, String, String) - Method in class
getNodesByIds(List<Long>) - Method in class
getNodeWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
getNodeWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
getNodeX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
getNodeX() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
getNodeY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
getNodeY() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
getNoItemsAbove(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getNoItemsBelow(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getNoLinesAbove(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getNoLinesBelow(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getNonSectionScreenAppearance(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
getNumber() - Method in class
getNumberStr(int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getNumberStr(int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
getNumberStr(Number, GrammaticalAttr, Word) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
getNumberStr(Number, GrammaticalAttr, Word) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
getObservableLeftBound(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance
getObservableLeftBound(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.AbstractAppearance
getObservableLeftBound(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
getObservableLeftBound(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance
getObservableLeftBound(CommanderArea.Wrapper<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListAppearanceImpl
getObservableRightBound(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance
getObservableRightBound(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.AbstractAppearance
getObservableRightBound(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
getObservableRightBound(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance
getObservableRightBound(CommanderArea.Wrapper<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListAppearanceImpl
getObservableSubstr(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
getOffsetX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
getOffsetX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
getOffsetY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
getOffsetY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
getOk(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getOnDemandElements(Element) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Factory
getOnDemandElements(Element) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.browser.SettingsFactory
getOnDemandElements(Element) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.Factory
getOnDemandElements(Element) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.StandardFactory
getOSMEntityByCoordinate(String, Double, Double) - Method in class
getOSMEntityByName(String, String) - Method in class
getOutput() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
getOutput() - Method in class
getPackById(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.packs.Packs
getPage() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Chromite
getParaContainer() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getParaContainer() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getParagraph() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getParagraph() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getParagraph(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getParagraphLines(Paragraph, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
getParagraphLines(Paragraph, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
getParentElement() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Element
getParentElement() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleElement
getParentElement() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountElement
getParentNode() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getParentNode() - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
getParentNode() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
getParentOfDir() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
getParentType() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getPartsRoot() - Method in class
getPartsRoot() - Method in class
getPartsRoot() - Method in class
getPartsRoot() - Method in class
getPartsRoot() - Method in interface
getPartTableType() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
getPassword(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings.WifiNetwork
getPaste(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getPastTimeBrief(Date) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getPath() - Method in class
getPercent() - Method in interface
getPersonal(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.AddressUtils
getPersonalName(String) - Method in interface
getpid() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
getPitch() - Method in class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.SyncParams
getPitch(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getPlayer() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getPlaylist() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
getPoint() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams
getPopularMailServers() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.PopularServers
getPopup(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.BackgroundSounds
getPopupFlags() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Popup
getPopupFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
getPopupFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
getPopupFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
getPopupFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
getPopupFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
getPopupFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getPopupFlags() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getPos() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
getPos() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.MergeLinesChange
getPos() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
getPos() - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.Word
getPosFrom() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.MarkImpl
getPosFrom() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark
getPosMsec() - Method in class
getPosTo() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.MarkImpl
getPosTo() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark
getPosX() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
getPosY() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
getppid() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
getPredefined() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
getPrefix() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardInput
getPrefix() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardPasswd
getPrevArea(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
getPrevBlockLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getPriority() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.StoredCase
getProblems() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellText
getProducer() - Method in interface org.luwrain.packs.Pack
getProgress() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
getProgress() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Fetching
getProjectDir() - Method in class
getProjectDir() - Method in class
getProjectDir() - Method in class
getProjectDir() - Method in class
getProjectDir() - Method in interface
getProjectDir() - Method in class
getProjectFile() - Method in class
getProjName() - Method in class
getProjName() - Method in class
getProperIndent(int) - Method in class
getProperties - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
getProperties() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Folder
getPropertiesImpl(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
getPropertiesRegex() - Method in class
getPropertiesRegex() - Method in class
getPropertiesRegex() - Method in class
getPropertiesRegex() - Method in class
getPropertiesRegex() - Method in class
getPropertiesRegex() - Method in class
getPropertiesRegex() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider
getProperty - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.PropertiesObj
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in class
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesBase
getProperty(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
getPropertyFlags(String) - Method in class
getPropertyFlags(String) - Method in class
getPropertyFlags(String) - Method in class
getPropertyFlags(String) - Method in class
getPropertyFlags(String) - Method in class
getPropertyFlags(String) - Method in class
getPropertyFlags(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider
getProtectionType() - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.WifiNetwork
getPublishingDate() - Method in interface org.luwrain.packs.Pack
getQueryCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
getRate() - Method in class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.SyncParams
getRate(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
getRed() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
getRef() - Method in class
getRegion() - Method in class
getRegionPoint() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getRegionPoint(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getRegionText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
getRegistry() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getRelatedTopics() - Method in class
getRelease() - Method in class org.luwrain.packs.Version
getRelNum() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Row
getRelNum() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Row
getResource(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
getResource(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
getResult() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
getRight() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
getRole() - Method in class
getRoot() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModel
getRoot() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CachedTreeModelSource
getRoot() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Model
getRoot() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Model
getRoot() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolders
getRoot() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.FolderDAO
getRoot() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
getRootFolder() - Method in class
getRootFolder() - Method in class
getRow() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getRow() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getRow(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Model
getRowCount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Model
getRowCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Table
getRowIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TableCell
getRowParts() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
getRowParts() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
getRowPrefix(TableArea.Model, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultTableAppearance
getRowPrefix(TableArea.Model, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Appearance
getRowX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Row
getRowX() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Row
getRowY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Row
getRowY() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Row
getRuns() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getRuns() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Row
getRuns() - Method in class
getRuns() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Paragraph
getRuns() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getRuns() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Row
getRunUnderPos(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getRunUnderPos(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getScreenAppearance(E, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance
getScreenAppearance(E, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.AbstractAppearance
getScreenAppearance(E, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
getScreenAppearance(Object, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance
getScreenAppearance(CommanderArea.Wrapper<E>, Set<ListArea.Appearance.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListAppearanceImpl
getScreenHeight() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getScreenHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getScreenHeight() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getScreenHeight() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getScreenWidth() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getScreenWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getScreenWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getScreenWidth() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getScriptCore() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
getScriptCore() - Method in interface
getScriptFilesList(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getSearch(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.BackgroundSounds
getSearch(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getSectionActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.EmptySection
getSectionActions() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Section
getSectionActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
getSectionActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountSection
getSectionActions() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountsSection
getSectionArea(ControlPanel) - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.EmptySection
getSectionArea(ControlPanel) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Section
getSectionArea(ControlPanel) - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
getSectionArea(ControlPanel) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountSection
getSectionArea(ControlPanel) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountsSection
getSectionLevel() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Section
getSectionScreenAppearance(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
getSelected(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getSelectedCell() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getSelectedCol() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getSelectedColIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getSelectedEntry() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getSelectedEntryText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
getSelectedListItem(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getSelectedRow() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getSelectedRowIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
getSelectedWrapper() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
getSession() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections
getSessionFactory() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.DiaryPersistence
getSessionFactory() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.MailPersistence
getSett() - Method in interface
getSha1(byte[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.Sha1
getSha1(InputStream) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.Sha1
getSha1(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.Sha1
getShortComment() - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.SpellProblem
getShutdown(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getSignalLevel() - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.WifiNetwork
getSignature(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.PersonalInfo
getSize() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
getSize() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MutableLinesArray
getSnippet() - Method in class
getSocksProxyHost(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
getSocksProxyPort(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
getSource() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.ModelImpl
getSourceCode() - Method in class
getSourceFiles() - Method in class
getSourceUrl() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
getSourceUrl() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Fetching
getSpeakableText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SpellCheckingEditArea
getSpeakableText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
getSpeakableText(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Appearance
getSpeakableText(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
getSpeakableText(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultAppearance
getSpeakableText(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup
getSpeakableText(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getSpeakableText(String, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getSpeakableText(String, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getSpeakableText(String, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getSpeakableText(String, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getSpeakableText(String, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
getSpecial() - Method in class
getSpecial(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.HotKey
getSpellChecker() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditSpellChecking
getSpellChecker() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormSpellChecking
getSplitterColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getSplitterColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getSplitterColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getStart() - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.SpellProblem
getStarting(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.BackgroundSounds
getStartup(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getState() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
getStaticStr(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getStaticStr(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getStaticStr(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getStaticStr(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getStaticStr(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
Provides some statically stored string on corresponding national language.
getStaticStr(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
getStatus() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
getStatus() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ErrorJobInstance
getStatus() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
getStatus() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in interface
getStatus() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.StoredCase
getStatus(String) - Method in interface
getStrictDefault() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
getString(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
getString(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
getString(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
getString(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
getStringArg() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
getStringArray(Registry, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.RegistryUtils
getStringDesignationOfType(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
getStringDesignationOfType(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
getStringDesignationOfType(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
getStringResource(Class, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.ResourceUtils
getStrings() - Method in class
getStrings() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
getStrings(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
getStyle() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
getSubfolders - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
getSubfolders() - Method in class
getSubfolders() - Method in class
getSubject - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getSubject() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
getSubnode(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getSubnodeCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getSubnodes() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getSupportedMimeType() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer
getSynthSupportedFormats() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
getSysDevices() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevicesList
getTable() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TableCell
getTableCell(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getTableLevel() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Table
getTabLen() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.IndentationCorrector
getTabLen() - Method in class
getTabProcessing() - Method in class
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
getTabSeq() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
getTabSeq() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit.Model
getTabSeq() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
getTagName - Variable in class
getTagName() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
getTags() - Method in class
getTakesMultiple(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.FileTypeAppInfo
getTakesUrls(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.FileTypeAppInfo
getTempLayout() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
getTermBell(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getTexFiles() - Method in class
getText - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getText - Variable in class
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.InsertFragmentChange
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Row
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardClickable
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardInput
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardPasswd
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardText
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.Answer
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ScriptText
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.speech.SpeakingHook
getText() - Method in class
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion.Exclusion
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getText() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Row
getText() - Method in interface
getText() - Method in class
getText(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Values
getText(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardValues
getText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
getText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
getText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
getText(String) - Method in class
getTextAfterHotPoint() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getTextAppearance(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Appearance
getTextBeforeHotPoint() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
getTextExp(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
getTextExp(String, Function<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
getTimeZone(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.DateTime
getTitle - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.StoredCase
getTitle() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle() - Method in interface
getTitle() - Method in interface
getTitle() - Method in class
getTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.MainMenuSection
getTo - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
getTo() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
getTop() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
getTop() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
getToPos() - Method in class
getTrackCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
getTrackCount() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Playlist
getTrackNum() - Method in class
getTrackNum() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
getTrackUrl(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
getTrackUrl(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Playlist
getType - Variable in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.MarkImpl
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
getType() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
getType() - Method in class
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion.Exclusion
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
getType() - Method in class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result
getTypeNotNull() - Method in class
getTypeNotNull() - Method in class
getTypeOf(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
getTypeOf(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
getTypeOf(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
getUniRefInfo(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getUniRefInfo(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
getUniRefInfo(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
getUniRefInfo(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
getUniRefInfo(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
getUniRefInfo(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
getUniRefInfo(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.UniRefProc
getUniRefInfo(Luwrain) - Method in class
getUniRefProcs(Luwrain) - Method in class
getUniRefProcs(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
getUniRefProcs(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Extension
getUniRefProcs(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
getUniRefs(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.MainMenuSection
getUniRefType() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.UniRefProc
getUnselected(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer
getUrl() - Method in interface
getUrl() - Method in class
getUrl() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
getUrl(String) - Method in interface
getUrl(String) - Method in interface
getUserAgent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Settings
getUserAgent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
getValidLineCount() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
getValue() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Item
getValue() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
getValueNotNull() - Method in class
getValueNotNull() - Method in class
getValues(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
getValues(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
getValues(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
getView() - Method in class
getView() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getView() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getVoiceName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
getVoiceName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Voice
getVoices() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
getVolume() - Method in class
getVolume() - Method in class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
getVolume() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
getVolume() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Playlist
getWaysByStreet(String, String) - Method in class
getWholeText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
getWholeText() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
getWholeText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
getWidth() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.Block
getWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
getWidth() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
getWidthInCharacters() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
getWidthInCharacters() - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
getWifi(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.BackgroundSounds
getWindowHeight(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getWindowLeft(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getWindowTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
getWindowTop(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getWindowWidth(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
getWithAlt(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.HotKey
getWithAltNotNull() - Method in class
getWithControl(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.HotKey
getWithControlNotNull() - Method in class
getWithShift(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.HotKey
getWithShiftNotNull() - Method in class
getWord(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.util.TextFragmentUtils
getWord(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
getWord(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
getWordPriorTo(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
getWordPriorTo(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
getWrappingArea(Area) - Method in class
getWrappingArea(Area, LayoutBase.Actions) - Method in class
getX() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.Block
getX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockIterator
getX() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getX() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.PositionedAnswer
getX() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getX() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
getY() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.Block
getY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockIterator
getY() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
getY() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.PositionedAnswer
getY() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
getY() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
GLOBAL_KEYS_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
gotoSectionsTree() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.ControlPanel
GPT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
GramAttr - Class in
GramAttr(GramAttr.Gender, GramAttr.Number, GramAttr.Case) - Constructor for class
GramAttr(GramAttr, GramAttr) - Constructor for class
GramAttr.Case - Enum Class in
GramAttr.Gender - Enum Class in
GramAttr.Number - Enum Class in
GrammaticalAttr - Interface in org.luwrain.nlp
grantpt(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
GRAY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
GREEN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
greeting() - Method in interface


handle(String) - Method in class
handle(WizardArea.WizardValues) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardClickHandler
Handler - Class in
Handler() - Constructor for class
HARDWARE - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
hasAdditionalArea() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
hasAnswer() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
hasArea(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
hasCh() - Method in class
hasCh() - Method in class
hasChanges - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
hasDirectory(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
hasDirectory(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
hasDirectory(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
hasDocument() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
hashCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleElement
hashCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.model.Event
hashCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account
hashCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Folder
hashCode() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountElement
hasIdInChain(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.ExtraInfo
hasItemWithName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
hasMember(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
hasMember(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.HotPointObj
hasMember(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject
hasNodeInAllParents(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
hasPlaylist() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
hasRunOnRow(Run) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
hasRunOnRow(Run) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
hasSameSource(Editing) - Method in class
hasSameSource(Editing) - Method in interface
hasSpecialNameOfChar(char) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
hasSpecialNameOfChar(char) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
Provides some language-dependent name of the character in one or several words.
hasSpecialNameOfChar(char) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
hasSpellProblems(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SpellCheckingEditArea
hasValue(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
hasValue(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
hasValue(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
hasWithSameBeginningNearby(File) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
Heading - Class in
Heading(int) - Constructor for class
height - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.GeomEntry
HELP - Enum constant in enum class
HELP_SECTIONS_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
hideLetters - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
hint - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Hint
hint(Hint) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
hint(Hint, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
Hint - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Hint(Hint) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Hint
Hint(Hint, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Hint
history - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
HOME - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
HOME - Enum constant in enum class
homePage() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Strings
HOOK_WEB_OPEN - Static variable in class
HOOK_WEB_SEARCH - Static variable in class
hookContainer - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ChainOfResponsibilityHook
hookContainer - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.CollectorHook
hookContainer - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.NotificationHook
hookContainer - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.PermissionHook
hookContainer - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ProviderHook
hookContainer - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.TransformerHook
HookContainer - Interface in org.luwrain.core
HookContainer.Hook - Interface in org.luwrain.core
HookContainer.HookResult - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
HookContainer.HookRunner - Interface in org.luwrain.core
HookException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.script
HookException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.script.HookException
HookException(Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.script.HookException
hookName - Variable in exception class org.luwrain.script.HookException
hookNameBase - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
Hooks - Class in org.luwrain.linux
Hooks - Class in org.luwrain.pim
Hooks - Class in org.luwrain.script
Hooks() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.Hooks
Hooks() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.Hooks
Hooks() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
host - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
HotKey - Class in
HotKey(InputEvent.Special, Character, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Constructor for class
HotKeyEntry - Class in org.luwrain.registry
HotKeyEntry(Registry, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.registry.HotKeyEntry
hotPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
hotPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
hotPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
hotPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
hotPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
HotPoint - Interface in org.luwrain.core
HotPointControl - Interface in org.luwrain.core
HotPointObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
HotPointObj(HotPoint) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.HotPointObj
HotPointShift - Class in org.luwrain.controls
HotPointShift(HotPointControl, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
hotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
hotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
hotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
hotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
hotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
hotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
hotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
New X position of the hot point
hotPointY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
hotPointY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
hotPointY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
hotPointY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
hotPointY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
hotPointY - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
New Y position of the hot point
href - Variable in class
href() - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
href() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
hrefs - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
HTML - Static variable in class
Hunspell - Class in org.luwrain.nlp
Hunspell(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.nlp.Hunspell


i18n - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
i18n() - Element in annotation interface org.luwrain.core.annotations.AppNoArgs
i18n() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
I18n - Interface in org.luwrain.i18n
I18N_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
i18nExtension(Luwrain, I18nExtension) - Method in class
i18nExtension(Luwrain, I18nExtension) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
i18nExtension(Luwrain, I18nExtension) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Extension
i18nExtension(Luwrain, I18nExtension) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.Extension
i18nExtension(Luwrain, I18nExtension) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
I18nExtension - Interface in org.luwrain.i18n
I18nExtensionBase - Class in org.luwrain.i18n
I18nExtensionBase(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
icon - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class
id - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice
ide - Variable in class
IDE - Interface in
IDLE - Enum constant in enum class
ifNotAbsolute(File, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
importance - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
IMPORTANCE_REGULAR - Static variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
INACCESSIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
INACCESSIBLE_SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result.Type
INACCESSIBLE_SOURCE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Result
inboxFolder() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Strings
IncreaseTemplateDepth() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
INDENT - Enum constant in enum class
IndentationCorrector(MultilineEditCorrector) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.IndentationCorrector
IndentUtils - Class in
IndentUtils(SyntaxParams) - Constructor for class
info - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
info(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Log
INFO - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Log.Level
InfoLayout - Class in
InfoLayout(App, LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Constructor for class
init() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
init(ClassLoader, Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
init(EventConsumer) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Braille
init(EventConsumer) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BrlApi
init(InteractionParams, OperatingSystem) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
init(InteractionParams, OperatingSystem) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
init(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyExtension
init(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Extension
init(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Extension
init(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.Extension
init(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
init(PropertiesBase) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.OperatingSystem
init(PropertiesBase) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
init(PropertiesBase) - Method in class
init(Project, IDE) - Method in class
Init - Class in org.luwrain.core
Init() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Init
initBase(IDE, File) - Method in class
initialChecking(EditArea) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditSpellChecking
initialChecking(FormArea) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormSpellChecking
initialFontSize - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
InitResult - Class in org.luwrain.core
InitResult() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
InitResult(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
InitResult(InitResult.Type) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
InitResult(InitResult.Type, Object) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
InitResult.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
InitResultException - Exception Class in
InitResultException(InitResult) - Constructor for exception class
input(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate
input(String, String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate
INPUT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
inputEvent() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Action
InputEvent - Class in
InputEvent(boolean, InputEvent.Special, char) - Constructor for class
InputEvent(boolean, InputEvent.Special, char, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
InputEvent(char) - Constructor for class
InputEvent(char, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
InputEvent(char, Set<InputEvent.Modifiers>) - Constructor for class
InputEvent(InputEvent.Special) - Constructor for class
InputEvent(InputEvent.Special, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
InputEvent(InputEvent.Special, Set<InputEvent.Modifiers>) - Constructor for class
InputEvent.Modifiers - Enum Class in
InputEvent.Special - Enum Class in
inputEventListeners - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
inputEventListeners - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
InputEventObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
InputEventObj(InputEvent) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.InputEventObj
inputHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
inputPos - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
inputPos - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
inputPrefix - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
INSERT - Enum constant in enum class
INSERT_CHARS - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
INSERT_FRAGMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
InsertCharsChange(int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.InsertCharsChange
InsertFragmentChange(int, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.InsertFragmentChange
insertLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
insertLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
insertLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
insertLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
insertLine(int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
insertRegion(int, int, String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
insertRegion(int, int, String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
insertRegion(int, int, String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
insertRegion(int, int, String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
insertRegion(int, int, String[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
insertRegion(int, int, String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
insertRegion(int, int, String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
insertText(String) - Method in class
insertText(String[]) - Method in class
INST - Enum constant in enum class
instance - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.JobInstanceObj
InstantAnswer - Class in
InstantAnswer() - Constructor for class
InstantAnswer.Answer - Class in
InstantAnswer.Flags - Enum Class in
InstantAnswer.RelatedTopic - Class in
institutionOnCity(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
institutionOnStreet(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class
INTEGER - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
Interaction - Interface in org.luwrain.core
INTERACTION_PARAMS_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
Interaction.GraphicalMode - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Interaction.GraphicalModeControl - Interface in org.luwrain.core
InteractionParamColor - Class in org.luwrain.core
InteractionParamColor(float, float, float) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
InteractionParamColor(InteractionParamColor.Predefined) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
InteractionParamColor.Predefined - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
InteractionParams - Class in org.luwrain.core
InteractionParams() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
INTERACTIVE_SHORTCUT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Flags
interrupting() - Method in interface org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils.Interrupting
intersects(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.RangeUtils
intro() - Method in interface
INTRO_REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
INTRODUCE - Enum constant in enum class
INTRODUCTION_BRIEF - Static variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
INVALID - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
INVALID_PLAYLIST - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Result
InvalidHttpResponseCodeException(int, String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.util.Connections.InvalidHttpResponseCodeException
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.ResourceStringsObj
isAbsolute() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
isAction(Event, String) - Static method in class
isActionInfoEnabled() - Method in interface
isActivated() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Disk
isActivated() - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Disk
isActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.BrailleImpl
isAppDoc(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
isAppDocX(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
isAppPdf(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
isAppXlsX(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
isAvailable() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
isBlockBoundLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
isBold - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
isBoolean(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
isBusy() - Method in class
isBusy() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
isCancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
isCompleted() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
isCompleted() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Fetching
isConnected() - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.WifiNetwork
isDigit - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
isDirectory() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.NativeItem
isDirectory() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Wrapper
isDirectory() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
isDownloadFinished(String) - Method in interface
isEmpty() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
isEmpty() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
isEmpty() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
isEmpty() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
isEmpty() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
isEmpty() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
isEmpty() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
isFinished() - Method in interface
isFinishedSuccessfully() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
isFinishedSuccessfully() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ErrorJobInstance
isFinishedSuccessfully() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
isFinishedSuccessfully() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
isHotPointInMultilineEdit() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
isInitialized() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.AbstractRegionPoint
isInitialized() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
isInitialized() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
isInitialized() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
isInTable(Table) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
IsInTemplateString() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
isIntroRowFor(Row, Paragraph, Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
isItalic - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
isLeaf(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Appearance
isLeaf(E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Model
isLeaf(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
isLetter - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
isLetterOrDigit - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
isListOrdered() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.ListItem
isMale() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Voice
isMarkupNode(N) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
isMarkupNode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
isModified() - Method in class
isMultilineEditActivated() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
isMultilineEditEnabled() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
isNeedsToBeUpdated() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocks
isNull(Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
isOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
isOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result
isParagraphBeginning() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
isParagraphBeginning() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
isPathAcceptable(File, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.FileAcceptance
isPerformed() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
isPointInMultilineEdit(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
isPopupActive() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Popup
isPopupActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
isPopupActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
isPopupActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
isPopupActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
isPopupActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
isPopupActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
isPopupActive() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
isPosCovered(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
IsRegexPossible() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
Returns true if the lexer can match a regex literal.
isResizable() - Method in class org.luwrain.graphical.ResizableCanvas
isRoot() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolder
isRoot() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
isRoot(File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
isRowMatching(Node, Paragraph, Row) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator.Matching
isRowMatching(Node, Paragraph, Row) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator.Matching
isRunningTaskId(TaskCancelling.TaskId) - Method in class
isSavePosition() - Method in class
isSection() - Method in class
isSectionItem(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance
isSectionItem(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelTransition
isSectionItem(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup.Appearance
isSectionItem(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup.Transition
isSingleCellTable() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Table
isSpace - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
isSpecial - Variable in class
isSpecial() - Method in class
isStandalone() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Standalone
IsStartOfFile() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
IsStrictMode() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
isStrike - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
isTableCellIntroRow(Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
isTextNode(N) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
isTextNode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
isUnderline - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
isUnknown(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
isUnsaved() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.roles.TextEditor
isUrl() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BackgroundSoundQuery.Answer
isValid() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
isVisible() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
it - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
Item() - Constructor for class
Item(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item
Item(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Item(ConsoleReader.Item.Type) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item
ITEM_INDEX - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State.Type
itemClass - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
itemIndex - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State
items - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
items - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormUtils.FixedListChoosing
items - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
items - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
items - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
items - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Model
iterator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
Iterator - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
Iterator - Class in org.luwrain.reader.view
Iterator(View) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
Iterator(View, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
Iterator(View) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
Iterator(View, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
Iterator.Matching - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
Iterator.Matching - Interface in org.luwrain.reader.view


JavaFxInteraction - Class in org.luwrain.interaction.javafx
JavaFxInteraction() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
JavaIndent - Class in
JavaIndent(Source, SpanTree, SyntaxParams) - Constructor for class
JavaProjectLoader - Class in
JavaProjectLoader() - Constructor for class
javaScriptEnabled() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Strings
JavaScriptLexerBase - Class in org.luwrain.antlr.js
All lexer methods that used in grammar (IsStrictMode) should start with Upper Case Char similar to Lexer rules.
JavaScriptLexerBase(CharStream) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
JavaScriptParserBase - Class in org.luwrain.antlr.js
All parser methods that used in grammar (p, prev, notLineTerminator, etc.)
JavaScriptParserBase(TokenStream) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
JavaSyntax - Class in
JavaSyntax(JavaSyntax.Source) - Constructor for class
JavaSyntax.Source - Interface in
JniLoader - Class in org.luwrain.core
JniLoader() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.JniLoader
Job - Interface in org.luwrain.core
JOB - Enum constant in enum class
Job.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Job.Status - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
JobInstanceObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
JobInstanceObj(Job) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.JobInstanceObj
JobLauncher - Interface in org.luwrain.core
JobLauncher.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
JobLauncher.Status - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
JobsManager - Class in org.luwrain.core
JobsManager.Entry - Class in org.luwrain.core
join(String, String) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
JSoupDocObj - Class in
JSoupDocObj(Document) - Constructor for class
JSoupNodeObj - Class in
jump(long) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player


KEY - Static variable in class
KEY_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item.Type
KEYBOARD - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
KeyboardHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.interaction
KeyboardLayout - Interface in org.luwrain.interaction
kill(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
killpg(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls


Lang - Interface in org.luwrain.i18n
The interface for classes implementing national languages.
LangBase - Class in org.luwrain.i18n
LangBase(String, Luwrain, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
langName - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
langName - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
langs() - Element in annotation interface org.luwrain.core.annotations.ResourceStrings
LangStatic - Enum Class in org.luwrain.i18n
lat - Variable in class
LATIN - Enum constant in enum class
launch(Job.Listener, String[], String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher
launch(Job.Listener, String[], String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.lib.SysJob
Launch - Class in org.luwrain.core
launchApp - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
launchApp(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
launchApp(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
launchApp(Application) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
LaunchFactory - Interface in org.luwrain.core
LaunchFactoryImpl - Class in org.luwrain.core
LaunchFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.LaunchFactoryImpl
layout - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
Layout - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
Layout - Class in org.luwrain.reader.view
Layout.Line - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
Layout.Line - Class in org.luwrain.reader.view
LayoutBase - Class in
LayoutBase() - Constructor for class
LayoutBase(AppBase) - Constructor for class
LayoutBase.ActionHandler - Interface in
LayoutBase.ActionInfo - Class in
LayoutBase.ActionInfoCondition - Interface in
LayoutBase.Actions - Class in
LayoutBase.ConsoleParams<E> - Interface in
LayoutBase.EditParams - Interface in
LayoutBase.LayoutControlContext - Class in
LayoutBase.ListParams<E> - Interface in
LayoutBase.TreeParams<E> - Interface in
LayoutControlContext(ControlContext) - Constructor for class
LEAF - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem.Type
leafClickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
leafClickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Params
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper.Position
LEFT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Position
LEFT_ALT - Enum constant in enum class
LEFT_RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout.Type
LEFT_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
LEFT_RIGHT_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout.Type
LEFT_RIGHT_BOTTOM - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
LEFT_TOP_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout.Type
LEFT_TOP_BOTTOM - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
LegacyMultilineTranslator - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
LegacyMultilineTranslator(MultilineTranslator) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
length() - Method in class
letter - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Letter
letter(char) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
Letter(char) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Letter
level - Variable in class
level - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
level - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.Log.Message
LIGHT_GRAY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
line - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
line - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
Line() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout.Line
Line() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout.Line
Line(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl.Line
LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaTextType
LINE_BOUND - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
lineCount - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
lineCount - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
lineLen - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.WordWrapCorrector
LineMarks - Interface in org.luwrain.core
LineMarks.Mark - Interface in org.luwrain.core
LineMarks.Mark.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
LineMarks.MarkObject - Interface in org.luwrain.core
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.LinesClipboardProvider
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.LinesRegionTextQueryProvider
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.MutableLinesArray
lines - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
Lines - Interface in org.luwrain.core
LinesClipboardProvider - Class in org.luwrain.controls
LinesClipboardProvider(Lines, LinesClipboardProvider.ClipboardSource) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.LinesClipboardProvider
LinesClipboardProvider.ClipboardSource - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
LinesRegionTextQueryProvider - Class in org.luwrain.controls
LinesRegionTextQueryProvider(Lines) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.LinesRegionTextQueryProvider
LinesSaver - Class in org.luwrain.util
LinesSaver() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.LinesSaver
lineTerminatorAhead() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
Returns true iff on the current index of the parser's token stream a token exists on the HIDDEN channel which either is a line terminator, or is a multi line comment that contains a line terminator.
lineTo - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.DeleteFragmentChange
Linux - Class in org.luwrain.linux
Linux() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
LIST_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
LIST_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Suggestions
LIST_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class
LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class
LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class
LIST_TYPE - Static variable in class
listAppearance - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
ListAppearanceImpl(CommanderArea.Appearance<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListAppearanceImpl
ListArea<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea(ListArea.Params<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
ListArea.Appearance<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Appearance.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.ClickHandler<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.ClipboardSaver<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.ListeningInfo - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Model<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Params<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Transition - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Transition.State - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Transition.State.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListArea.Transition.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
listChoosing - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
listClickHandler - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
listClipboardSaver - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
ListenableArea - Interface in org.luwrain.core
ListenableArea.ListeningInfo - Class in org.luwrain.core
listener - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.player
Listening - Class in org.luwrain.core.listening
Listening - Class in
Listening() - Constructor for class
Listening(Luwrain, Speech, Area, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.listening.Listening
LISTENING_FINISHED - Enum constant in enum class
ListeningFinishedEvent - Class in
ListeningFinishedEvent(Object) - Constructor for class
ListeningInfo() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
ListeningInfo(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
ListeningInfo(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
ListEntry - Interface in
listFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
listItem(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
listItem(String, Suggestions) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
listItem(Sounds, String, Suggestions) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
ListItem - Class in
ListItem - Class in org.luwrain.reader
ListItem() - Constructor for class
ListItem(Sounds, String, Suggestions) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.ListItem
listModel - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
ListModel(List<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ListModel
ListModel(List<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ListModel
ListModelAdapter(CommanderArea.Model<E>, CommanderArea.Filter<E>, Comparator<CommanderArea.NativeItem<E>>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListModelAdapter
listParams(LayoutBase.ListParams<E>) - Method in class
ListPopup<E> - Class in org.luwrain.popups
ListPopup(Luwrain, ListArea.Params<E>, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup
ListPopup2<E> - Class in org.luwrain.popups
ListPopup2(Luwrain, ListArea.Params<E>, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
ListPopupBase<E> - Class in org.luwrain.popups
ListPopupBase(Luwrain, ListArea.Params<E>, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
listTransition - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
ListUtils - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils
ListUtils.AbstractAppearance<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.ArrayModel<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.ArrayModel.Source<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.DefaultAppearance<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.DefaultClipboardSaver<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.DefaultTransition - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.DoubleLevelAppearance<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.DoubleLevelTransition<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.FixedModel<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.FunctionalClipboardSaver<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.ListModel<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance - Class in org.luwrain.controls
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion
load() - Method in class
load() - Method in interface
load() - Method in class
load(File) - Method in class
load(File) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
load(File) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
load(File, IDE) - Method in class
load(File, IDE) - Method in class
load(File, IDE) - Method in class
load(File, IDE) - Method in class
load(File, IDE) - Method in interface
load(ClassLoader, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JniLoader
load(ScriptSource) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
load(ContactsFolder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Contacts
load(ContactsFolder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolders
load(Folder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.MailMessages
load(Folder, Predicate<MailMessage>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.MailMessages
load(NewsGroup) - Method in interface
load(IDE, File) - Method in class
loadById(int) - Method in interface
loadByShortName(ClassLoader, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JniLoader
loadChannel(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Speech
loadFilePopupFlags(Luwrain) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
loading() - Method in interface
LOADING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.State
LOADING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.State
loadProject(File) - Method in interface
loadProperties() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Folder
loadProperties(String, I18nExtension) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
loadScript(ScriptSource) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
loadSpeechChannel(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
loadUrisInGroup(NewsGroup) - Method in interface
loadWithoutRead(NewsGroup) - Method in interface
LocalDownload - Interface in
LocalDownload.Listener - Interface in
localRepoActDelete() - Method in interface
localRepoAreaName() - Method in interface
localRepoBookCorrupted() - Method in interface
localRepoDeletePopupName() - Method in interface
localRepoDeletePopupText(String) - Method in interface
log - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
log - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
log - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ProviderHook
log(String) - Static method in class
Log - Class in org.luwrain.core
Log() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Log
LOG_COMPONENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
LOG_COMPONENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellText
LOG_COMPONENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Factory
LOG_COMPONENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
LOG_COMPONENT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
LOG_ERRORS - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Flags
LOG_OUTPUT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Flags
Log.Level - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Log.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Log.Message - Class in org.luwrain.core
LogAppender - Class in
LogAppender(String, Filter) - Constructor for class
login - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
login_tty(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls.Linux_Util_lib
login_tty(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
lon - Variable in class
lostOwnership(Clipboard, Transferable) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormUtils.FixedListChoosing
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.DefaultControl
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.player.Factory.Params
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultAppearance
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Appearance
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
luwrain - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObjBase
luwrain() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Control
luwrain() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.DefaultControl
Luwrain - Interface in org.luwrain.core
The main bridge for applications and extensions purposed for communication with LUWRAIN core.
Luwrain.AnnouncementType - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Luwrain.AreaAttr - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Luwrain.AreaTextType - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Luwrain.JobFlags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Luwrain.MessageType - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Luwrain.SpeakableTextType - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
LuwrainObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
LuwrainObjBase - Class in org.luwrain.script.core


M3U - Enum constant in enum class
MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
Mail - Class in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
Mail(Luwrain, Control, Strings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Mail
MAIL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
MAIL_INCOMING - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.Hooks
MAIL_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.pim.Settings
mailAccountDisabled(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
MailConnections - Class in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
MailConnections(MailConnections.Params, boolean) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections
MailConnections.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
MailConnections.Params - Class in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
mailFolderFormBadOrderIndex(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
mailFoldersRoot() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Strings
mailIncoming(Luwrain, Message) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.Hooks
mailingListsFolder() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Strings
MailMessages - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete
MailObj - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.script
MailObj(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MailObj
MailPersistence - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence
MailPersistence() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.MailPersistence
MailPersistence.Operation - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence
mailSection() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
main - Variable in class
main - Variable in class
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Init
MAIN_MENU - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
MAIN_MENU - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
MAIN_MENU_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
MainLayout - Class in
MainMenu - Class in
MainMenuItem - Class in
MainMenuItem() - Constructor for class
MainMenuItem(String, String) - Constructor for class
make(File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
make(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
make(URL) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
make(Luwrain, Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
make(Luwrain, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
makeAlias(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
makeParams(Luwrain, String, Strings, ContactsStoring, String[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.CcEditPopup
makeRegistryName(String) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings
makeUniRef(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
makeUrlFromInstantAnswer(String) - Method in class
makeValue(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
manager - Variable in class
manager - Variable in class
Manager - Class in org.luwrain.core.sound
Manager - Class in
Manager(ExtObjects, Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.sound.Manager
Manager(Luwrain) - Constructor for class
Manager.Entry - Interface in
Manager.Entry.Status - Enum Class in
map(AddressDto) - Static method in class
map(CoordinatesDto) - Static method in class
map(NodeDto) - Static method in class
map(RelationDto, List<Element>) - Static method in class
map(WayDto, List<Node>) - Static method in class
MapScriptObject - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
MapScriptObject() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject
MapScriptObject(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject
marginBottom - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
marginLeft - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
marginRight - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
marginTop - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
mark(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
mark(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.MarksInfo
MarkableListAppearance(ControlContext, MarkableListArea.MarksInfo) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance
MarkableListArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
MarkableListArea(MarkableListArea.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea
MarkableListArea.MarksInfo - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
MarkableListArea.Params - Class in org.luwrain.controls
markAsProcessed() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Event
Signals that the processing of this event is finished.
marked(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
marked(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.MarksInfo
MARKED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.MessageMetadata.State
MARKED - Static variable in class
MARKED_LIST_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
MarkedLines - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MarkImpl(LineMarks.Mark.Type, int, int, LineMarks.MarkObject) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultLineMarks.MarkImpl
MARKING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Flags
markOnly(Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
markOnly(Object[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.MarksInfo
marksInfo - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.MarkableListAppearance
marksInfo - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea
marksInfo - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.Params
MASCULINE - Enum constant in enum class
match(Token) - Method in class
MAX_VOLUME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
maxLineLen - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
maxLineLen - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
MediaResource - Class in
MediaResource() - Constructor for class
MediaResourcePlayer - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MediaResourcePlayer.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
MediaResourcePlayer.Instance - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MediaResourcePlayer.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MediaResourcePlayer.Params - Class in org.luwrain.core
MediaResourcePlayer.Result - Class in org.luwrain.core
MediaResourcePlayer.Result.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
MediaResources - Class in
MediaResources(Properties) - Constructor for class
Mediawiki - Class in
Mediawiki(String) - Constructor for class
MERGE_LINES - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
mergeLines(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
mergeLines(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
mergeLines(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
mergeLines(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
mergeLines(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
mergeLines(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
mergeLines(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
MergeLinesChange(int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.MergeLinesChange
message - Variable in exception class
message - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.Log.Message
message - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
message - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
message(String) - Method in class
message(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
message(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
message(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Control
message(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.DefaultControl
message(String, Luwrain.MessageType) - Method in class
message(String, Luwrain.MessageType) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
message(String, Luwrain.MessageType) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
message(String, Luwrain.MessageType) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
message(String, Luwrain.MessageType) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
message(String, Sounds) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Message - Class in
Message - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail
Message() - Constructor for class
Message(MessageMetadata) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.Message
MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
MESSAGE_FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.Message
MessageArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
MessageArea(MessageArea.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
MessageArea.Attachment - Class in org.luwrain.controls
MessageArea.Params - Class in org.luwrain.controls
MessageConsumer - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail
MessageContentItem - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail
MessageContentItem() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.MessageContentItem
MessageContentType - Class in
MessageContentType() - Constructor for class
MessageDAO - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao
MessageDecoder - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail
MessageDecoder() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.MessageDecoder
MessageMetadata - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model
MessageMetadata() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.MessageMetadata
MessageMetadata.State - Enum Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model
MessageObj - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.script
MessageObj(MailObj, Message) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
MessageProvider<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail
MessageSendingData - Class in
MessageSendingData() - Constructor for class
messagesInQueueForAccount(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
MIN_VOLUME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
mlEdit - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
mlEditChangeListeners - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
mlEditContent - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
mlEditHotPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
MlTagStrip - Class in org.luwrain.util
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListModelAdapter
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Params
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelTransition
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Params
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Params
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice
model - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
Model() - Constructor for class
Model(FileSystemManager) - Constructor for class
ModelImpl(List<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.ModelImpl
ModificationResult(boolean) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
ModificationResult(boolean, char) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
ModificationResult(boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
ModificationResult(boolean, String, char) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
module - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice
module - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObjBase
Module - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
Module(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.Module
Module(Luwrain, Bindings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.Module
Module(Luwrain, InternalCoreFuncs, Bindings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.Module
MonoApp - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MonoApp.Result - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
mount(String) - Method in class
MountParams - Class in org.luwrain.linux
MountParams(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams
MountParams(String, String, Set<MountParams.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams
MountParams.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.linux
MOVE_HOT_POINT - Enum constant in enum class
moveBeginning() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
moveBeginning() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
moveEnd() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
moveEnd() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
MoveHotPointEvent - Class in
MoveHotPointEvent(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
moveHotPointToInput() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
moveNext() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
moveNext() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
moveNextInParagraph(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
movePrev() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
movePrev() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
moveToFolder(MailMessage, Folder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.MailMessages
msgNum - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto.Pop3.ExtData
MULTILINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
MultilineCorrector - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.Change - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.ChangeType - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.DeleteCharChange - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.DeleteFragmentChange - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.InsertCharsChange - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.InsertFragmentChange - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.MergeLinesChange - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.Model - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineCorrector.SplitLineChange - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineEdit - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineEdit(MultilineEdit.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
MultilineEdit.Appearance - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineEdit.Model - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
The model for MultilineEdit.
MultilineEdit.ModificationResult - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineEdit.Params - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
multilineEditCaption - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
MultilineEditCorrector - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
multilineEditEnabled - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
multilineEditHasCaption() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
MultilineEditTranslator - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineEditTranslator(MutableLines, HotPointControl) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
MultilineEditTranslator(MutableLines, HotPointControl, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
MultilineTranslator - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MultilineTranslator(MutableLines, HotPointControl) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
MultilineTranslator.OperationFinishing - Class in org.luwrain.controls.edit
MutableLines - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MutableLines.Updating - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MutableLinesArray - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
MutableLinesArray(MutableLines) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.MutableLinesArray
MutableLinesImpl - Class in org.luwrain.controls
MutableLinesImpl() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
MutableLinesImpl(String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
MutableMarkedLines - Interface in org.luwrain.core
MutableMarkedLinesImpl - Class in org.luwrain.controls
MutableMarkedLinesImpl() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
MutableMarkedLinesImpl(String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
MutableMarkedLinesImpl.Line - Class in org.luwrain.controls


n(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
Short form for next(String str)
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormUtils.FixedListChoosing
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Params
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Params
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.ExtraInfo
name - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
name - Variable in class
name - Variable in class
name() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Action
name() - Element in annotation interface org.luwrain.core.annotations.AppNoArgs
name() - Element in annotation interface org.luwrain.core.annotations.ResourceStrings
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.controls.reader.Strings
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
NAME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Strings
NAME - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
NAME - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
NAME - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
NAME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.popups.pim.Strings
NAME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Strings
NAME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NAME - Static variable in interface
NATURAL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.SpeakableTextType
navigate(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Chromite
NavigationArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
An area with basic navigation operations.
NavigationArea(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
NETWORK - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
NETWORK_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
NETWORK_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings
NETWORK_SERVICE_INACCESSIBLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InitResult.Type
NETWORKS_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings
networksAreaName() - Method in interface
NEUTER - Enum constant in enum class
NEW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.MessageMetadata.State
NEW - Static variable in class
NEW_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item.Type
newAccountTitlePopupName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
newAccountTitlePopupPrefix() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
newAccountTypePopupName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
newAlbumPopupName() - Method in interface
newAlbumTitlePopupPrefix() - Method in interface
newAlbumTypePopupName() - Method in interface
newAnnouncement(Luwrain, ControlContext) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.Factory
newBook(Luwrain, String) - Method in class
newChannel(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Engine
Creates new channel of this engine with the requested parameters.
newChecker(Luwrain, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellCheckerFactory
newContactsStoring(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Factory
newDisks(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.DefaultDisksPopupFactory
newDisks(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Factory
newDisks(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Factory
newDisks(Luwrain) - Method in class
newDocumentArea(Luwrain, ControlContext) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.Factory
newDocumentBuilder(Luwrain) - Method in class
newDocumentBuilder(Luwrain) - Method in class
newDocumentBuilder(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.DocumentBuilderFactory
newDocumentBuilder(Luwrain, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.DocumentBuilderLoader
newDownloadManager(DownloadManagerFactory.Params) - Method in interface
newExtObject(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
newFolderPopupName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
newFolderPopupName() - Method in interface
newFolderPopupPrefix() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
newFolderPopupPrefix() - Method in interface
newFrame() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
newHotPointX - Variable in class
newHotPointY - Variable in class
newInstanceOf(ClassLoader, String, Class) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.ClassUtils
Creates new instance of the requested class and ensures that it can be safely assigned to some class or interface.
newJob - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
newJob(String, String[], String, Set<Luwrain.JobFlags>, Job.Listener) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
newLaunch(boolean, String[], File, File, File) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.LaunchFactory
newLaunch(boolean, String[], File, File, File) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.LaunchFactoryImpl
NewLineIndent - Class in
NewLineIndent(MultilineEditCorrector) - Constructor for class
newListItem() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newMainMenu(Luwrain) - Static method in class
newMediaResourcePlayer(MediaResourcePlayer.Listener) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer
newMultilineEdit(MultilineEdit.Params) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.EditFactory
newNewsStoring(boolean) - Method in class
newObject(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.ObjFactory
newObject(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleObjFactory
newObject(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.PimObjFactory
newOrderedList() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newParagraph(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newParagraph(Run[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newPlayer(Factory.Params) - Method in class
newPlayer(Factory.Params) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Factory
newProject(IDE, File) - Static method in class
newProjectAreaName() - Method in interface
newRoot() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
News - Class in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
News - Class in org.luwrain.pim.workers
News(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
News(Control) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
News(Control, Strings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.News
NewsArticle - Class in
NewsArticle() - Constructor for class
NewsArticles - Interface in
newSection(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newSectionArea(ControlPanel) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection.AreaFactory
newSectionPopupName() - Method in interface
newSectionTitlePopupPrefix() - Method in interface
newsFetchingError(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
NewsGroup - Class in
NewsGroup() - Constructor for class
NewsGroups - Interface in
NewsStoring - Interface in
newStrings(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.Factory
newSubfolder - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
newTable() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newTableCell() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newTableRow() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
newTaskId() - Method in class
newText - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
newUnorderedList() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
next() - Method in interface
next(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
Whether the next token value equals to @param str
NEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
NEXT_PARAGRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
NEXT_SECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
NEXT_SECTION_SAME_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
nextAutoNameNum - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
nextFreeNum(Registry, String) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
nextToken() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
Return the next token from the character stream and records this last token in case it resides on the default channel.
nextTrack() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
NitriteStorage<E> - Class in
NitriteStorage(File, Class<E>) - Constructor for class
NmCli - Class in
NmCli() - Constructor for class
NmCli(NmCli.Caller) - Constructor for class
NmCli.Caller - Interface in
NO - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
NO_APPLICATIONS - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
NO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
NO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
NO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
NO_HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class
NO_ITEMS_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
NO_ITEMS_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
NO_ITEMS_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
NO_ITEMS_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
NO_ITEMS_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
NO_ITEMS_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
NO_LINES_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
NO_LINES_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
NO_LINES_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
NO_LINES_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
NO_LINES_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
NO_LINES_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
NO_MULTIPLE_COPIES - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Flags
NO_NON_DIREXCLUDE_HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class
NO_STRINGS_OBJ - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InitResult.Type
NO_TRANSITION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State.Type
noAllMessagesToBeFetched() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
noConnectionLock() - Method in interface
noContent() - Method in interface
noContent() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
noContent() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
noContent() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
noContent() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
noContentFetching() - Method in interface
noContentMsg() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
noContentStr() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
noContentStr() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
noContentStr() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
noContentStr() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
Node - Class in
Node - Class in org.luwrain.reader
Node() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Node
Node(long, Map<String, String>, double, double) - Constructor for class
Node.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.reader
NodeBase - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
NodeBase - Class in org.luwrain.reader.view
NodeBase() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
NodeBase() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
NodeBuilder - Class in org.luwrain.reader
NodeBuilder() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.NodeBuilder
NodeDto - Class in
NodeDto() - Constructor for class
NoHiddenFilter() - Constructor for class
noItems() - Method in class
NOM - Enum constant in enum class
noMailAccountsForFetching() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
noMore() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
NONE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.SpeakableTextType
NONE_APPEARANCE_FLAGS - Static variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
noNewsGroups() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
noNewsGroupsData() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
nonSpecialChar - Variable in class
noSubnodes() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result.Type
notEmpty(Object, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.NullCheck
Checks that given reference isn't null and obj.toString.isEmpty() returns false.
notEmptyArray(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.NullCheck
Checks that the array reference isn't null and the array has at least one item.
notEmptyItems(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.NullCheck
Checks that the array reference isn't null and items[i].toString().isEmpt () returns false for all items (if there are any).
notesAreaName() - Method in interface
noText() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
notification - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
notification(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
NotificationHook - Class in org.luwrain.script.hooks
NotificationHook(HookContainer) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.hooks.NotificationHook
notifyChangeListeners() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
notifyChangeListeners(Event) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
notLineTerminator() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
notLonger(String, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.NullCheck
Checks that provided reference isn't null.
notNull(Value[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
notNullAndLen(Value[], int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
notNullItems(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.NullCheck
Checks that the array reference isn't null and none of its items are null (if there are any).
notOpenBraceAndNotFunction() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
NOUN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
noWifiNetworks() - Method in interface
NullCheck - Class in org.luwrain.core
Simplifies checking of objects validity.
NullCheck() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.NullCheck
num - Variable in class
NUM - Enum constant in enum class
NUM_ORD - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
NUM_QU - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
number_of_results - Variable in class
numberOfNewMessages(int, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Listener
NVME - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted


ObjFactory - Interface in org.luwrain.core
objFunc - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FunctionalClipboardSaver
offsetX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
offsetX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
offsetX - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
offsetY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
offsetY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
offsetY - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ClickHandler.Result
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputHandler.Result
OK - Enum constant in enum class
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InitResult.Type
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result.Type
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Result
OK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result.Type
onAction() - Method in interface
onAction(IDE) - Method in interface
onAltEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onAltEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onAltEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onAltEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onAltHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onAltHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onAltHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onAltHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onAltLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onAltLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onAltLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onAltLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onAltRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onAltRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onAltRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onAltRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onAnnounce() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
Announces the list area.
onAnnounceLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onAppClose() - Method in class
onAppClose() - Method in class
onAppClose() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Application
onAppClose() - Method in class
onAppClose() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAppInit() - Method in class
onAreaNewBackgroundSound(Area) - Method in class
onAreaNewBackgroundSound(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
onAreaNewBackgroundSound(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
onAreaNewBackgroundSound(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
onAreaNewBackgroundSound(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
onAreaNewContent(Area) - Method in class
onAreaNewContent(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
onAreaNewContent(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
onAreaNewContent(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
onAreaNewContent(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Notifies the environment that the area gets new content.
onAreaNewHotPoint(Area) - Method in class
onAreaNewHotPoint(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
onAreaNewHotPoint(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
onAreaNewHotPoint(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
onAreaNewHotPoint(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Notifies the environment that the area gets new position of the hot point.
onAreaNewName(Area) - Method in class
onAreaNewName(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
onAreaNewName(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
onAreaNewName(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
onAreaNewName(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Notifies the environment that the area gets new name.
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Area
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
onAreaQuery(AreaQuery, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator
onAreaQuery(Area, AreaQuery) - Method in class
onAreaQuery(Area, AreaQuery) - Method in class
onBackspace(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
onBackspace(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onBackspace(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onBackspace(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
onBackspaceDeleteChar(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onBackspaceDeleteChar(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onBackspaceMergeLines(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onBackspaceMergeLines(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onBackspaceTextBegin() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onBackspaceTextBegin() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onBeginListeningQuery(BeginListeningQuery) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onBindings(Value, Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.script.Bindings
onBindings(Value, Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.script.core.Bindings
onCancel() - Method in class
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
onCancel() - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator.Provider
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onCancel() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
onCancelledTask() - Method in class
onCancelledTask() - Method in class
onChar(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onChar(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onChar(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onChar(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onCharacter(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onClear() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onClick() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onClick() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onClick() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
onClick(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onClick(BlockArea, Block, int, BlockLine) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.ClickHandler
onClick(TableArea.Model, int, int, Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableClickHandler
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator.Provider
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.LinesClipboardProvider
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onClipboardCopy(int, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onClipboardCopyAll() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator.Provider
onClipboardCopyAll() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.LinesClipboardProvider
onClipboardCopyAll() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onClipboardCopyAll() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onClipboardCopyAll() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onClipboardCopyAll() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onClipboardCopyAll() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onClipboardPaste() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onClipboardPaste() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
onClipboardPaste() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onCollapse(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onCommand(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Command
onCommand(Luwrain) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcutCommand
onCommand(Luwrain) - Method in class
onCommanderClick(CommanderArea, E, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ClickHandler
onCommanderClick(CommanderArea, File, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
onConsoleClick(ConsoleArea, int, E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.ClickHandler
onConsoleInput(ConsoleArea, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputHandler
onContactEntry(Contact) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
onCopy(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator
onDelete(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator
onDelete(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onDelete(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onDeleteChar(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onDeleteChar(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onDeleteCharMergeLines(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onDeleteCharMergeLines(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onDeleteCharTextEnd() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onDeleteCharTextEnd() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onDeleteMultiple(int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator.Provider
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.LinesClipboardProvider
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onDeleteRegion(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onDeleteSingle(int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
onDownloadFinished(LocalDownload) - Method in interface
onEditAreaInputEvent(EditArea, InputEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.InputEventListener
onEditChange(EditArea, MarkedLines, HotPoint) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.ChangeListener
onEditChange(EditArea, MarkedLines, HotPoint) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditSpellChecking
onEditChange(FormArea, Event, MarkedLines, HotPoint) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.MultilineEditChangeListener
onEditChange(FormArea, Event, MarkedLines, HotPoint) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormSpellChecking
onEditingUpdate() - Method in interface
onEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onEnd(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onEnter(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onEnter(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onEnterInEdit() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onErrorLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.EmptyListener
onErrorLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Listener
onErrorLine(String) - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscape() - Method in class
onEscapeSeq(Reader) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
onException(Throwable) - Method in class
onException(Throwable) - Method in class
onExpand(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onFailure(Task, Throwable) - Method in class
onFailure(Task, Throwable) - Method in interface
onFetchingStatus(FileFetcher.Fetching, FileFetcher.Status, float) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Listener
onFindNextHref() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onFinished(long) - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Listener
onFinishing(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.EmptyListener
onFinishing(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Listener
onFinishing(int) - Method in class
onFoldersUpdate() - Method in interface
onHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onHome(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onIdle(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SpellCheckingEditArea
onInfoChange(Job, String, List<String>) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJobListener
onInfoChange(Job, String, List<String>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job.Listener
onInfoChange(Job, String, List<String>) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
onInputEvent(Area, InputEvent) - Method in class
onInputEvent(Area, InputEvent) - Method in class
onInputEvent(Area, InputEvent, Runnable) - Method in class
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Area
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.ControlPanel
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.CcEditPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj
onInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.Area
onIsoControl(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
onItemClick(WebSearchResult.Item) - Method in class
onKeyDown(InputEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onKeyEnter(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onKeyLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onKeyPressed(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.interaction.KeyboardHandler
onKeyReleased(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.interaction.KeyboardHandler
onKeyRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onKeySpace(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onKeyTyped(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.interaction.KeyboardHandler
onKeyUp(InputEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onLaunchApp(Luwrain) - Method in class
onLaunchApp(Luwrain) - Method in class
onLaunchApp(Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Application
onLaunchApp(Luwrain) - Method in class
onLaunchApp(Luwrain) - Method in class
onLayoutUpdate() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper.UpdateNotification
onLeafClick(TreeListArea<E>, E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.LeafClickHandler
onLeafClick(TreeListArea<Part>, Part) - Method in class
onListClick(ListArea<E>, int, E) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.ClickHandler
onListClick(ListArea<E>, int, E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
onListClick(ListArea, int, Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
onListeningFinish(ListenableArea.ListeningInfo) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onListeningFinish(ListenableArea.ListeningInfo) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea
onListeningFinishedEvent(ListeningFinishedEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onListeningStart() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onListeningStart() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea
onListItem(Iterator, ListItem) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
onLogMessage(Log.Message) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Log.Listener
onMarking(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
onMessage(Message) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.MessageConsumer
onMessage(Message) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.MessageDecoder
onMonoAppSecondInstance(Application) - Method in class
onMonoAppSecondInstance(Application) - Method in class
onMonoAppSecondInstance(Application) - Method in class
onMonoAppSecondInstance(Application) - Method in class
onMonoAppSecondInstance(Application) - Method in class
onMonoAppSecondInstance(Application) - Method in class
onMonoAppSecondInstance(Application) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MonoApp
onMoveDown(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
onMoveDown(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onMoveDown(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onMoveDown(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onMoveDown(InputEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onMoveHotPoint(MoveHotPointEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onMoveHotPoint(MoveHotPointEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onMoveLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onMoveLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onMoveLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onMoveLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onMoveLeft(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onMoveRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onMoveRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onMoveRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onMoveRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onMoveRight(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onMoveUp(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
onMoveUp(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onMoveUp(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onMoveUp(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onMoveUp(InputEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onMultilineEditChange() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
Called if the model gets some changes.
onNewAreaLayout() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
onNewHotPoint(int, int) - Method in class
onNewHotPoint(int, int) - Method in interface
onNewHotPointY(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onNewPlaylist(Playlist) - Method in class
onNewPlaylist(Playlist) - Method in class
onNewPlaylist(Playlist) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Listener
onNewPropertyValue(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider.Listener
onNewRow(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onNewState(Playlist, Player.State) - Method in class
onNewState(Playlist, Player.State) - Method in class
onNewState(Playlist, Player.State) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Listener
onNewTrack(Playlist, int) - Method in class
onNewTrack(Playlist, int) - Method in class
onNewTrack(Playlist, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Listener
onNewVolume(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
onNewVolume(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.VolumeListener
onNextParagraph(Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
onNextSection(Iterator, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
onNextSentence(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onNode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
onNode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
onOk() - Method in class
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.CcEditPopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
onOk() - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator.Provider
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onOk() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
onOk(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onOutputLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.EmptyListener
onOutputLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Listener
onOutputLine(String) - Method in class
onPageDown(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onPageDown(InputEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onPageUp(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onPageUp(InputEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onParagraphLines(RowPart[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
onParagraphLines(RowPart[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
onPlayerError(Exception) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Listener
onPlayerFinish(MediaResourcePlayer.Instance) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Listener
onPlayerTime(MediaResourcePlayer.Instance, long) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Listener
onPlayingError(Playlist, Exception) - Method in class
onPlayingError(Playlist, Exception) - Method in class
onPlayingError(Playlist, Exception) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Listener
onPrevParagraph(Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
onPrevSection(Iterator, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
onProgress(int, long) - Method in class org.luwrain.player.FixedPlaylist
onProgress(int, long) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.ProgressListener
onProgress(Task, long) - Method in class
onProgress(Task, long) - Method in interface
onReaderClick(ReaderArea, Run) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.ClickHandler
onRegionTextQuery(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.LinesRegionTextQueryProvider
onRegionTextQuery(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onRegionTextQuery(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onRegionTextQuery(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator.Provider
onRegionTextQuery(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onRegionTextQuery(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onRegionTextQuery(RegionTextQuery, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator
onRegularChar(char) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
onSameButton(char, char) - Method in interface org.luwrain.interaction.KeyboardLayout
onSameButton(char, char) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.layouts.RuDefault
onSection(Iterator, Section) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
onSectionActionEvent(ControlPanel, ActionEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.EmptySection
onSectionActionEvent(ControlPanel, ActionEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.Section
onSectionActionEvent(ControlPanel, ActionEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection.ActionHandler
onSectionActionEvent(ControlPanel, ActionEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
onSectionActionEvent(ControlPanel, ActionEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountSection
onSectionActionEvent(ControlPanel, ActionEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountsSection
onSplitLines(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onSplitLines(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onStatusChange(Job) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJobListener
onStatusChange(Job) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job.Listener
onStatusChange(Job) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
onSuccess(Task) - Method in class
onSuccess(Task) - Method in interface
onSystemEvent(Area, SystemEvent) - Method in class
onSystemEvent(Area, SystemEvent, LayoutBase.Actions) - Method in class
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SpellCheckingEditArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Area
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Search
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.ControlPanel
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.Area
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.AbstractRegionPoint
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
onSystemEvent(SystemEvent, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator
onTab() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup
onTab(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultMultilineEditAppearance
onTab(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Appearance
onTab(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
onTab(InputEvent) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
onTableCell(Iterator, TableCell) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
onToggleMark() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea
onTrackTime(Playlist, int, long) - Method in class
onTrackTime(Playlist, int, long) - Method in class
onTrackTime(Playlist, int, long) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Listener
onTransition(ListArea.Transition.Type, Hint, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
onTransition(InputEvent, ReaderArea.Transition.Type, boolean, Hint) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
onTreeClick(TreeArea, Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.ClickHandler
onWord(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
open() - Method in class
open(E) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
open(E, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
open(E, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
open(E, String, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
open(E, String, String[], boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
open(Luwrain, WebSearchResult) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
OPEN_DIR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ClickHandler.Result
OPEN_IN_SECTION_TREE - Enum constant in enum class
openAdditionalArea(Area, AreaLayoutHelper.Position) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
opened() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
opened() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
openFile(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
openFileInDesktop(Path) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.OperatingSystem
openFileInDesktop(Path) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
openFileInDesktop(Path) - Method in class
openFiles(String[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
openHelp(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
openPathPopupName() - Method in interface
openPathPopupPrefix() - Method in interface
openProjectPopupPrefix() - Method in interface
openSubfolder() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
openTempArea(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
openTempLayout(AreaLayout) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
openUniRef(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
openUniRef(String, Luwrain) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.UniRefProc
openUniRef(UniRefInfo) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
openUrl - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
openUrl(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
openUrlPopupName() - Method in interface
openUrlPopupPrefix() - Method in interface
OperatingSystem - Interface in org.luwrain.core
OperatingSystemObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
operation(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineTranslator
ORANGE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
ORDERED - Enum constant in enum class
ORDERED_LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
org.luwrain.antlr.js - package org.luwrain.antlr.js - package
This package provides a template for the creation of a typical app for LUWRAIN. - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
org.luwrain.cli - package org.luwrain.cli
org.luwrain.controls - package org.luwrain.controls
org.luwrain.controls.block - package org.luwrain.controls.block
org.luwrain.controls.edit - package org.luwrain.controls.edit
org.luwrain.controls.reader - package org.luwrain.controls.reader
org.luwrain.controls.reader.view - package org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
org.luwrain.controls.wizard - package org.luwrain.controls.wizard
org.luwrain.core - package org.luwrain.core
org.luwrain.core.annotations - package org.luwrain.core.annotations - package
org.luwrain.core.listening - package org.luwrain.core.listening - package
org.luwrain.core.queries - package org.luwrain.core.queries
org.luwrain.core.roles - package org.luwrain.core.roles - package - package
org.luwrain.core.sound - package org.luwrain.core.sound
org.luwrain.core.speech - package org.luwrain.core.speech
org.luwrain.core.util - package org.luwrain.core.util
org.luwrain.cpanel - package org.luwrain.cpanel
org.luwrain.graphical - package org.luwrain.graphical
org.luwrain.i18n - package org.luwrain.i18n
org.luwrain.interaction - package org.luwrain.interaction
org.luwrain.interaction.javafx - package org.luwrain.interaction.javafx
org.luwrain.interaction.layouts - package org.luwrain.interaction.layouts - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
org.luwrain.linux - package org.luwrain.linux
org.luwrain.linux.disks - package org.luwrain.linux.disks
org.luwrain.linux.lib - package org.luwrain.linux.lib
org.luwrain.linux.script - package org.luwrain.linux.script - package
org.luwrain.nlp - package org.luwrain.nlp - package - package
org.luwrain.packs - package org.luwrain.packs
org.luwrain.pim - package org.luwrain.pim
org.luwrain.pim.binder - package org.luwrain.pim.binder
org.luwrain.pim.contacts - package org.luwrain.pim.contacts
org.luwrain.pim.contacts.json - package org.luwrain.pim.contacts.json
org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence - package org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence
org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.dao - package org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.dao
org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.model - package org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.model
org.luwrain.pim.fetching - package org.luwrain.pim.fetching
org.luwrain.pim.mail - package org.luwrain.pim.mail
org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete - package org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete
org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence - package org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence
org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao - package org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao
org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model - package org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model
org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto - package org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto
org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols - package org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols
org.luwrain.pim.mail.script - package org.luwrain.pim.mail.script - package - package - package
org.luwrain.pim.workers - package org.luwrain.pim.workers
org.luwrain.player - package org.luwrain.player
org.luwrain.popups - package org.luwrain.popups
org.luwrain.popups.pim - package org.luwrain.popups.pim
org.luwrain.reader - package org.luwrain.reader - package - package
org.luwrain.reader.view - package org.luwrain.reader.view
org.luwrain.registry - package org.luwrain.registry
org.luwrain.registry.fsdir - package org.luwrain.registry.fsdir
org.luwrain.registry.mem - package org.luwrain.registry.mem
org.luwrain.script - package org.luwrain.script - package
org.luwrain.script.controls - package org.luwrain.script.controls
org.luwrain.script.core - package org.luwrain.script.core
org.luwrain.script.hooks - package org.luwrain.script.hooks - package
org.luwrain.settings - package org.luwrain.settings
org.luwrain.settings.browser - package org.luwrain.settings.browser
org.luwrain.settings.mail - package org.luwrain.settings.mail
org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts - package org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts
org.luwrain.speech - package org.luwrain.speech - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
org.luwrain.util - package org.luwrain.util
org.luwrain.web - package org.luwrain.web
org.luwrain.web.chromite - package org.luwrain.web.chromite - package
origHotPointX - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
The original X position of the hot point; must be -1, if there is no hot point
origHotPointY - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
The original Y position of the hot point; must be -1, if there is no hot point
origLines - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
The text to split
OsmApiService - Class in
OsmApiService() - Constructor for class
outgoingFolder() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Strings
output - Variable in class
Output - Interface in
outputAreaName() - Method in interface
OverpassResponseDto - Class in
OverpassResponseDto() - Constructor for class


p(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
Short form for prev(String str)
Pack - Interface in org.luwrain.packs
Pack.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.packs
Packs - Interface in org.luwrain.packs
Page - Class in
PAGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
PAGE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultTransition
PAGE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
PAGE_UP - Enum constant in enum class
pageAreaName() - Method in interface
Paragraph - Class in
Paragraph - Class in org.luwrain.reader
Paragraph(List<Run>) - Constructor for class
PARAGRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
PARAGRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
paragraphs - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
paragraphs - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
paragraphs - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
paragraphs - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
paragraphs - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
paragraphs - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
ParagraphStyle - Enum Class in
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Params
Params() - Constructor for class
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
Params() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.player.Factory.Params
Params(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea.Params
parent - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea.Frame
parent - Variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleElement
parent - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.ExtraInfo
PARENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
PARENT_DIR - Static variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
parentAttr - Variable in class
parse(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.registry.PathParser
parseAsDirectory(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.registry.PathParser
parsed_url - Variable in class
Parser - Class in
Parser(Handler, List<String>) - Constructor for class
parseXml - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
Part - Interface in
Part.Action - Interface in
Part.ActionProc - Interface in
partAreaName() - Method in interface
Parted - Class in org.luwrain.linux
Parted(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
Parted(String, Parted.Caller) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
Parted.Caller - Interface in org.luwrain.linux
passwd - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
PASTE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
pastTimeBrief(Date) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
path(Luwrain, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
path(Luwrain, String, String, File, FileAcceptance) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
path(Luwrain, String, String, FileAcceptance) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
Path - Class in org.luwrain.registry
Path(boolean, String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.registry.Path
Path(boolean, String[], String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.registry.Path
PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Settings
PATH - Static variable in interface
PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
PATH - Static variable in interface
PathParser - Class in org.luwrain.registry
PathParser() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.registry.PathParser
PathUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
PathUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.PathUtils
PAUSED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.State
pauseResume() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
PCI - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice.Type
PdfChar - Class in
PdfCharsExtractor - Class in
PdfCharsExtractor() - Constructor for class
PdfPage - Class in
PdfPage(int, PdfChar[]) - Constructor for class
performed - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
permission(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
PermissionHook - Class in org.luwrain.script.hooks
PermissionHook(HookContainer) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.hooks.PermissionHook
personal - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.AddressObj
PERSONAL_INFO_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
PHONE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
PICTURE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
PimException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.pim
PimException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.pim.PimException
PimException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.pim.PimException
PimException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.pim.PimException
PimObjFactory - Class in org.luwrain.pim
PimObjFactory() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.PimObjFactory
PINK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
Place - Class in
PLAIN - Static variable in class
play(File, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.SoundIcons
play(URL, MediaResourcePlayer.Params) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Instance
play(Sounds, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.SoundIcons
play(Playlist, int, long, Set<Player.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
Starts playing of the specified playlist.
playBackground(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.Manager
playBackground(BkgSounds) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.Manager
Player - Class in
Player - Interface in org.luwrain.player
Player() - Constructor for class
Player.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.player
Player.Result - Enum Class in org.luwrain.player
Player.State - Enum Class in org.luwrain.player
playFromMsec - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Params
PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
PLAYING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.State
Playlist - Interface in org.luwrain.player
playlistAreaName() - Method in interface
playSound - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
playSound(File) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
playSound(Sounds) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
playSound(Sounds) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
playSound(Sounds) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
playSound(Sounds) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
/** Plays one of the system sounds.
playTrack(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
PLURAL - Enum constant in enum class
pop() - Method in class
Pop3 - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto
Pop3 - Class in org.luwrain.pim.workers
Pop3(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
Pop3(Account) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto.Pop3
POP3 - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account.Type
Pop3.ExtData - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto
PopularMailServer - Class in
PopularMailServer() - Constructor for class
PopularMailServer.Service - Class in
PopularServers - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail
PopularServers() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.PopularServers
popup(Popup) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
popup(Popup) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
popup(Popup) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
popup(Popup) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Popup - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Provides all necessary additional data about the area shown to user in model mode.
POPUP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
POPUP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
POPUP_LIST_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Suggestions
Popup.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
Popup.Position - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
PopupClosingTranslator - Class in org.luwrain.popups
Unifies all actions which could result in closing of a popup.
PopupClosingTranslator(PopupClosingTranslator.Provider) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
PopupClosingTranslator.Provider - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormUtils.FixedListChoosing
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.CommanderPopup
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
popupFlags - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
popups - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
Popups - Class in org.luwrain.popups
Popups() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
PopupsObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
port - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
portMustBeGreaterZero() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
portNotNumber() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.mail.Strings
pos - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
pos - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
pos - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
pos() - Method in class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
POS - Enum Class in org.luwrain.nlp
PositionedAnswer(String, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.PositionedAnswer
posTo - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.DeleteFragmentChange
posX - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
posY - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
poweroff() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
poweroff(String) - Method in class
poweroff(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Disk
poweroff(Set<DisksPopup.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Disk
PRAE - Enum constant in enum class
precisely - Variable in class
precisely() - Method in class
prefHeight(double) - Method in class org.luwrain.graphical.ResizableCanvas
prefix - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
prefWidth(double) - Method in class org.luwrain.graphical.ResizableCanvas
prepareApp(String[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Shortcut
prepareApp(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcut
prepareLocation(String) - Static method in class
prepareLocation(CommanderUtilsVfs.Model, String) - Static method in class
prepareText() - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
prepareText() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
preprocess() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TableCell
preprocess(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement.TextPreprocessor
prev(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptParserBase
Whether the previous token value equals to @param str
PREV - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
PREV_PARAGRAPH - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
PREV_SECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
PREV_SECTION_SAME_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
prevTrack() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
priority - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.binder.Case
process() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlockGeom
process(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocks
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AnnotationProcessor
process(N) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
ProcessCloseBrace() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
processed(int, long) - Method in interface org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils.Progress
processEventResponse(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.speech.SpeakingText
ProcessGroup - Class in org.luwrain.linux
ProcessGroup() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.ProcessGroup
ProcessOpenBrace() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
processPropItem(String, String, I18nExtension, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
processRegular(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.speech.SpeakingText
ProcessStringLiteral() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
PROGRAMMING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.SpeakableTextType
progress - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
progress(float) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
ProgressArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
ProgressArea(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ProgressArea
ProgressArea(ControlContext, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ProgressArea
ProgressArea(ControlContext, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ProgressArea
ProgressListener - Interface in org.luwrain.player
Project - Class in
Project - Interface in
Represents a common information about a LUWRAIN Studio project.
Project() - Constructor for class
ProjectBase - Class in
ProjectBase() - Constructor for class
ProjectBaseLayout - Class in
ProjectFactory - Class in
ProjectFactory(IDE) - Constructor for class
ProjectImpl - Class in
ProjectImpl() - Constructor for class
ProjectType - Class in
ProjectType(String, int, String) - Constructor for class
ProjectWizard - Class in
PROP_DIR_DATA - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
PROP_DIR_JS - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
PROP_DIR_SOUNDS - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
PROP_DIR_USERHOME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
properties - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.PropertiesObj
PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class
propertiesAreaCharset(String) - Method in interface
propertiesAreaContentType(String) - Method in interface
propertiesAreaFormat(String) - Method in interface
propertiesAreaName() - Method in interface
propertiesAreaUrl(String) - Method in interface
PropertiesBase - Interface in org.luwrain.core
PropertiesFiles - Class in
PropertiesFiles() - Constructor for class
PropertiesObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
PropertiesObj(Properties) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.PropertiesObj
PropertiesProvider - Interface in org.luwrain.core
PropertiesProvider.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
PropertiesProvider.Listener - Interface in org.luwrain.core
PropertiesProxy - Class in org.luwrain.i18n
PropertiesProxy() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.i18n.PropertiesProxy
props - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
PROTECTED_RESOURCE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
provider - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator
provider - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator
provider - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
provider(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
ProviderHook - Class in org.luwrain.script.hooks
ProviderHook(HookContainer) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ProviderHook
ptsname(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
PUBLIC - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider.Flags
publicTransportRoutesInTheCity(String) - Method in class
publicTransportStopsOnStreet(String, String) - Method in class
publicTransportStopsRouteInTheCity(String, int) - Method in class
PUNC - Enum constant in enum class
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.WordWrapCorrector
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
Puts one or several characters at some position.
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
putChars(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditAreaObj
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.HotPointObj
putMember(String, Value) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject


query - Variable in class
quit - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
QUOTED_PRINTABLE - Static variable in class


Rain() - Constructor for class
RANDOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Flags
RangeUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
RangeUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.RangeUtils
read(Reader) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader
READ - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.MessageMetadata.State
READ - Static variable in class
READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider.Flags
READ_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Flags
readAllBytes(InputStream) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils
readDirectory(File, File) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
ReaderArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderArea(ControlContext, ReaderArea.Announcement) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
ReaderArea(ControlContext, ReaderArea.Announcement, Document, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
ReaderArea(ReaderArea.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
ReaderArea.Announcement - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderArea.ClickHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderArea.ListeningInfo - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderArea.Params - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderArea.State - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderArea.Transition - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderArea.Transition.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
ReaderTokenizer - Class in
ReaderTokenizer(Reader) - Constructor for class
readFeed(URL) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.FeedUtils
readSourceFile(File) - Method in class
readStringResource(Class, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.ResourceUtils
readTextFile - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
readTextFileAsString(File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
readTextFileAsString(File, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
readTextFileMultipleStrings(File, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
readTextFileSingleString(File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
readTextFileSingleString(File, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
READY - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.State
rebuildView(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
RED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
redo(MutableLines) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.AddLine
redo(MutableLines) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.Command
redo(MutableLines) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.RemoveLine
redraw() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
redraw() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
Redraws content and updates hot point position.
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ListModelAdapter
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
refresh() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Model
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
Refreshes the content of the list.
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ArrayModel
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FixedModel
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ListModel
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea
refresh() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.TableArea.Model
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
refresh() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Model
refresh(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
REFRESH - Enum constant in enum class
refreshNode(TreeArea.Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
refreshSectionsTree() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.ControlPanel
REGION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaTextType
REGION_POINT - Enum constant in enum class
REGION_POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
REGION_TEXT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Params
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
regionPoint - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
RegionPoint - Class in org.luwrain.controls
RegionPoint() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
RegionPointShift - Class in org.luwrain.controls
RegionPointShift(AbstractRegionPoint, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
RegionTextQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
RegionTextQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.RegionTextQuery
regionTextQueryTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit
regionTextQueryTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
regionTextQueryTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
regionTextQueryTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
regionTextQueryTranslator - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
RegionTextQueryTranslator - Class in org.luwrain.controls
RegionTextQueryTranslator(RegionTextQueryTranslator.Provider, AbstractRegionPoint, Set<RegionTextQueryTranslator.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator
RegionTextQueryTranslator.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.controls
RegionTextQueryTranslator.Provider - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
registerExtObj(ExtensionObject) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Registers new extension object.
registry - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
Registry - Interface in org.luwrain.core
registryDirReady() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.util.UserProfile
RegistryException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.core
RegistryException(Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.core.RegistryException
RegistryException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.core.RegistryException
RegistryException(String, Exception) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.core.RegistryException
RegistryImpl - Class in org.luwrain.registry.fsdir
RegistryImpl - Class in org.luwrain.registry.mem
RegistryImpl() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
RegistryImpl(Path) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
RegistryProxy - Class in org.luwrain.core
RegistryProxy() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.RegistryProxy
RegistryUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
RegistryUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.RegistryUtils
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AnnouncementType
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.packs.Pack.Type
REGULAR - Enum constant in enum class
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ClickHandler.Result
REJECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputHandler.Result
RelatedTopic() - Constructor for class
Relation - Class in
Relation(long, Map<String, String>, List<Element>) - Constructor for class
RelationDto - Class in
RelationDto() - Constructor for class
RelationMemberDto - Class in
RelationMemberDto() - Constructor for class
relativize(File, File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
REMOTE - Enum constant in enum class
REMOVABLE - Enum constant in enum class
remove(long) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MutableLinesArray
remove(E) - Method in interface
removeAttachmentByLineIndex(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
removeChangesListener(Runnable) - Method in class
removeFromModel(int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.EditableListArea.Model
removeFromModel(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
removeIsoControlChars(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
removeItemByName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
removeItemOnLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
removeLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
removeLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
removeLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
removeLine(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
removeLine(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
RemoveLine(MutableLines, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.RemoveLine
removeListener(Log.Listener) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Log
removeListener(Listener) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
replaceIsoControlChars(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
replaceIsoControlChars(String, char) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
replaceStr(String, String) - Method in class
replaceWord(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.util.TextFragmentUtils
requery() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
reread(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
reread(String, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
res - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
res - Variable in class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
The result with new text dividing
reset() - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
reset() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.AbstractRegionPoint
reset() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
reset() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
reset() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
reset(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
reset(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
reset(String[]) - Method in interface
resetHotPoint() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
resetHotPoint(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
ResizableCanvas - Class in org.luwrain.graphical
ResizableCanvas() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.graphical.ResizableCanvas
ResizableCanvas(int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.graphical.ResizableCanvas
resource() - Element in annotation interface org.luwrain.core.annotations.ResourceStrings
ResourceStrings - Annotation Interface in org.luwrain.core.annotations
ResourceStringsObj - Class in org.luwrain.i18n
ResourceStringsObj(Luwrain, ClassLoader, Class, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.i18n.ResourceStringsObj
ResourceUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
ResourceUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.ResourceUtils
Response() - Constructor for class
result - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
result - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
result - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup
result - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
result - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
result() - Method in class
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.CcEditPopup
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
result() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
Result() - Constructor for class
Result() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result
Result() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result
Result(MediaResourcePlayer.Result.Type) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result
Result(Channel.Result.Type) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result
Result(Channel.Result.Type, Exception) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result
results - Variable in class
RESUMABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Flags
reverseGeocoding(double, double) - Method in class
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper.Position
RIGHT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Position
RIGHT_ALT - Enum constant in enum class
RO - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams.Flags
Role - Interface in org.luwrain.core.roles
RomanNum - Class in org.luwrain.nlp
RomanNum() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.nlp.RomanNum
root - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
root - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
root - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
root - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
root - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
root - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
Root - Class in
Root() - Constructor for class
ROOT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Flags
ROOT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
ROOT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
Row - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
Row - Class in org.luwrain.reader.view
rowParts - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
rowParts - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
rowParts - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
rowParts - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
rows - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
rows - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Layout
rows - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
rows - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
rows - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Layout
rows - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
RU - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.i18n.Lang
RuDefault - Class in org.luwrain.interaction.layouts
RuDefault() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.interaction.layouts.RuDefault
run - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Fragment
run() - Method in interface
run() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Launch
run() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.WavePlayers.Simple
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
run() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
run() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.News
run() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Pop3
run() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
run(Object[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HookContainer.Hook
run(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.MlTagStrip
run(String, Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.TransformerHook
run(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ChainOfResponsibilityHook
run(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.CollectorHook
run(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.NotificationHook
run(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.PermissionHook
run(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ProviderHook
run(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ProcessGroup
run(HookContainer, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.ChainOfResponsibilityHook
run(Value[], CompletableFuture<Object>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.script.AsyncFunction
Run - Interface in
Run - Interface in org.luwrain.reader
runAsync(Runnable) - Static method in class org.luwrain.graphical.FxThread
runBeginsAt(Run) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
runBeginsAt(Run) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Row
runBeginsAt(Run) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
runBeginsAt(Run) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Row
runCommand(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
runForArrays(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.hooks.CollectorHook
runHook(HookContainer.Hook) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HookContainer.HookRunner
runHook(HookContainer.Hook) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.speech.SpeakingHook
runHook(Luwrain, String, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.i18n.PropertiesProxy
runHooks(String, HookContainer.HookRunner) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
runHooks(String, HookContainer.HookRunner) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
runHooks(String, HookContainer.HookRunner) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ExtensionsManager
runHooks(String, HookContainer.HookRunner) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HookContainer
runHooks(String, HookContainer.HookRunner) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
runHooks(String, HookContainer.HookRunner) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
runLaterSync(Callable) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Status
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Job.Status
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Status
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class
runPost(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
runPre(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
runs - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Paragraph
runs - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
runSync(Runnable) - Static method in class org.luwrain.graphical.FxThread
runTask(TaskCancelling.TaskId, AppBase.TaskRunnable) - Method in class
runUiSafely(Runnable) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
runUiSafely(Runnable) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
runUiSafely(Runnable) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
runUiSafely(Runnable) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
runWorker(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
RuSpellChecker - Class in
RuSpellChecker(Luwrain) - Constructor for class
RW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams.Flags


sameCharString(char, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
save() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.roles.TextEditor
save() - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion
save() - Method in class
save() - Method in class
save() - Method in class
save() - Method in class
save() - Method in interface
save() - Method in class
save(ContactsFolder, Contact) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Contacts
save(ContactsFolder, ContactsFolder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolders
save(Folder, MailMessage) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.MailMessages
save(MediaResource[]) - Method in class
save(NewsGroup) - Method in interface
save(NewsGroup, NewsArticle) - Method in interface
SAVE - Enum constant in enum class
saveBlock(B) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.BlocksCollector
saveBlock(WebKitBlock) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
saveCase(Case) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.BinderStoring
saveCommand(UndoLines.Command) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
saveLines(File, Lines) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.LinesSaver
saveMessage - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
saveMessage(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Listener
saveProperties() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Folder
saveSectionData() - Method in interface org.luwrain.cpanel.SectionArea
saveSectionData() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.Area
saveThePassword() - Method in interface
saveToByteArray(Message) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections
saveToClipboard(ListArea<E>, ListArea.Model<E>, ListArea.Appearance<E>, int, int, Clipboard) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.ClipboardSaver
saveToClipboard(ListArea<E>, ListArea.Model<E>, ListArea.Appearance<E>, int, int, Clipboard) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultClipboardSaver
say(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
say(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
say(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
say(String, Sounds) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
say(String, Sounds) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
say(String, Sounds) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
sayLetter(char) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
sayLetter(char) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
sayLetter(char) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
sayStaticStr(LangStatic) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
sayStaticStr(LangStatic) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
sayStaticStr(LangStatic) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
scan() - Method in class
scanningInProgress() - Method in interface
screenHeight - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
screenWidth - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
ScriptCallable - Interface in org.luwrain.core
ScriptCore - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
ScriptCore(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
ScriptCore(Luwrain, Bindings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
ScriptCore(Luwrain, InternalCoreFuncs, Bindings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptCore
ScriptException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.script.core
ScriptException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptException
ScriptException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptException
ScriptExtension - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
ScriptExtension(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.ScriptExtension
ScriptFile - Class in org.luwrain.core
ScriptFile(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ScriptFile
ScriptSource - Class in org.luwrain.core
ScriptSource() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ScriptSource
ScriptText - Class in org.luwrain.core
ScriptText(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.ScriptText
ScriptUtils - Class in org.luwrain.script
ScriptUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.ScriptUtils
SCSI - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
search(String) - Method in class
search(Iterator.Matching, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
search(Iterator.Matching, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
Search - Class in org.luwrain.core
Search - Class in
Search() - Constructor for class
Search(Area, Core, AreaWrapperFactory.Disabling) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Search
SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
SEARCH - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
searchAreaName() - Method in interface
searchAsync(String) - Method in class
searchAsync(String, Consumer<Object>) - Method in class
searchBackward(Iterator.Matching) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
searchBackward(Iterator.Matching, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
searchBackward(Iterator.Matching) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
searchBackward(Iterator.Matching, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
searchForward(Iterator.Matching) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
searchForward(Iterator.Matching, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
searchForward(Iterator.Matching) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
searchForward(Iterator.Matching, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
Searx - Class in
Searx() - Constructor for class
Searx.Item - Class in
Searx.Response - Class in
searxngUrls - Static variable in class
SECOND_INSTANCE_PERMITTED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.MonoApp.Result
secondAnswerCheck() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
Section - Class in org.luwrain.reader
Section - Interface in org.luwrain.cpanel
Section(int, String, String) - Constructor for class
SECTION - Enum constant in enum class
SECTION - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
SectionArea - Interface in org.luwrain.cpanel
sectionName() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Strings
sectionsAreaName() - Method in interface
select(int, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
Selects the item by its index.
select(E, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
Searches for the item in the model and sets hot point on it.
selected() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
selected() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
Returns the object in the model corresponding to current hot point position.
selected() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
SELECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
selectedIndex() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
The index of the item in the model which is under the hot point in this list.
selectedListItem - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
selectEmptyLastLine() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
selectEmptyLineBottom(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
selectFirstItem() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
selectObject(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
send() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols.Smtp
send(byte[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections
sendBroadcastEvent(SystemEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
sendingMessage(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
sendInputEvent(InputEvent) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
sendQuery(String) - Method in class
sendQueryToNominatim(String) - Method in class
sent - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols.Smtp.Result
SENTENCE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaTextType
SentenceIterator - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader
SentenceIterator(Iterator, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
sentFolder() - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Strings
Service() - Constructor for class
set(int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.AbstractRegionPoint
set(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
set(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPoint
set(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
set(long, Value) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MutableLinesArray
set(E[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
set(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
set(Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Clipboard
setActivatedCorrector(MultilineEditCorrector) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
setActiveArea(Area) - Method in class
setActiveArea(Area) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
Sets the new active area of the application.
setAlert(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setAnnouncement(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setAppName(String) - Method in class
setAppName(String) - Method in class
setAreaLayout(LayoutBase) - Method in class
setAreaLayout(AreaLayout.Type, Area, LayoutBase.Actions, Area, LayoutBase.Actions) - Method in class
setAreaLayout(AreaLayout.Type, Area, LayoutBase.Actions, Area, LayoutBase.Actions, Area, LayoutBase.Actions) - Method in class
setAreaLayout(Area, LayoutBase.Actions) - Method in class
setAreaName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
setAreaName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
setAreaName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
setAreaName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
setAssociatedObject(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
setAttention(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in class
setAttributes(Attributes) - Method in class
setBasicArea(Area) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
setBasicLayout(AreaLayout) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
setBkgColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setBkgColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setBkgColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setBlocked(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setBlocks(Block[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
setBlue(float) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
setBName(String) - Method in class
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
setCalendar(Calendar) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CalendarArea
setCancel(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setCc(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
setChangeListeners(List<EditArea.ChangeListener>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
setCharset(String) - Method in class
setCharsets(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.I18n
setChatMessage(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setClickHandler(CommanderArea.ClickHandler<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
setClickHandler(TableClickHandler) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
setClickHandler(TreeArea.ClickHandler) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
setCloseHandler(LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Method in class
setCollapsed(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setCommanderComparator(Comparator<CommanderArea.NativeItem<E>>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
setCommanderFilter(CommanderArea.Filter<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
setCommanderLocation(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setConsoleClickHandler(ConsoleArea.ClickHandler<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
setConsoleInputHandler(ConsoleArea.InputHandler) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
setConsoleParams(ConsoleArea.Params<E>) - Method in interface
setContentType(String) - Method in class
setCopied(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setCurrentRowIndex(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
setCut(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setDefaultCorrector(MultilineEditCorrector) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
setDefaultMailAddress(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.PersonalInfo
setDefaultWifiNetwork(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings.Network
setDeleted(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setDesirableFontSize(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
setDesirableFontSize(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
setDesktopContent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
setDesktopEscapeCommand(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
setDesktopItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setDesktopTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
setDestFile(String) - Method in interface
setDocSection(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setDocument(Document, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
setDone(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setEdit(MultilineEdit, MultilineEditCorrector) - Method in class
setEditParams(EditArea.Params) - Method in interface
setEmbeddedEditLine(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
setEmbeddedEditLine(int, int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEditLines
setEmbeddedEditLine(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
setEmbeddedEditLine(int, int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
setEmptyLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Braille
setEndOfLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setEnteredText(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
setError(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setErrorInfo(String) - Method in interface
setEventConsumer(EventConsumer) - Method in interface org.luwrain.interaction.KeyboardHandler
setEventNotProcessed(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setEventResponse(EventResponse) - Method in class
setEventResponse(EventResponse) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
setEventResponse(EventResponse) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
setEventResponse(EventResponse) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
setEventResponse(EventResponse) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
setExpanded(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setFatal(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setFilePopupSkipHidden(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
setFileSize(Task, long) - Method in class
setFileSize(Task, long) - Method in interface
setFont2ColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setFont2ColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setFont2ColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setFontColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setFontColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setFontColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setFontName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setFromPos(int) - Method in class
setFullName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.PersonalInfo
setGeneralTime(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setGreen(float) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
setGroupId(int) - Method in class
setGroups(String) - Method in interface
setHomePage(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
setHotPoint(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
Sets the hot point to the new position.
setHotPoint(int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
setHotPoint(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
setHotPointX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
setHotPointX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
setHotPointX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
setHotPointX(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit.Model
setHotPointX(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPointControl
setHotPointX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
setHotPointY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
setHotPointY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.NavigationArea
setHotPointY(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.HotPointControl
setHotPointY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
setHrefs(String[]) - Method in class
setHrefs(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
setHttpProxyHost(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
setHttpProxyLogin(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
setHttpProxyPassword(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
setHttpProxyPort(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
setImportance(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
setInfo(String, List<String>) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
setInitialFontSize(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setInput(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
setInputPrefix(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea
setInteger(String, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
setInteger(String, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
setInteger(String, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
setIntroApp(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setIntroPopup(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setIntroRegular(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setItems(E[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultEditableModel
setItems(E[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FixedModel
setJavaScriptEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
setKeyboardLayout(KeyboardLayout) - Static method in class
setKeys() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.HotKeyEntry
setKeys(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.HotKey
setLeafClickHandler(TreeListArea.LeafClickHandler) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
setLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
setLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
setLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
setLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
setLine(int, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
setLine(int, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
setLine(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
setLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit.Model
setLineMarks(int, LineMarks) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
setLineMarks(int, LineMarks) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
setLineMarks(int, LineMarks) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableMarkedLines
setLineMasterGanePercent(SourceDataLine, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.SoundUtils
setLines(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
setLines(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
setLines(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
setLines(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
setLines(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
setLines(String[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
setListClickHandler(ListArea.ClickHandler) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
setListClickHandler(ListArea.ClickHandler<E>) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea
setListener(PropertiesProvider.Listener) - Method in class
setListener(PropertiesProvider.Listener) - Method in class
setListener(PropertiesProvider.Listener) - Method in class
setListener(PropertiesProvider.Listener) - Method in class
setListener(PropertiesProvider.Listener) - Method in class
setListener(PropertiesProvider.Listener) - Method in class
setListener(PropertiesProvider.Listener) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider
setListeningEngineName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setListeningEngineParams(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setListeningPitch(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setListeningRate(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setListItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setListParams(ListArea.Params<E>) - Method in interface
setLocalHotPointX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
setLocalHotPointY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.CenteredArea
setMainEngineName(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setMainEngineParams(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setMainMenu(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setMainMenuContent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
setMainMenuEmptyLine(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setMainMenuItem(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setMarginBottom(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setMarginLeft(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setMarginRight(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setMarginTop(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setMessage(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setMessageLineLen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Settings
setName - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
setName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
setName(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
setName(String) - Method in class
setName(String) - Method in class
setNameImpl(Value[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
setNeedsToBeUpdated(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocks
setNewOffset(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit
setNextGroupId(int) - Method in interface
setNoApplications(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setNoContent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setNodeHeight(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
setNodeHeight(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
setNodeWidth(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
setNodeWidth(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
setNodeX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
setNodeX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
setNodeY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
setNodeY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
setNoItemsAbove(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setNoItemsBelow(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setNoLinesAbove(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setNoLinesBelow(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setOffset(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.EmbeddedEdit.ShiftedRegionPoint
setOffset(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
setOffsetX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
setOffsetX(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
setOffsetY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.HotPointShift
setOffsetY(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.RegionPointShift
setOk(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setOkHandler(LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Method in class
setParagraph(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setParentNode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
setParentNode(Node) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
setParentNode(Node) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
setPassword(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.linux.Settings.WifiNetwork
setPaste(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setPath(String) - Method in class
setPersonalName(String) - Method in interface
setpgid(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
setPitch(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setPitch(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.SyncParams
setPosMsec(long) - Method in class
setPredefined(InteractionParamColor.Predefined) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
setPriority(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.StoredCase
setProjectFile(File) - Method in class
setProjName(String) - Method in class
setProjName(String) - Method in class
setProperty - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.PropertiesObj
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
setRate(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SpeechParams
setRate(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.SyncParams
setRed(float) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor
setRegionPoint(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setResult(MultilineEdit.ModificationResult) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
setRoot(Folder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.FolderDAO
setRootFolder(TexFolder) - Method in class
setRootFolder(Folder) - Method in class
setRowParts(RowPart[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
setRowParts(RowPart[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
setRuns(Run[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Paragraph
setSavePosition(boolean) - Method in class
setSearch(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setSelected(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setShutdown(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setsid() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
setSignature(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.PersonalInfo
setSocksHost(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
setSocksPort(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.Network
setSourceFiles(List<TexSourceFile>) - Method in class
setSplitterColorBlue(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setSplitterColorGreen(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setSplitterColorRed(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setStartup(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setStatus(boolean) - Method in class
setStatus(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.StoredCase
setStatus(String) - Method in interface
setString(String, String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
setString(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.fsdir.RegistryImpl
setString(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.mem.RegistryImpl
setStringArray(Registry, String, String[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.RegistryUtils
setSubfolders(List<TexFolder>) - Method in class
setSubfolders(List<Folder>) - Method in class
setSubnodes(Node[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
setTableCell(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setTabProcessing(boolean) - Method in class
setTakesMultiple(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.FileTypeAppInfo
setTakesUrls(boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.FileTypeAppInfo
setTermBell(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setTexFiles(List<TexSourceFile>) - Method in class
setText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion.Exclusion
setText(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
setText(String, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
settHomePage() - Method in interface
setTimeZone(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.DateTime
Settings - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings - Interface in
Settings - Interface in org.luwrain.linux
Settings - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail
Settings - Interface in
Settings - Interface in org.luwrain.pim
Settings - Interface in org.luwrain.settings.browser
Settings - Interface in
Settings.BackgroundSounds - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.Braille - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.DateTime - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.Entry - Interface in
Settings.FileTypeAppInfo - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.HotKey - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.I18n - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.InteractionParams - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.MailFolders - Interface in org.luwrain.pim
Settings.MainMenuSection - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.Network - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.Network - Interface in org.luwrain.linux
Settings.PersonalInfo - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.SoundScheme - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.SpeechParams - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.UserInterface - Interface in org.luwrain.core
Settings.WifiNetwork - Interface in org.luwrain.linux
SettingsFactory - Class in org.luwrain.settings.browser
SettingsFactory(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.settings.browser.SettingsFactory
setTitle - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.MessageObj
setTitle(String) - Method in class
setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.MainMenuSection
setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.binder.StoredCase
setTo(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea
setToPos(int) - Method in class
setTrackNum(int) - Method in class
setTreeParams(TreeArea.Params) - Method in interface
settRunJavaScript() - Method in interface
settSectionName() - Method in interface
settUserAgent() - Method in interface
setType(String) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class
setType(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion.Exclusion
setType(Album.Type) - Method in class
setType(FileType.Type) - Method in class
setUniRefs(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.MainMenuSection
setUnselected(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.SoundScheme
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUrl(String) - Method in interface
setUrl(String) - Method in class
setUserAgent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.Settings
setUserAgent(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Settings
setUseStrictDefault(boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.antlr.js.JavaScriptLexerBase
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(String) - Method in class
setVoice(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
setVolume(int) - Method in class
setVolume(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Instance
setVolume(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
setWindowHeight(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setWindowLeft(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setWindowTitle(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.UserInterface
setWindowTop(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
setWindowWidth(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings.InteractionParams
Sha1 - Class in org.luwrain.util
Sha1() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.Sha1
SHARED_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
SHIFT - Enum constant in enum class
SHIFT - Enum constant in enum class
shiftPressed - Variable in class
Shortcut - Interface in org.luwrain.core
SHORTCUT - Enum constant in enum class
shortcutName - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcut
shortcutName - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcutCommand
shouldContinue - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.PopupClosingTranslator
show - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj.FrameObj
show(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutSwitch
show(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate.ButtonDelegate
show(WizardArea.Frame) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
showGraphical(Interaction.GraphicalMode) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
showGraphical(Interaction.GraphicalMode) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
showGraphical(Interaction.GraphicalMode) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
showWizard(LayoutBase) - Method in interface
shutdown() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.DiaryPersistence
shutdown() - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.MailPersistence
SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
sigprocmask(int, IntByReference, IntByReference) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
silence() - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
silence() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
silence() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
silence() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
silence() - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
Simple - Class in
Simple(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.WavePlayers.Simple
Simple(String, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.WavePlayers.Simple
Simple(String, File, Value, Object) - Constructor for class
SimpleArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
{code Area} interface implementation with internal lines storing.
SimpleArea(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
SimpleArea(ControlContext, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
SimpleArea(ControlContext, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
SimpleEditPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
Shows a popup for input of single line of text.
SimpleEditPopup(Luwrain, String, String, String, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
SimpleElement - Class in org.luwrain.cpanel
SimpleElement(Element, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleElement
SimpleObjFactory - Class in org.luwrain.core
SimpleObjFactory(String, String, Supplier<Object>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.SimpleObjFactory
SimpleSection - Class in org.luwrain.cpanel
SimpleSection(Element, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
SimpleSection(Element, String, SimpleSection.AreaFactory) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
SimpleSection(Element, String, SimpleSection.AreaFactory, Action[], SimpleSection.ActionHandler) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
SimpleSection.ActionHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.cpanel
SimpleSection.AreaFactory - Interface in org.luwrain.cpanel
SimpleShortcut - Class in org.luwrain.core
SimpleShortcut(String, Class) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcut
SimpleShortcutCommand - Class in org.luwrain.core
SimpleShortcutCommand(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcutCommand
SimpleShortcutCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.SimpleShortcutCommand
SINGLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout.Type
SINGLE - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
SINGLE_DOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
SINGLE_UP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
SingleFileBook - Class in
SingleFileProject - Class in
SingleFileProject(IDE, File, Part) - Constructor for class
SingleLineEdit - Class in org.luwrain.controls
Implementation of editing behaviour for the line of text.
SingleLineEdit(ControlContext, SingleLineEdit.Model, AbstractRegionPoint) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.SingleLineEdit
SingleLineEdit.Model - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
SINGULAR - Enum constant in enum class
SKIP_HIDDEN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Flags
skipHidden - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Model
skipInitialForward(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.SentenceIterator
skippingFetchingFromDisabledAccount(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Strings
SKYPE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
Smtp - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols
Smtp - Class in org.luwrain.pim.workers
Smtp(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
Smtp(Control) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.workers.Smtp
Smtp(Control, Strings) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols.Smtp
SMTP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account.Type
Smtp.Result - Class in org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols
sound - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.ListItem
sound - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Text
sound - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
SOUND - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
SOUND_MP3 - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
SOUND_MP3_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
SOUND_WAVE - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
SOUND_WAVE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
SoundIcons - Class in org.luwrain.core.sound
SoundIcons(Registry, File) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.sound.SoundIcons
Sounds - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
SoundUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
SoundUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.SoundUtils
source - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ArrayModel
source - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleUtils.ListModel
source - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ArrayModel
source - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.ListModel
source - Variable in class
source - Variable in class
Source - Class in
Source(String) - Constructor for class
Source(String[]) - Constructor for class
Source(Lines) - Constructor for class
SPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
SPACE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
SPACE - Enum constant in enum class
SPACES - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
Span() - Constructor for class
spanTree - Variable in class
SpanTree - Class in
SpanTree() - Constructor for class
SpanTree.Span - Class in
speak - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
speak(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
speak(String[]) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.EventResponse.Speech
speak(String[]) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.speech.EventResponseSpeech
speak(String, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
speak(String, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
speak(String, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Speech
speak(String, Sounds) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
speak(String, Channel.Listener, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
Synthesize speech with sending the result to speakers directly.
speakableTextType - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.DefaultEditAreaAppearance
speakableTextType - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultAppearance
speakEventResponse(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Speech
SpeakingHook - Class in org.luwrain.core.speech
SpeakingHook(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.speech.SpeakingHook
SpeakingText - Class in org.luwrain.core.speech
SpeakingText(ExtensionsManager) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.speech.SpeakingText
speakLetter(char) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.EventResponse.Speech
speakLetter(char) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
speakLetter(char) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.speech.EventResponseSpeech
speakLetter(char, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
speakLetter(char, int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
speakLetter(char, int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Speech
speakLetter(char, Channel.Listener, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
special - Variable in class
SPECIAL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
SPECIFIC - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Flags
Speech - Class in
Speech - Class in org.luwrain.core
Speech(Speech) - Constructor for class
SPEECH - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
SPEECH_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
SpeechException - Exception Class in org.luwrain.speech
SpeechException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.luwrain.speech.SpeechException
spell(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.Hunspell
SpellChecker - Interface in org.luwrain.nlp
SpellCheckerFactory - Class in org.luwrain.nlp
SpellCheckerFactory() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellCheckerFactory
spellChecking - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.SpellCheckingEditArea
SpellCheckingEditArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
SpellCheckingEditArea(Luwrain, EditArea.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.SpellCheckingEditArea
SpellExclusion - Class in org.luwrain.nlp
SpellExclusion(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellExclusion
SpellExclusion.Exclusion - Class in org.luwrain.nlp
SPELLING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
SpellProblem - Interface in org.luwrain.nlp
SpellText - Class in org.luwrain.nlp
SpellText(String[], SpellChecker) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.nlp.SpellText
SpellText.Fragment - Class in org.luwrain.nlp
SPLIT_LINE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.IndentationCorrector
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.ActiveCorrector
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.CorrectorChangeListener
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditUtils.EmptyCorrector
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
splitLine(int, int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.Model
Splits the specified line at the specified position.
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.script.controls.EditCorrectorHooks
splitLine(int, int) - Method in class
SplitLineChange(int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.SplitLineChange
splitLinesAnySeparator(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
splitterColor - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
src - Variable in class
srcBottom - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
srcLeft - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
srcRight - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
srcTop - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
srcUrl - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyFileFetching
srcUrl - Variable in class
ssl - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
stackTrace() - Method in interface
Standalone - Class in org.luwrain.core
Standalone(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.Standalone
StandardElements - Class in org.luwrain.cpanel
StandardElements() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
StandardFactory - Class in org.luwrain.settings
StandardFactory(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.settings.StandardFactory
start() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.listening.Listening
start() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.ExecQueues
start(Stage) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.App
startAsync() - Method in class
startDownload(String, String, int, Set<DownloadManager.Flags>) - Method in interface
startDrawSession() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
startDrawSession() - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
startEditing() - Method in class
startEditing() - Method in class
startEditing() - Method in class
startEditing() - Method in class
startEditing() - Method in interface
startEditing() - Method in class
STARTING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
startingMode() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.Manager
startInputEventsAccepting(EventConsumer) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
startInputEventsAccepting(EventConsumer) - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
startLocalDownload(String, String, int, Set<DownloadManager.Flags>) - Method in interface
startSync() - Method in class
STARTUP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
STARTUP - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
State(int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State
State(ListArea.Transition.State.Type) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State
STATIC - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
STATIC_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
staticObject - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Item
staticStr(LangStatic) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ControlContext
staticStr(LangStatic) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.DefaultControlContext
staticStr(LangStatic) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
staticStr(LangStatic) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
staticStr(LangStatic) - Method in interface org.luwrain.i18n.I18n
staticStrings - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
staticStrings - Variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.LangBase
status - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.binder.Case
Status - Class in
Status() - Constructor for class
Status.Clouds - Class in
Status.Coord - Class in
Status.Rain - Class in
Status.Sys - Class in
Status.Weather - Class in
Status.Wind - Class in
statusAreaName() - Method in interface
stepBackward() - Method in class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
stepForward() - Method in class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
stop - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.JobInstanceObj
stop() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
stop() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ErrorJobInstance
stop() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Job
stop() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
stop() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Instance
stop() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.SoundIcons
stop() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
stop() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ProcessGroup
stop() - Method in interface org.luwrain.player.Player
stop(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.EmptyJob
stopBackground() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.Manager
stopInputEventsAccepting() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Interaction
stopInputEventsAccepting() - Method in class org.luwrain.interaction.javafx.JavaFxInteraction
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.State
stopPlaying() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.WavePlayers.Simple
stopStartingMode() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.sound.Manager
StoredCase - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.binder
storing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.CcEditPopup
storing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Model
storing - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
Storing - Class in org.luwrain.pim.contacts.json
Storing - Class in
Storing(File) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.json.Storing
Storing(Registry, NitriteStorage<Article>, ExecQueues, boolean) - Constructor for class
StreamAlbumPropertiesLayout - Class in
StreamAlbumPropertiesLayout(App, Album, LayoutBase.ActionHandler) - Constructor for class
STREAMING - Enum constant in enum class
STREAMING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Flags
StreamUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
StreamUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils
StreamUtils.Interrupting - Interface in org.luwrain.util
StreamUtils.Progress - Interface in org.luwrain.util
strerror(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
strFunc - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.FunctionalClipboardSaver
STRICT_NEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
STRICT_PREV - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
STRING - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Registry
StringAcceptance - Interface in org.luwrain.popups
StringAcceptance.Flags - Enum Class in org.luwrain.popups
stringArg - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEdit.ModificationResult
strings - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
strings - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.Base
strings - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.CcEditPopup
strings - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup.Appearance
strings - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.pim.ChooseMailPopup
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.reader
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.fetching
Strings - Interface in org.luwrain.pim.mail
Strings - Interface in org.luwrain.popups.pim
Strings - Interface in org.luwrain.settings.browser
Strings - Interface in org.luwrain.settings.mail
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
Strings - Interface in
STRINGS_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.luwrain.i18n.I18nExtensionBase
subject - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
subnodes - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class
successfullyDisconnected() - Method in interface
suggest(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.nlp.Hunspell
suggestContentType(File, ContentTypes.ExpectedType) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
suggestContentType(URL, ContentTypes.ExpectedType) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
suggestCorrections(String) - Method in class
suggestCorrections(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.nlp.SpellChecker
suggestCorrectionsPopupName() - Method in interface
suggestion - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultAppearance
suggestion - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.ListItem
suggestion - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
Suggestions - Enum Class in org.luwrain.core
sunrise - Variable in class
sunset - Variable in class
SYMLINK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
SYMLINK_DIR - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
SyncParams() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.SyncParams
SyntaxParams - Class in
SyntaxParams() - Constructor for class
synth(String, OutputStream, AudioFormat, Channel.SyncParams, Set<Channel.Flags>) - Method in interface org.luwrain.speech.Channel
sys - Variable in class
Sys() - Constructor for class
SYS_BLOCK - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.BlockDevices
syscalls - Static variable in class org.luwrain.linux.Linux
Syscalls - Class in org.luwrain.linux
Syscalls() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
Syscalls.Linux_Util_lib - Interface in org.luwrain.linux
SysDevice - Class in org.luwrain.linux
SysDevice.Type - Enum Class in org.luwrain.linux
SysDevicesList - Class in org.luwrain.linux
SysDevicesList(PropertiesBase) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevicesList
SysJob - Class in org.luwrain.linux.lib
SysJob() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.linux.lib.SysJob
SystemEvent - Class in
An event addressed to one or several areas and not related to user input.
SystemEvent(SystemEvent.Code) - Constructor for class
SystemEvent(SystemEvent.Type, SystemEvent.Code) - Constructor for class
SystemEvent(SystemEvent.Type, SystemEvent.Code, String, String) - Constructor for class
SystemEvent.Code - Enum Class in
SystemEvent.Type - Enum Class in
SystemEventObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.core
SystemEventObj(SystemEvent) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.core.SystemEventObj


TAB - Enum constant in enum class
TAB - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TAB - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
Table - Class in
Table - Class in org.luwrain.reader
Table() - Constructor for class
TABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
TABLE_BEGIN_OF_ROW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TABLE_BEGIN_OF_ROW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TABLE_CELL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
TABLE_CELL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
TABLE_END_OF_COL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TABLE_END_OF_COL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TABLE_END_OF_ROW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TABLE_END_OF_ROW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TABLE_NO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TABLE_NO_ROWS_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TABLE_NO_ROWS_ABOVE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TABLE_NO_ROWS_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TABLE_NO_ROWS_BELOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TABLE_ROW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
TableArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
The area class with table behaviour.
TableArea(ControlContext, TableArea.Model) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
TableArea(ControlContext, TableArea.Model, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
TableArea(ControlContext, TableArea.Model, TableArea.Appearance, TableClickHandler, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TableArea
TableArea.Appearance - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TableArea.Model - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TableCell - Class in
TableCell - Class in org.luwrain.reader
TableCell() - Constructor for class
TableClickHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TableRow - Class in
TableRow - Class in org.luwrain.reader
TableRow() - Constructor for class
tabSeq - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
tabSeq - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineEditTranslator
tagName - Variable in class
tagName - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
task - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea
Task - Class in
Task(Task.Callback, URL, File) - Constructor for class
Task.Callback - Interface in
TaskCancelling - Class in
TaskCancelling() - Constructor for class
TaskCancelling.TaskId - Class in
TaskId(long) - Constructor for class
template - Variable in class
tempLayout - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper
TERM_BELL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
TermInfo - Class in org.luwrain.linux
TEX_ARTICLE - Static variable in class
TEX_PRESENTATION - Static variable in class
TexFolder - Class in
TexFolder() - Constructor for class
TexPresentation - Class in
TexPresentation(IDE, File) - Constructor for class
texPresentationGreeting() - Method in interface
texPresentationInputAuthor() - Method in interface
texPresentationInputDate() - Method in interface
texPresentationInputTitle() - Method in interface
texPresentationTitle() - Method in interface
TexProject - Class in
TexProject() - Constructor for class
TexSourceFile - Class in
TexSourceFile() - Constructor for class
TexSourceFile(String, String) - Constructor for class
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.InsertFragmentChange
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Hint
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.ListItem
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Text
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.Answer
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item
text - Variable in class
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.PopupsObj
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.GeomEntry
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Line
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Run
text - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
text() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
text() - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
text() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
text() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Fragment
text(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.FrameDelegate
text(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
text(Luwrain, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
text(Luwrain, String, String, String, StringAcceptance) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
text(Luwrain, String, String, String, StringAcceptance, Luwrain.SpeakableTextType) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
text(Sounds, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
Speak a text with simultaneous sound.
Text(Sounds, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.Text
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes.ExpectedType
TEXT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item.Type
TEXT_HTML_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
TEXT_PLAIN_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
TextAligning - Class in org.luwrain.util
Splits a text preserving lenth of lines not exceeding some given number.
TextAligning(int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.TextAligning
textAttr() - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Run
textAttr() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
TextAttr - Class in org.luwrain.reader
TextAttr() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.TextAttr
TextEditAction - Interface in org.luwrain.controls.edit
TextEditAction - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TextEditing - Interface in
Editing session of a source file for the case when it's a text file.
TextEditingBase - Class in
TextEditingBase(IDE, File) - Constructor for class
TextEditingBase(IDE, File, int, int) - Constructor for class
TextEditingLayout - Class in
TextEditor - Interface in org.luwrain.core.roles
TextExtractorWhole - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
TextExtractorWhole - Class in org.luwrain.reader.view
TextExtractorWhole(int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
TextExtractorWhole(int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.view.TextExtractorWhole
TextFragmentUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
TextFragmentUtils(Lines) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.TextFragmentUtils
textNotEmpty(Luwrain, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.popups.Popups
textPreprocessor - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultAnnouncement
TextRun - Class in
TextRun - Class in org.luwrain.reader
TextRun(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
TextRun(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
TextRun(String, String, Attributes) - Constructor for class
TextRun(String, String, ExtraInfo) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
textUntil(Iterator, int) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
TextUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
TextUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
TexUtils - Class in
TexUtils() - Constructor for class
thumbnail - Variable in class
timezone - Variable in class
title - Variable in class
title - Variable in class
title - Variable in class
title - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.binder.Case
title - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Document
title() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Action
titleCannotBeEmpty() - Method in interface
tls - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.fetching.MailConnections.Params
to - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.MessageArea.Params
toByteArray(MailMessage, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.BinaryMessage
toFile(URL) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.Urls
toggleMark(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
toggleMark(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.MarksInfo
toJson(List<PopularMailServer>) - Static method in class
toJson(List<MessageContentItem>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.MessageContentItem
toJson(DesktopItem[]) - Static method in class
toJson(FileType) - Static method in class
toJson(MainMenuItem[]) - Static method in class
toJsonArray(HotKey[]) - Static method in class
Token - Class in
Token(Token.Type, String) - Constructor for class
Token.Type - Enum Class in
tokenize() - Method in class
tokenize(String) - Static method in class
TokenPlaceholder - Class in
TooManyRequestsException - Exception Class in
TooManyRequestsException() - Constructor for exception class
TooManyRequestsException(String) - Constructor for exception class
TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputPos
TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper.Position
TOP - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Position
TOP_BOTTOM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout.Type
TOP_BOTTOM - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout
toPos - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Fragment
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.InitResult
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.JobsManager.Entry
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ListenableArea.ListeningInfo
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.Answer
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.ScriptFile
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleElement
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleSection
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.disks.Disk
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Parted
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.Contact
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactsFolder
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.diary.persistence.model.Event
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Folder
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.Paragraph
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.reader.TextRun
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountSection
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.settings.mail.accounts.AccountsSection
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.chromite.Element
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Fragment
toString() - Method in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase.Run
total - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.protocols.Smtp.Result
totalMsgCount - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.proto.Pop3.ExtData
toUrl(File) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.Urls
TRACKING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.JobFlags
TRANSFER_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.BinaryMessage
transformer(HookContainer, String, Object) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
TransformerHook - Class in org.luwrain.script.hooks
TransformerHook(HookContainer) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.hooks.TransformerHook
transition - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Params
transition - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
transition - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
transition(ListArea.Transition.Type, ListArea.Transition.State, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition
transition(ListArea.Transition.Type, ListArea.Transition.State, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultTransition
transition(ListArea.Transition.Type, ListArea.Transition.State, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DoubleLevelTransition
transition(ReaderArea.Transition.Type, Iterator) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.DefaultTransition
transition(ReaderArea.Transition.Type, Iterator) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition
Transition(ListArea.Model<Object>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup.Transition
translateSpecial(String) - Static method in class
translator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
translator - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.LegacyMultilineTranslator
TREE_BEGIN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TREE_BRANCH_COLLAPSED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TREE_BRANCH_EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TREE_COLLAPSED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TREE_EMPTY_ITEM - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TREE_END - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
TREE_EXPANDED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TREE_LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TREE_NO_CONTENT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
TreeArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
TreeArea(TreeArea.Params) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea
TreeArea.ClickHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TreeArea.Model - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TreeArea.Node - Class in org.luwrain.controls
TreeArea.Params - Class in org.luwrain.controls
TreeArea.VisibleItem - Class in org.luwrain.controls
treeAreaName() - Method in interface
treeAreaName() - Method in interface
treeItem(EventResponses.TreeItem.Type, String, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
treeItem(EventResponses.TreeItem.Type, String, int, Suggestions) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.DefaultEventResponse
TreeItem(EventResponses.TreeItem.Type, String, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
TreeItem(EventResponses.TreeItem.Type, String, int, Suggestions) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
TreeItem(EventResponses.TreeItem.Type, Sounds, String, int, Suggestions) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
TreeListArea<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
TreeListArea(TreeListArea.Params<E>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeListArea
TreeListArea.Appearance<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
TreeListArea.Collector<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TreeListArea.Frame<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
TreeListArea.LeafClickHandler<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TreeListArea.Model<E> - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
TreeListArea.ModelImpl<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
TreeListArea.Params<E> - Class in org.luwrain.controls
treeParams(LayoutBase.TreeParams<E>) - Method in class
treeRoot() - Method in interface
type - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.Change
type - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State
type - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item
type - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice
type - Variable in class
type - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.Node
type - Variable in class
TYPE_A - Static variable in class
TYPE_ALIAS - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs
TYPE_COMMAND - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs
TYPE_D - Static variable in class
TYPE_EMPTY - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs
TYPE_FILE - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs
TYPE_SECTION - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs
TYPE_STATIC - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs
TYPE_UNIREF - Static variable in class
TYPE_UNIREF - Static variable in class
TYPE_URL - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs


UdisksCli - Class in
UdisksCli() - Constructor for class
UdisksCli(UdisksCli.Caller) - Constructor for class
UdisksCli.Caller - Interface in
UdisksCliMonitor - Class in
UdisksCliMonitor(Luwrain) - Constructor for class
UI - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
UI_PATH - Static variable in interface org.luwrain.core.Settings
UnauthorizedException - Exception Class in
UnauthorizedException() - Constructor for exception class
UnauthorizedException(String) - Constructor for exception class
UNAVAILABLE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
UnavailableException - Exception Class in
UnavailableException() - Constructor for exception class
UnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception class
undo(MutableLines) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.AddLine
undo(MutableLines) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.Command
undo(MutableLines) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines.RemoveLine
UndoLines - Class in org.luwrain.controls
UndoLines(MutableLines) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
UndoLines.AddLine - Class in org.luwrain.controls
UndoLines.Command - Class in org.luwrain.controls
UndoLines.RemoveLine - Class in org.luwrain.controls
UNIREF - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
UNIREF - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaAttr
UNIREF_AREA - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
UNIREF_HOT_POINT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
UNIREF_UNDER_HOT_POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaAttr
UniRefAreaQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
UniRefAreaQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.UniRefAreaQuery
UniRefHotPointQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
UniRefHotPointQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.UniRefHotPointQuery
UniRefInfo - Class in org.luwrain.core
UniRefInfo(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
UniRefInfo(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.UniRefInfo
UniRefProc - Interface in org.luwrain.core
UniRefProcs - Class in org.luwrain.core
UniRefProcs() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.UniRefProcs
UniRefUtils - Class in org.luwrain.core
UniRefUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.UniRefUtils
universalLineSplitting(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice.Type
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes
unloadDynamicExtension(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
unlockpt(int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
unmark(Object) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.ListUtils.DefaultMarksInfo
unmark(Object) - Method in interface org.luwrain.controls.MarkableListArea.MarksInfo
unmount(String) - Method in class
UNORDERED - Enum constant in enum class
UNORDERED_LIST - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
UNSELECTED - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
unsetenv(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT_STARTING_TRACK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Result
update - Variable in class org.luwrain.pim.mail.script.FolderObj
update(EditArea.EditUpdating) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditArea
update(MutableLines) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines.Updating
update(MutableLines.Updating) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableLinesImpl
update(MutableLines.Updating) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.MutableMarkedLinesImpl
update(MutableLines.Updating) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.SimpleArea
update(MutableLines.Updating) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.UndoLines
update(MutableLines.Updating) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.MutableLines
update(MailMessage) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.obsolete.MailMessages
update(Account) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.AccountDAO
update(Folder) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.FolderDAO
update(MessageMetadata) - Method in interface org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.dao.MessageDAO
UpdateEvent - Class in
UpdateEvent() - Constructor for class
updateItems() - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
updateMembersCache() - Method in class org.luwrain.script.core.MapScriptObject
updateMultilineEdit(FormArea.MultilineEditUpdating) - Method in class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea
upload(InputStream, String) - Method in interface
upload(InputStream, String) - Method in class
url - Variable in class
URL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaAttr
URL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaTextType
URL - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
URL_AREA - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
URL_HOT_POINT - Static variable in class org.luwrain.core.AreaQuery
URL_OPEN - Static variable in class org.luwrain.script.Hooks
URL_UNDER_HOT_POINT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaAttr
UrlAreaQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
UrlAreaQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.UrlAreaQuery
urlGet - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
UrlHotPointQuery - Class in org.luwrain.core.queries
UrlHotPointQuery() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.queries.UrlHotPointQuery
UrlLoader - Class in
UrlLoader(Luwrain, URL) - Constructor for class
UrlLoader.Result - Class in
Urls - Class in org.luwrain.util
Urls() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.Urls
urlToFile(String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.UrlUtils
UrlUtils - Class in org.luwrain.util
UrlUtils() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.UrlUtils
USB - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice.Type
used(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.core.CmdLine
USER - Enum constant in enum class
userAgent() - Method in interface org.luwrain.settings.browser.Strings
UserProfile - Class in org.luwrain.core.util
UserProfile(File, File, String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.util.UserProfile
userProfileReady() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.util.UserProfile
useSavedPassword() - Method in interface
UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils


value - Variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.SimpleElement
value - Variable in class
value - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopupUtils.DefaultItem
valueName() - Method in class org.luwrain.registry.Path
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ClickHandler.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputHandler.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputPos
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper.Position
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes.ExpectedType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.HookContainer.HookResult
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.InitResult.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Job.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Log.Level
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AnnouncementType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaAttr
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaTextType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.JobFlags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.SpeakableTextType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.MonoApp.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Position
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Suggestions
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.packs.Pack.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.MessageMetadata.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Result
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Appearance.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.FileAcceptance.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.StringAcceptance.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Flags
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result.Type
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Engine.Features
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ClipboardTranslator.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.ClickHandler.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.EntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.CommanderArea.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputHandler.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ConsoleArea.InputPos
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.edit.MultilineCorrector.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.FormArea.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Appearance.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.State.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.ListArea.Transition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Transition.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.controls.RegionTextQueryTranslator.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayout.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.AreaLayoutHelper.Position
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.ContentTypes.ExpectedType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.EventResponses.TreeItem.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.FileFetcher.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Hint
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.HookContainer.HookResult
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.InitResult.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Job.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Log.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AnnouncementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaAttr
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaTextType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.JobFlags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.SpeakableTextType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Result.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.MonoApp.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Popup.Position
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.PropertiesProvider.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Sounds
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.core.Suggestions
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.ConsoleReader.Item.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.MountParams.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.packs.Pack.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.pim.contacts.ContactValue.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.Account.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.pim.mail.persistence.model.MessageMetadata.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.Result
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.player.Player.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.DisksPopup.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.EditListPopup.Appearance.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.FileAcceptance.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.FilePopup.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.popups.StringAcceptance.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.reader.Node.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Flags
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Channel.Result.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.luwrain.speech.Engine.Features
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Values() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.Values
vendor - Variable in class org.luwrain.linux.SysDevice
VERB - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.nlp.POS
verifyStoring() - Method in class
Version - Class in org.luwrain.packs
Version() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.packs.Version
Version(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.packs.Version
view - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.block.BlockArea
view - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea
view - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.Iterator
view - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.Iterator
View - Class in org.luwrain.controls.block
View - Class in org.luwrain.controls.reader.view
View - Class in org.luwrain.reader.view
View(BlockArea.Appearance, List<Block>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.block.View
View(Document, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.View
View(Document, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.reader.view.View
visibility - Variable in class
visible - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
VisibleItem() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.TreeArea.VisibleItem
visit(ListItem) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
visit(Paragraph) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
visit(Section) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
visit(Table) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
visit(TableCell) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
visit(TableRow) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
visitNode(Node) - Method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
Visitor - Interface in org.luwrain.reader
Voice - Interface in org.luwrain.speech
volume - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.MediaResourcePlayer.Params
Volume - Class in
Volume.Type - Enum Class in
VolumeListener - Interface in org.luwrain.player
VolumesList - Class in
VolumesList() - Constructor for class


waitFor() - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BashProcess
waitForBeProcessed() - Method in class org.luwrain.core.Event
Freezes current thread until this event be processed.
waitpid(int, int[], int) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.Syscalls
walk(Node, Visitor) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.reader.Visitor
warning(String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.core.Log
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Log.Level
wasCancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.EditableListPopup
wasCancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.FormPopup
wasCancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopup2
wasCancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.ListPopupBase
wasCancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.SimpleEditPopup
wasCancelled() - Method in class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
WavePlayers - Class in org.luwrain.core
WavePlayers() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.core.WavePlayers
WavePlayers.Simple - Class in org.luwrain.core
Way - Class in
Way(long, Map<String, String>, List<Node>) - Constructor for class
WayDto - Class in
WayDto() - Constructor for class
WEAK - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.LineMarks.Mark.Type
weather - Variable in class
Weather() - Constructor for class
WebCommand - Class in
WebCommand() - Constructor for class
WebKitBlock - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitBlock(DOMWindowImpl, WebKitGeom, NodeImpl) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlock
WebKitBlockBase - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitBlockBase() - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlockBase
WebKitBlockBase.Fragment - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitBlockBase.Line - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitBlockBase.Run - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitBlocks - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitBlocks(WebEngine) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocks
WebKitBlocksCollector - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitBlocksCollector(WebEngine) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
WebKitGeom - Class in org.luwrain.web
WebKitGeom(WebEngine) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.web.WebKitGeom
WebSearch - Class in
WebSearch(Luwrain) - Constructor for class
webSearchResult - Variable in class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
WebSearchResult - Class in
WebSearchResult(String, WebSearchResult.Item[]) - Constructor for class
WebSearchResult.Item - Class in
WebSearchResultPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
WebSearchResultPopup(Luwrain, String, WebSearchResult, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.WebSearchResultPopup
WebSearchResultPopup.Appearance - Class in org.luwrain.popups
WebSearchResultPopup.Transition - Class in org.luwrain.popups
WHITE - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
width - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.ReaderArea.Params
width - Variable in class org.luwrain.controls.reader.view.NodeBase
width - Variable in class org.luwrain.reader.view.NodeBase
width - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.GeomEntry
WIFI - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.BkgSounds
WifiNetwork - Interface in org.luwrain.linux
wind - Variable in class
Wind() - Constructor for class
window - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.WebKitBlocksCollector
Windows - Class in
Windows() - Constructor for class
WINDOWS - Enum constant in enum class
WITH_SHORTCUT - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.JobLauncher.Flags
withAlt() - Method in class
withAltOnly() - Method in class
withControl() - Method in class
withControlOnly() - Method in class
withShift() - Method in class
withShiftOnly() - Method in class
WizardArea - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea
WizardArea.Frame - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.Values - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.WizardClickable - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.WizardClickHandler - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.WizardInput - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.WizardItem - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.WizardPasswd - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.WizardText - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WizardArea.WizardValues - Interface in org.luwrain.controls
WizardAreaObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.controls
WizardAreaObj(ControlContext, Module, Value) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.script.controls.WizardAreaObj
WizardAreaObj.FrameObj - Class in org.luwrain.script.controls
WizardClickable(String, WizardArea.WizardClickHandler) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardClickable
wizardConfirmationCode() - Method in interface
wizardConfirmationConfirm() - Method in interface
wizardConfirmationIntro() - Method in interface
wizardGreetingIntro() - Method in interface
wizardGreetingLocal() - Method in interface
wizardGreetingRemote() - Method in interface
WizardGroovyController - Class in org.luwrain.controls.wizard
WizardGroovyController(Luwrain, WizardArea) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.wizard.WizardGroovyController
WizardInput(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardInput
wizardLoginConnect() - Method in interface
wizardLoginIntro() - Method in interface
wizardLoginMail() - Method in interface
wizardLoginPasswd() - Method in interface
WizardPasswd(String, String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardPasswd
WizardText(String) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WizardArea.WizardText
wndHeight - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
wndLeft - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
wndTop - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
wndWidth - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParams
Word - Interface in org.luwrain.nlp
WORD - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.Luwrain.AreaTextType
WordIterator - Class in org.luwrain.util
WordIterator(String, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.util.WordIterator
wordWrap(String, int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.TextUtils
WordWrapCorrector(MultilineEditCorrector, int) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.edit.EditCorrectors.WordWrapCorrector
Worker - Interface in org.luwrain.core
WORKERS - Static variable in class org.luwrain.cpanel.StandardElements
wrapCompletableFuture(Context, CompletableFuture<Object>) - Static method in class org.luwrain.script.AsyncUtils
wrapCompletableFuture(Context, CompletableFuture<Object>, Object) - Static method in interface org.luwrain.script.AsyncFunction
WrappingControlContext - Class in org.luwrain.controls
WrappingControlContext(ControlContext) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.controls.WrappingControlContext
writeAllBytes(OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils
writeAllBytes(OutputStream, byte[], int) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.StreamUtils
writeText(String) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Braille
writeText(String) - Method in class org.luwrain.linux.BrlApi
writeTextFile - Variable in class org.luwrain.script.core.LuwrainObj
writeTextFileMultipleStrings(File, String[], String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils
writeTextFileSingleString(File, String, String) - Static method in class org.luwrain.util.FileUtils


x - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.PositionedAnswer
x - Variable in class
x - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.GeomEntry
xGetLoadedSpeechFactories() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
xGetSpeechPitch() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
xGetSpeechRate() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
xQuit() - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
xSetSpeechPitch(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain
xSetSpeechRate(int) - Method in interface org.luwrain.core.Luwrain


y - Variable in class org.luwrain.core.queries.BeginListeningQuery.PositionedAnswer
y - Variable in class
y - Variable in class org.luwrain.web.GeomEntry
YandexDiskClient - Class in
YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.core.InteractionParamColor.Predefined
YES - Enum constant in enum class org.luwrain.i18n.LangStatic
YesNoPopup - Class in org.luwrain.popups
YesNoPopup(Luwrain, String, String, boolean, Set<Popup.Flags>) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.popups.YesNoPopup
YtDlpFileFetcher - Class in org.luwrain.cli
YtDlpFileFetcher(Luwrain) - Constructor for class org.luwrain.cli.YtDlpFileFetcher
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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